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Arun Ravindran edited this page Feb 16, 2015 · 40 revisions

Welcome to the edge!

edge - a rapid, cutting-edge Django project skeleton.



  • Python 3 support - e.g. Uses pathlib for paths in settings
  • Django 1.7 support - e.g. south dependency removed
  • Sign-in, Sign-up and Logouts - Basic user registration and sign-ins using crispy forms
  • Bootstrap bundled - Snazzy Bootstrap 3 based home page and admin out of the box
  • Clean start - Based on Django 1.7 project structure
  • Secrets Secure - Picks SECRET_KEY from environment as a best practice
  • Minimal dependencies - Only essential packages listed in requirements.txt not all recommended ones

Warning: Software is currently beta and bleeding edge.


  • Django programmers are not designers. They need a better starting point say, with Bootstrap.
  • Many project skeletons contain recommended packages making them bloated.
  • None of the project skeletons were Python 3 and Django 1.7 compatible at the time of creating the project.
  • Simple user authentication for rapid prototyping
  • Better layout (a subjective preference) that is intuitive to use.

More details in this blog post

Which packages were included and why?

  • django-environ - By default, settings has environment specific information. This package helps you define such variables in the environment which is more secure.
  • django-crispy-forms - Provides the Sign-in and Sign-up forms.
  • django-braces - Essential set of mixins used for the included views
  • django-admin-bootstrapped - Added Bootstrap 3 theme to the admin

Quick start:

Skip the next set of commands if you know how to create a virtual environment in Python 3:

$ python3.4 -m venv py34env
$ . py34env/bin/activate

Use the following commands but change my_proj at end of first command to the name of your project:

$ pip install django
$ startproject --template= --extension=py,md,html,env my_proj
$ cd my_proj
$ pip install -r requirements.txt 
$ cd src
$ python migrate

Project is on Github:

Customisation Tips:

  1. Brand Name: Edit src/templates/_brandname.html
  2. Logo: Change src/static/site/img/logo.png
  3. Settings: Set environment vars. Move local.env out of git.
  4. CSS: Change src/static/site/css/main.css
  5. Authentication: Use a more complete authentication solution like django-allauth that handle password resets, email ids etc.


=== (2014-09-12) ===

  • Added django-environ and pathlib
  • Added Sign-in, Sign-up, logout functionality.
  • Admin now has bootstrap theme.

=== (2014-09-01) ===

  • initial release


After Log-in

After Log-in

Anonymous Visitor

Anonymous Visitor


Proposed Features

Completed or partially done:

  • Admin themed with bootstrap. Try to have foreign key drop down.
  • Add password reset and change forms
  • Add messages (See simple example )
  • Add crispy forms for bootstrapped forms
  • Sign in, sign out and sign up forms using crispy
  • Include Django Debug toolbar
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