Arizona is a web framework for Erlang.
⚠️ Work in progress.
NOTE: The below is a very brief description of Arizona by just copying some code of the
example project. Please see the project folder for the complete codebase. More info upcoming soon.
% config/sys.config
[{arizona, [
{endpoint, #{
% Routes are plain Cowboy routes.
routes => [
% Static
{"/favicon.ico", cowboy_static, {priv_file, arzex, "static/favicon.ico"}},
{"/robots.txt", cowboy_static, {priv_file, arzex, "static/robots.txt"}},
{"/assets/[...]", cowboy_static, {priv_dir, arzex, "static/assets"}},
% This is the route rendered in the example. It will call
% `arzex_live_counter:render(_Macros = #{})` once to compile the
% route template and store it as a persistent_term and call
% `arzex_live_counter:mount/1` on the first render of the page
% and when the client connects to the server via WebSocket.
{"/", arizona_live_handler, {arzex_live_counter, render, #{}}}
% Recompile the code and refresh the page of the connected WebSocket clients.
live_reload => true
% src/arzex_live_counter.erl
%% arizona_live_view callbacks.
%% mount/1 and render/1 are required, and handle_event/3 is optional.
%% Component functions.
%% Libs.
%% `arizona.hrl` contains the ?ARIZONA_LIVEVIEW macro.
%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%% arizona_live_view callbacks.
%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% mount/1 is called on the first render of the page and when the client
% connects to the server via WebSocket.
mount(#{assigns := Assigns} = Socket) ->
Count = maps:get(count, Assigns, 0),
{ok, arizona_socket:put_assign(count, Count, Socket)}.
% render/1 is called by the route to compile the template.
% Macros substitutes variables.
% render/1 and Macros are resolved once in the compile time.
% The goal of Arizona is to have the most compact and performant
% template as possible. What could be compiled, would be compiled.
render(Macros0) ->
Macros = Macros0#{
title => maps:get(title, Macros0, ~"Arizona")
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
{% Erlang code is defined between curly braces `{}`. }
{% Variables are atoms prefixed with `_@`. That's a merl syntax }
{% and a valid Erlang code. Arizona uses merl under the hood. }
<script src="assets/js/main.js"></script>
{% <.module:function/> tags renders a component. }
{% The attributes are passed as 'Assigns' to the component. }
btn_text="Increment #1"
{% Local functions can be declared as <.function>. }
{% IMPORTANT: Component functions must be exported. }
btn_text="Increment #2"
{% No inner content is rendered by now, but }
{% a slot system is on the Arizona roadmap. }
% Handle client events.
handle_event(<<"incr">>, #{}, #{assigns := Assigns} = Socket) ->
Count = maps:get(count, Assigns) + 1,
{noreply, arizona_socket:put_assign(count, Count, Socket)};
handle_event(<<"decr">>, #{}, #{assigns := Assigns} = Socket) ->
Count = maps:get(count, Assigns) - 1,
{noreply, arizona_socket:put_assign(count, Count, Socket)}.
%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Component functions.
%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
counter(Macros) ->
<div :stateful>
<div>Count: {_@count}</div>
<.button event={_@event} text={_@btn_text} />
button(Macros) ->
{% NOTE: On this example, :onclick is and expression to be }
{% dynamic. It could be just, e.g., :onclick="incr". }
<button type="button" :onclick={arizona_js:send(_@event)}>
// priv/static/assets/js/main.js
"use strict"
const connectParams = { }
arizona.connect(connectParams, () => {"[Client] I'm connected!")
$ rebar3 shell
Arizona is running at
NOTE: Only the minimal data is passed to patch changes.
- Improve tests and documentation;
- Declare macros in HTML attributes;
- Declare event payloads in HTML attributes;
- A slot system for components;
- :if, :for and :case directives;
- JS Hooks;
- Communication between connected clients;
- A bundler plugin to reduce Javascript files. Probably esbuild;
- A Tailwind plugin;
- ...and much more.
If you like this tool, please consider sponsoring me. I'm thankful for your never-ending support ❤️
I also accept coffees ☕
Feel free to submit an issue on Github.
Copyright (c) 2023 William Fank Thomé
Arizona is 100% open-source and community-driven. All components are available under the Apache 2 License on GitHub.
See for more information.