Built by Amy Rippeto
As a student in the Front-End Engineering Program at Turing school of software and design, this was my first project working in the back-end. This was an opportunity to become familiar with building a database with Express, Knex and PostgreSQL and a well documented RESTfulAPI. The focus was on working with a one-to-many relational database schema design as well as using appropriate status codes and error handling.
I created the seed dataset for Breweries, giving each of them an array of relevant beers. This allowed me to implement two seperate tables, related by the brewery id.
Purpose | URL | Verb | Request Body | Sample Success Response |
Get all breweries | /api/v1/breweries |
GET | none | Array of Breweries [{"id": 31, "name": "New Belgium Brewery", "year_est": 1991, "num_locations": 2, "created_at": "2019-11-22T16:12:15.936Z", "updated_at": "2019-11-22T16:12:15.936Z"}] |
Get all beers | /api/v1/beers |
GET | none | { beers: [array of beers]} |
Get a random | /api/v1/beers/random |
GET | none | A single random beer: {"id": 127, "beer": "Dunkel", "style": "German-Style Dark Lager", "abv": "5.6", "ibu": 24, "brewery_id": 50, "created_at": "2019-11-22T16:12:16.010Z", "updated_at": "2019-11-22T16:12:16.010Z"} |
Get all beers for a given brewery | /api/v1/beers/:brewery_id :brewery_id should be replaced with integer id of selected brewery |
GET | none | {[array of beers]} |
Add a brewery | /api/v1/breweries |
POST | Requires: name(string), year_est(integer), num_locations(integer) |
Status Code 201 & { id: added_brewery_id } |
Add a beer | /api/v1/beers |
POST | Requires: beer(string), style(string), abv(integer), ibu(integer), brewery_id(integer) |
201 Status Code & { id: added_beer_id } |
Delete a beer | /api/v1/beers/:id :id should be replaced with integer id of selected beer |
DELETE | none | 202 Status Code & { message: 'Successfully deleted the beer.'} |
Delete a brewery and all of its beers | /api/v1/breweries/:id :id should be replaced with integer id of selected brewery |
DELETE | none | 202 Status Code & { message: 'Successfully deleted brewery and its beers.'} |