Prompt engineering can be a tedious task inaccurate tasks. However, with a formal language (such as python) the prompts are more strutured.
The output of an LLM optimized to predict code is also highly structured.
For example, for the following prompt we would expect the LLM to output a valid array
assert extract_tags("") == [
This simple OpenAI and AI21 wrapper structures the prompt as a python code, then it filters out only the outputs that are valid syntactically.
Using AI21 j2-grande-instruct
from ai21_prompter import ClassificationQuery
cq = ClassificationQuery("ai21_apikey")
print(cq.tag("Tinder", most_common=3))
# output: [("Dating", 4), ("Social", 2), ("hookups", 1)]
print(cq.classify("Gucci sweaters now on sale as stock drops", ["fashion", "sport", "finance"]))
# output: [{"sport": True, "finance": False, "fashion":True}]
Using OpenAI codex
from codex_prompter import ExtrapolationQuery
eq = ExtrapolationQuery("openai_secret")
print(eq.extrapolate_function_value("abbreviate", {"User Id": "userid", "Document id": "docid",}, "time of day"))
# output: ["ToD", "timeofday"]
print(eq.reverse_extrapolate_function("abbreviate", {"User Id": "userid", "Document id": "docid",}, "dow"))
# output: ["Day of week", "definition of work"]