Description: | Django Audio Management Tools |
Maintainer: | Areski |
Contributors: | list of contributors |
Django-Audiofield is a simple app that allows Audio files upload, management and conversion to different audio format (mp3, wav & ogg), which also makes it easy to play audio files into your Django application.
We are using the HTML5 and Flash audio player SoundManager2
Install Django-Audiofield:
python install
Install dependencies on Debian:
apt-get -y install libsox-fmt-mp3 libsox-fmt-all mpg321 dir2ogg ffmpeg
Note: For Debian version 7 (Wheezy) and older, replace ffmpeg with libav-tools
Install dependencies on Redhat/CentOS:
yum -y install python-setuptools libsox-fmt-mp3 libsox-fmt-all mpg321 dir2ogg
Install avconv on Redhat/CentOS:
git clone git:// cd libav sudo ./configure --disable-yasm sudo make sudo make install
in your file:
# Set Following variable MEDIA_ROOT = '' MEDIA_URL = '' In MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES add 'audiofield.middleware.threadlocals.ThreadLocals' In INSTALLED_APPS add 'audiofield' # Frontend widget values # 0-Keep original, 1-Mono, 2-Stereo CHANNEL_TYPE_VALUE = 0 # 0-Keep original, 8000-8000Hz, 16000-16000Hz, 22050-22050Hz, # 44100-44100Hz, 48000-48000Hz, 96000-96000Hz FREQ_TYPE_VALUE = 8000 # 0-Keep original, 1-Convert to MP3, 2-Convert to WAV, 3-Convert to OGG CONVERT_TYPE_VALUE = 0
Add the following lines in your file:
from django.conf import settings from audiofield.fields import AudioField import os.path # Add the audio field to your model audio_file = AudioField(upload_to='your/upload/dir', blank=True, ext_whitelist=(".mp3", ".wav", ".ogg"), help_text=("Allowed type - .mp3, .wav, .ogg")) # Add this method to your model def audio_file_player(self): """audio player tag for admin""" if self.audio_file: file_url = settings.MEDIA_URL + str(self.audio_file) player_string = '<audio src="%s" controls>Your browser does not support the audio element.</audio>' % (file_url) return player_string audio_file_player.allow_tags = True audio_file_player.short_description = ('Audio file player')
Add the following lines in your
from your_app.models import your_model_name # add 'audio_file_player' tag to your admin view list_display = (..., 'audio_file_player', ...) actions = ['custom_delete_selected'] def custom_delete_selected(self, request, queryset): #custom delete code n = queryset.count() for i in queryset: if i.audio_file: if os.path.exists(i.audio_file.path): os.remove(i.audio_file.path) i.delete() self.message_user(request, ("Successfully deleted %d audio files.") % n) custom_delete_selected.short_description = "Delete selected items" def get_actions(self, request): actions = super(AudioFileAdmin, self).get_actions(request) del actions['delete_selected'] return actions
Then perform following commands to create the table and collect the static files:
./ syncdb ./ collectstatic
Create audiofield.log file:
touch /var/log/audio-field.log
If you've found a bug, implemented a feature or customized the template and think it is useful then please consider contributing. Patches, pull requests or just suggestions are welcome!
Source code:
Bug tracker:
Documentation is available on 'Read the Docs':
Django-audiofield is a Star2Billing-Sponsored Community Project, for more information visit or email us at [email protected]
Django-Audiofield is licensed under MIT, see MIT-LICENSE.txt.
- Use pydub ( to lift the audio conversion away from django-audiofield
- integrate with django-storage (
- support more formats