Limestone is a boilerplate SaaS app built with Rails 6 on Ruby 2.7.2 and has an opinionated integration with NPM using Webpacker and Stimulus.
Help decide future features and changes for Limestone with this poll:
Versioning in this repo in intended to maintain and modernize the boilerplate. New versions are not intended to update existing forks, although looking through the commits serves as a good upgrade resource.
v0.1 is Rails 5.2
v0.2 is Rails 6
v0.3 introduces the Pay gem
v0.4 uses ruby 2.7.2
See more in the changelog.
The gemset has been chosen to be modern, performant, and take care of a number of business concerns common to SaaS.
- Free trial begins upon registration without credit card. Number of days is configurable with ENV var.
- Subscription management. Card update form, switch plan form and cancel account button.
- Devise confirmable installed and configured.
- Emails for welcome, receipt, refund, subscription renewing and payment action required.
- letter_opener and letter_opener_web installed and configured. Visit /admin/letter_opener in development to see emails sent.
- Mail sends through Sidekiq with deliver_later for production. Sendgrid is configured and ready to use once your API keys are set in ENV.
- Direct cloud uploading with ActiveStorage. Lazy transform for resizing. Demonstrated with user avatars.
- Icon helper for user avatars with fallback to user initials.
- Icon helper for Font Awesome 4.7 icons.
- Administrate dashboard lets you CRUD records. Easy to add more models and customize as you like. Visit /admin/.
- Impersonate users through Administrate dashboard.
- Pretty modals using Bootstrap integrated into rails_ujs data-confirm. Demonstrated with cancel account button.
- Banner with a link to billing page users that are past due.
- Opinionated search integration using Elasticsearch via Searchkick. Gem is in place but integration is up to you.
- Feature control using the Flipper gem. Demonstrated with the
feature. - 84% RSpec test coverage.
- Solargraph (language server for code-aware auto-completions) configured in docker-compose.yml. Just point to localhost:7658 in your solargraph extension in your code editor.
- RSpec controller tests have been omitted in favour of requests tests.
- You can run tests locally with
docker-compose run web rspec
- Install Docker and Docker Compose
- A Stripe account and a Stripe API Key.
- Codeship files are in place - just create an account and integrate with your repo. You will need to create your codeship.aes file, install jet and run
jet encrypt .env .env.encrypted
. - CircleCI files are in place - just create an account and integrate with your repo.
- NOTE Limestone expects your product prices to have trial days > 0. If you don't create a trial, testing will get the error
Pay::Error: This customer has no attached payment source or default payment method.
. - You could also just run test locally with
docker-compose run web rspec
ordocker-compose exec web rspec
if you've already rundocker-compose up
- A cloud storage account compatible with ActiveStorage.
- Because Docker is already configured, you may want a Kubernetes host (GKE, AWS or DigitalOcean).
Clone this repository at the most recent tag and
into it:git clone -b 'v0.3' --single-branch --depth 1 cd limestone
Make a copy of
:cp .env-example .env
Update the
file - running the project requires you change the following:STRIPE_API_KEY
(This can be something random)
You probably want to update the
environment variables. If you want a differentCOMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME
and database name, now is the best time to do that. -
docker-compose run web yarn install --pure-lockfile
to download images, build your development image and install node_modules. This will take a while. -
docker-compose up
to run your project and it's dependencies. -
Once everything is up, run
docker-compose exec web rails db:prepare
to create DB, load schema and seed. Seeding will also create your plan(s) in Stripe. -
Visit http://localhost:3000 and rejoice 🎉 You can login using the Admin user defined in
. Keep in mind your admin doesn't have active billing. Enter a test card when prompted or by visiting /subscribe. -
See the Limestone Wiki more about development with Docker
- The Flipper gem controls feature flagging and provides a UI. Visit the
. - The feature called
has been created for you (during seeding). You can enable/disable this to control user registration 👏
A wiki will be written about this. Feel free to help out here if you're familiar with Docker/Kubernetes.