A plugin for loading data into an OpenSearch-compatible instance.
During the development of this plugin it is useful to start a local Elasticsearch via:
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml up -d
and stop it again via:
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml down -v
The tests of this plugin are split up into unit
and integration
tests located in
Run all unit tests via:
# Run all unit tests
python -m unittest tests.unit.test_opensearch_plugin
Running all integration tests can be run either
using a running a local Elasticsearch as described in Development and then execute the tests via
# Run all integration tests
python -m unittest tests.integration.test_opensearch_plugin
# the --abort-on-container-exit ensures a `docker compose down` after the tests have run
docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml up --abort-on-container-exit
Note: Make sure to docker compose down
and remove the volume after one run as there is currently no cleanup done.
Autogenerated Input/Output Documentation by Arcaflow-Docsgen Below
Load data into opensearch compatible instance
Type: scope
Root object: DocumentRequest
Properties bulk_upload_list (list[reference[BulkUploadObject]
Name: bulk upload list Description: The list of objects for the bulk upload operation. Required: Yes Type: list[reference[BulkUploadObject]
List items
Type: reference[BulkUploadObject]
Referenced object: BulkUploadObject
default_index (string
Name: index Description: Name of the default index that will receive the data. Required: Yes Type: string
Minimum length: 1
metadata (map[string
Name: metadata Description: Optional global metadata object that will be added to every document. Required: No Type: map[string
Key type
Value type
password (string
Name: password Description: The password for the given user. Required: No Type: string
tls_verify (bool
Name: TLS verify Description: For development and testing purposes, this can be set to False to disable TLS verification for connections to Opensearch-compatible services. Required: No Default (JSON encoded): Type: bool
url (string
Name: url Description: The URL for the Opensearch-compatible instance. Required: Yes Type: string
username (string
Name: username Description: A username for an authorized user for the given Opensearch-compatible instance. Required: No Type: string
Minimum length: 1
Objects BulkUploadObject (object
Type: object
Properties data (map[string
Name: data Description: The JSON data document to upload to your index. Required: Yes Type: map[string
Key type
Value type
operation (map[string
Name: operation Description: The operation type and associated operation metadata. Required: Yes Type: map[string
Key type
Value type
Type: reference[OperationMeta]
Referenced object: OperationMeta
DocumentRequest (object
Type: object
Properties bulk_upload_list (list[reference[BulkUploadObject]
Name: bulk upload list Description: The list of objects for the bulk upload operation. Required: Yes Type: list[reference[BulkUploadObject]
List items
Type: reference[BulkUploadObject]
Referenced object: BulkUploadObject
default_index (string
Name: index Description: Name of the default index that will receive the data. Required: Yes Type: string
Minimum length: 1
metadata (map[string
Name: metadata Description: Optional global metadata object that will be added to every document. Required: No Type: map[string
Key type
Value type
password (string
Name: password Description: The password for the given user. Required: No Type: string
tls_verify (bool
Name: TLS verify Description: For development and testing purposes, this can be set to False to disable TLS verification for connections to Opensearch-compatible services. Required: No Default (JSON encoded): Type: bool
url (string
Name: url Description: The URL for the Opensearch-compatible instance. Required: Yes Type: string
username (string
Name: username Description: A username for an authorized user for the given Opensearch-compatible instance. Required: No Type: string
Minimum length: 1
OperationMeta (object
Type: object
Properties _id (string
Name: ID Description: Optional ID for the data document. Required: No Type: string
_index (string
Name: index Description: Optional name of the index that will receive the data. If none is provided, the default index will be used. Required: No Type: string
Type: scope
Root object: ErrorOutput
Properties error (string
Objects ErrorOutput (object
Type: object
Properties error (string
Type: scope
Root object: SuccessOutput
Properties document_ids (list[string
Required: Yes Type: list[string
List items
message (string
Objects SuccessOutput (object
Type: object
Properties document_ids (list[string
Required: Yes Type: list[string
List items
message (string
Process List (process_list
Process list input into a bulk_upload_list
Type: scope
Root object: DataList
Properties data_list (list[any
Name: data list Description: List of data object to process into the bulk_upload_list. Required: Yes Type: list[any
List items
operation (map[string
Name: operation Description: The operation type and associated operation metadata. Required: Yes Type: map[string
Key type
Value type
Type: reference[OperationMeta]
Referenced object: OperationMeta
Objects DataList (object
Type: object
Properties data_list (list[any
Name: data list Description: List of data object to process into the bulk_upload_list. Required: Yes Type: list[any
List items
operation (map[string
Name: operation Description: The operation type and associated operation metadata. Required: Yes Type: map[string
Key type
Value type
Type: reference[OperationMeta]
Referenced object: OperationMeta
OperationMeta (object
Type: object
Properties _id (string
Name: ID Description: Optional ID for the data document. Required: No Type: string
_index (string
Name: index Description: Optional name of the index that will receive the data. If none is provided, the default index will be used. Required: No Type: string
Type: scope
Root object: ErrorOutput
Properties error (string
Objects ErrorOutput (object
Type: object
Properties error (string
Type: scope
Root object: BulkUploadList
Properties bulk_upload_list (list[reference[BulkUploadObject]
Name: bulk upload list Description: The list of objects for the bulk upload operation. Required: Yes Type: list[reference[BulkUploadObject]
List items
Type: reference[BulkUploadObject]
Referenced object: BulkUploadObject
Objects BulkUploadList (object
Type: object
Properties bulk_upload_list (list[reference[BulkUploadObject]
Name: bulk upload list Description: The list of objects for the bulk upload operation. Required: Yes Type: list[reference[BulkUploadObject]
List items
Type: reference[BulkUploadObject]
Referenced object: BulkUploadObject
BulkUploadObject (object
Type: object
Properties data (map[string
Name: data Description: The JSON data document to upload to your index. Required: Yes Type: map[string
Key type
Value type
operation (map[string
Name: operation Description: The operation type and associated operation metadata. Required: Yes Type: map[string
Key type
Value type
Type: reference[OperationMeta]
Referenced object: OperationMeta
OperationMeta (object
Type: object
Properties _id (string
Name: ID Description: Optional ID for the data document. Required: No Type: string
_index (string
Name: index Description: Optional name of the index that will receive the data. If none is provided, the default index will be used. Required: No Type: string