- Getting started on C++
- General architectural aspects
- Generative approach
- Don’t-edit-generated-files policy
- Generative approach and product dimensions
- Standard versioning as a product dimension
- Providing compile time support
- Version management and namespaces
- Drawback of separating versions
- Compile time support and generic interface
- Alternatives for version management
- Tutorial on checker rules
- Known issues
- Building the binaries from the source code
- Building with cmake version <= 3.18
- Building with cmake version >= 3.19
- Build options for supported standard versions
- Using the release build artifacts
A great source of how to start using the API are the test sources test sources.
Generally there are two major use cases for using the library.
As a standalone checker. A command line application that is called to validate an OpenSCENARIO file.
As an embedded library. Embedding the programming interface and add read capability to our own application.
To use the library as a standalone program we would typically use the compiled C++ binary
See section Building the binaries for building instructions.
For example the binary is located in the following directory, dependent on your development platform:
Navigate your command shell to the appropriate folder above and first execute the following command on Linux once to tell the runtime system where to find the dependent libraries:
Then start the OpenScenarioReader with:
$ ./OpenScenarioReader
This will generate the following output:
* ASAM OpenSCENARIO 1.3.0 Checker (2022) *
OpenScenarioChecker [[{-i <filename>|-d <dirname>} [-p <paramfilename>]] | -v]
-i <filename> file to be validated
-d <directory> directory to be validated
-p <paramfilename> a file with name/value pairs. One line per name/value pair. tab separated
-v1_1 Use standard version 1.1
-v1_2 Use standard version 1.2
-v Print program version
See simpleExample To test a particular file, e.g. DoubleLaneChanger.xosc
execute the following command:
$ ./OpenScenarioReader -i examples/simpleExample/SimpleExample.xosc
* ASAM OpenSCENARIO 1.3.0 Checker (2022) *
Checking 'examples/simpleExample/SimpleExample.xosc'
Validation succeeded with 0 errors and 0 warnings.
A failing validation See defectExample
$ ./OpenScenarioReader -i examples/defectExample/DefectExample.xosc
* ASAM OpenSCENARIO 1.3.0 Checker (2022) *
Checking 'examples/defectExample/DefectExample.xosc'
ERROR: Cannot resolve parameter 'DefectParameter' (41,53)
Validation failed with 1 errors and 0 warnings.
It is possible to inject parameters into the ASAM OpenSCENARIO checker.
Use -p
to specify a filename for the parameters. See
$ ./OpenScenarioReader -i examples/injectedParamsExample/InjectedParamsExample.xosc -p examples/injectedParamsExample/params.conf
In the parameter file (here params.conf
) we define name/value pairs.
One line per definition. '#' is used for comments. We use tab as a delimiter between name and value:
* ASAM OpenSCENARIO 1.3.0 Checker (2022) *
Used Parameters:
EgoStartS 60
HostVehicle car_red
TargetVehicle car_white
Checking 'examples/injectedParamsExample/InjectedParamsExample.xosc'
Validation succeeded with 0 errors and 0 warnings.
$ ./OpenScenarioReader -v
* ASAM OpenSCENARIO 1.3.0 Checker (2022) *
Program version 1.3.0
Telling us that implementation version is 1.3.0. This is independent from the OpenSCENARIO standard version. Compatibility to standard version OpenSCENARIO 1.0, OpenSCENARIO 1.1 and OpenSCENARIO 1.3.0 is currently supported.
To use the OpenSCENARIO as an embedded library we use the compiled library libOpenScenarioLib
on Linux and on Windows. Both libraries on Linux as well as on Windows have third party dependencies.
See the README.MD file in the project root for building instructions. We have the choice to either use the static version or the shared version.
static version includes all third party libraries in one monolithic library file
on Linux andlibOpenScenario.lib
on Windows or we build the -
shared version results in shared versions of the third party libraries which have to be linked to the project, too. Currently these are the two files
on Linux andlibOpenScenario.dll
on Windows.
For both, static and shared version CMakeLists.txt
template files are already generated. The zip-file openScenario.zip
contains templates for static and shared builds for both Linux and Windows.
When checking a single file with no catalog implications, use the
to create a loader.
// Creating a message logger to pick up the messages
auto msgLogger = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::IParserMessageLogger>(_messageLogger);
const auto kMessageLogger = std::make_shared<NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::MessageLoggerDecorator>(msgLogger);
// Instantiating the factory
std::string fileName = _executablePath + "/" + kInputDir + "DoubleLaneChanger.xosc";
auto loaderFactory = NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::v1_2::XmlScenarioLoaderFactory(fileName);
// Creating the loader
auto loader = loaderFactory.CreateLoader(std::make_shared<NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::FileResourceLocator>());
// Loading
auto openScenario = std::static_pointer_cast<NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::v1_2::IOpenScenario>
//Check for errors
if (!kMessageLogger->HasErrors())
// Browse through the results
auto fileHeader = openScenario->GetFileHeader();
std::cout << "Major Revision :" << fileHeader->GetRevMajor() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Minor Revision :" << fileHeader->GetRevMinor() << std::endl;
When checking a file and resolve its imports from catalog, use the XmlScenarioImportLoaderFactory
to create a loader.
Then the catalog references are resolved and the errors and warnings from the catalog files are picked up in a separate logger.
// Creating a message Logger to pick up the messages
auto messageLogger = std::make_shared<NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::SimpleMessageLogger>(NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::ErrorLevel::INFO);
// create another messageLogger for logging the messages that occur from imported files
auto catalogMessageLogger = std::make_shared<NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::SimpleMessageLogger>(NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::ErrorLevel::INFO);
// Instantiating the factory
loaderFactory(catalogMessageLogger, _executablePath + "/" + kInputDir +
// Creating the loader with a file resource locator (we are reading directly from a file system)
auto loader = loaderFactory.CreateLoader(std::make_shared<NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::FileResourceLocator>());
// Loading the scenario
auto openScenario = std::static_pointer_cast<NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::v1_2::OpenScenarioImpl>(loader->Load(messageLogger)
// Get the list of scenario objects
auto scenarioObjects = openScenario->GetOpenScenarioCategory()->GetScenarioDefinition()
for (auto&& scenarioObject : scenarioObjects)
// Access the object that is imported from a catalog with the name "Ego"
if (scenarioObject->GetName() == "Ego")
// Get the catalog reference
auto catalogReference = scenarioObject->GetEntityObject()->GetCatalogReference();
if (catalogReference && catalogReference->GetEntryName() == "car_white")
auto catalogRef = catalogReference->GetRef();
// Now check the type.
if ( NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::v1_2::CatalogHelper::IsVehicle(catalogRef))
auto vehicle = NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::v1_2::CatalogHelper::AsVehicle(catalogRef);
// Now you can access the resolved vehicle
auto axles = vehicle->GetAxles();
// get the additonal axles
auto additionalAxles = axles->GetAdditionalAxles();
if (additionalAxles.empty())
std::cout << "Ego has 2 axles (front, rear)";
std::cout << "Ego has " << 2 + additionalAxles.size()
<< " axles (front, rear and "
<< additionalAxles.size()
<< " addtional axles";
OpenSCENARIO provide a mechanism to declare global parameters , right after the FileHeader
<FileHeader revMajor="1" revMinor="1" date="2021-07-24T10:00:00" description="Sample Scenario - parameter" author="ASAM"/>
<ParameterDeclaration name="testBoolean" value="false" parameterType="boolean"/>
<ParameterDeclaration name="testInteger" value="1" parameterType="integer"/>
<ParameterDeclaration name="testUnsignedInt" value="1" parameterType="unsignedInt"/>
<ParameterDeclaration name="testString" value="testString" parameterType="string"/>
<ParameterDeclaration name="testDateTime" value="2017-02-24T10:00:00" parameterType="dateTime"/>
<ParameterDeclaration name="testUnsignedShort" value="5" parameterType="unsignedShort"/>
<ParameterDeclaration name="testDouble" value="1.1" parameterType="double"/>
When loading a scenario, the API allows to override the default values from outside. We use a name value map and hand it over as an argument to the load
std::map<std::string, std::string> injectedParamters;
injectedParamters.emplace("testBoolean", "true");
injectedParamters.emplace("testInteger", "2");
injectedParamters.emplace("testUnsignedInt", "2");
injectedParamters.emplace("testString", "injected");
injectedParamters.emplace("testDateTime", "2018-02-24T10:00:00");
injectedParamters.emplace("testUnsignedShort", "2");
injectedParamters.emplace("testDouble", "2.0");
// Creating the loader with a file resource locator and the injected parameters
auto loaderFactory = NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::v1_2::XmlScenarioLoaderFactory(filename);
auto loader = loaderFactory.CreateLoader(std::make_shared<NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::FileResourceLocator>());
auto ptr = loader->Load(_messageLogger, injectedProperties);
The injected parameter values override the default values in the scenario file.
Please be aware of the following restrictions
The injected parameters must be declared globally. Otherwise a warning is issued.
The values must be convertible to the target datatype of the declared parameter. The format must follow the format for XSD datatypes (as in the XML).
If conversion fails, an error is issued.
Only scenario definitions declare global parameters. It is not useful to declare them for catalogs.
Please see TestInjectedParameters.h for detailed tests on error handling.
This article is about some fundamental aspects in the API’s architecture. It may help to understand the intention behind the design decisions and also gives you a entry point in coding and integration issues.
The backbone of the OpenSCENARIO API is represented by classes, enumerations and interfaces generated from a released OpenSCENARIO model. Therefore, the API is tightly coupled to the model.
This paradigm makes the API highly consistent with the UML model.
E.g. we have a class in the UML model called LaneChangeTarget
in the OpenSCENARIO 1.0 version.
As the versions 1.x are downward compatible for 1.0, we will find a corresponding interface ILaneChangeTarget
in the namespaces NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::v1_0
If this class has a property called relativeTargetLane
, we can be sure, that there is a corresponding getter in the interface which is called GetRelativeTargetLane
. Consistently, if this model property relativeTargetLane
is of the model type RelativeTargetLane
the getter will return a result of IRelativeTargetLane
As an example: ILaneChangeTarget
* This is a automatic generated file according to the OpenSCENARIO specification version 1.2
* <p>
* From OpenSCENARIO class model specification:
* Defines the target lane of the LaneChangeAction.
* @author RA Consulting OpenSCENARIO generation facility
class ILaneChangeTarget : public virtual IOpenScenarioModelElement
virtual ~ILaneChangeTarget() = default;
* From OpenSCENARIO class model specification:
* Lane change direction relative to entity's lane.
* @return value of model property relativeTargetLane
virtual std::shared_ptr<IRelativeTargetLane> GetRelativeTargetLane() = 0;
* From OpenSCENARIO class model specification:
* Lane change target lane number.
* @return value of model property absoluteTargetLane
virtual std::shared_ptr<IAbsoluteTargetLane> GetAbsoluteTargetLane() const = 0;
This pattern is is applied to all classes, interfaces and enumerations of the model. Not even that, also the descriptions in the classes, interfaces, enumerations and properties are consistent with the model annotations from UML. The documentation in the javadoc is fully in synch with the annotations in the UML model. So, the generative approach offers great consistency with a single point of truth in the UML model rather than an imaginary 'copy and paste' consistency.
This leads to great efficiency and a clean architecture where more than 95% of the source code is automatically generated. This elevates productivity with over a million lines of code created for the cpp projec.
All generated files are located in the generated
folder. These files must not be edited manually. Moreover it is recommended to consult experienced developers if changes in the generated code are needed.
Product dimensions can lead to a high amount of work for creating and maintaining product lines. For example a dimension could be the programming platform. In order to provide a product for different programming platforms, there might be a need for a single source of code and additional adapters to other platforms. Java and C++ might be coupled through JNI etc. Practically, this is often very painful. Java is not the #1 platform on desktop UI systems whereas C++ is often not allowed to run on backend servers. Using integrated java code in a C++ environment or using C++ in a java environment often feels unhandy and end up in the worst from both world: Our code is dependent on a java VM as well as on the binary platform. One solution is to maintain a common architecture with a single model and generators that take minimal amount to deploy the architecture to the different platforms. This is exactly where a generative approach has its strength and an efficient workflow is able to produce and to maintain source code. Other product dimensions are program versions (1.0, 1.1, 2.0 etc.), operating systems (Linux, Mac, Windows), deployment platforms (Server, desktop, embedded) etc. In these multidimensional space (e.g. providing a native lib for mac and version 1.0) a generative approach is one way to manage dependencies and minimize the amount of work.
Remarks: The API currently supports C++ only. The java product line has been given up in favor of developing a C++ product. The java product line is frozen in the 1.0 version of the library.
When supporting a standard, versioning of this standard is a product dimension that should be supported. Since we cannot look in the future and foresee the changes, we still can be sure that changes will happen. So, the worst case is not to be faced with incompatible changes of a new standard version, but a dead-end standard that does suffer from a bad change management. Therefore, even when our world is "OpenSCENARIO 1.3.0 only" right at that moment, we better have strategies for versioning, migration etc.. Change management is considered an important architectural aspect.
As described above, if code is generated consistently with the UML model, we have everything ready when using the API at compile time. We can use the classes, the interfaces and the methods that are provided right off-the-shelf. We may make use of the documentation, code completion and the compiler detects misspellings and inconsistencies right before we are able to run a error prone program. So, when we follow the paradigm that costs for error detection and fixes rise extremely along the development cycle of a software, it is best to detect our errors as soon as we write it (low fixing costs) rather than after having the software delivered to the customer (high fixing costs). In this sense, generating concrete artifacts, like classes, enumerations, interfaces and methods is not only consistent with the UML model (single source of domain knowledge) but also a great way for managing quality and costs. So, let the compiler be your friend.
As said standard versioning
is a dimension in our software product line and we better have strategies to support different versions of the standard with our software. Since we cannot rely on downward compatibility, there are different aspects when providing compatibility to multiple versions. E.g. to declare artifacts as deprecated or we transparently map new standard versions to older standard versions. The OpenSCENARIO API relies heavily on namespaces for different versions. They provide maximum separation among the different version of the standard. In many cases data structures change. For example an EntityAction
in version 1.0 might have some other semantic as EntityAction
in version 1.3 (as said: we cannot foresee it). The OpenSCENARIO API’s policy is that the complete set of artefacts (interfaces, classes, enumerations) are created for every single standard version. This means, that there is a NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::v1_0::IEntityAction
a distinct NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::v1_1::IEntityAction
. So, every standard version specific set of classes, enumeration and interfaces provided by the API is self-contained and completely independent from other standard versions. This has benefits and drawbacks. A benefit, as said, is that the different versions are greatly decoupled. Old versions are very stable and do not change over time. E.g. once released, NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::v1_0::IEntityAction
will not change. This means the domain knowledge, models and the API itself are snapshots of a released standard. As the domain knowledge evolves, this explicitly results in a new version of the standard, a new version of the model, and a new version of the API.
The drawback is that with every new version, we have to deal with a complete new set of artefacts. Once we have used NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::v1_0::IEntityAction
in our program and the semantics have not changed for version 1.2, we don’t wanna integrate NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::v1_2::IEntityAction
in the same way. And it’s even worse when we have a new set of 200+ interfaces. As we expect that there are only a few semantic changes, let’s say in 10% of the classes, integrating a complete set of new classes might be an effort that does not justify the amount of work.
Fortunately, integrating a new version of the standard in the client code, that is downward compatible to an previous one is very simple. Just replace the name-spaces and the include versions. Use NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::v1_2
instead of NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::v1_0
and use
#include "ApiClassInterfacesV1_2.h"
instead of
#include "ApiClassInterfacesV1_0.h"
As said, the API propagates a clean separation of versions which results in different set of artefacts (classes, enumerations, interfaces) for each version. On the other hand, the API respects the need on being flexible at runtime and clearly identifies the extra amount of work that might result from integrating a whole new set of version dependent artefacts. Therefore, every class additionally supports the interface IOpenScenarioFlexElement
. This interface itself is independent from a version and might be used when dealing with different version dependent sets is unhandy or inappropriate. The functions of these interface are usually used with version dependent keys which might be still supported in the future. If this is the case, they imply a minimum amount of work for integrating a new version. Especially, when only a few changes are made from version to version. This, of course, comes on the expense of compile time support and can easily lead to runtime errors. So, using this interface, we should pay extra attention to changes because the compiler can’t.
The example shows the usage of the interface: This first line uses the compile time and type-safe interface IFileHeader
NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::v1_0::IFileHeader fileHeader = openScenario.GetFileHeader();
The next line uses the flexible interface.
IOpenScenarioFlexElement flexElement=
((IOpenScenarioFlexElement) openScenario).GetChildElement(OscConstants.ELEMENT__FILE_HEADER);
So, these two methods deliver the exact same object instance when applied to the same parent object. The main and important difference is that the second example could also return a NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::v1_2::IFileHeader
in the future, if OscConstants.ELEMENT__FILE_HEADER
is still supported for version 1.2.
The next lines of code are still valid when the UML class FileHeader
does not incompatibly changes from version 1.0 to version 1.2.
IOpenScenarioFlexElement flexElement=
DateTime date = flexElement.GetDateTimeProperty(OscConstants.ATTRIBUTE__DATE);
unsigned short minorRef = flexElement.GetUnsignedShortProperty(OscConstants.ATTRIBUTE__REV_MINOR);
unsigned short majorRef = flexElement.GetUnsignedShortProperty(OscConstants.ATTRIBUTE__REV_MAJOR);
std::string description = flexElement.GetStringProperty(OscConstants.ATTRIBUTE__DESCRIPTION);
Consider to use the Adapter-pattern before you integrate the API in your source code. As an alternative, contribute a set of adapters to the project in the future and make the adopters available for all OpenSCENARIO programmers.
This tutorial assists when implementing our own checker rules and apply them to a loaded tree. It applies to the C++ platform and shows the overall principles.
Checker rules are constraints on model object instances that are either defined implicitly in the standard or can be adopted to our own needs. Whenever we want to ensure authoring rules and guidelines that apply for our company or our partners, the checker rules API is a good choice to implement our own validation. With a minimal effort, we will implement our own checker rules, add it to a checker and start the validation of our loaded tree. A message logger will pick up any violation to our given rules with the exact location pointing to the original file. This tutorial will show how to write our own checker rules.
The backbone of the checker rules API is the interface ICheckerRule
. By implementing this interface we write our own checker rules:
class ICheckerRule: public CheckerRule
ICheckerRule() = default;
virtual ~ICheckerRule() = default;
virtual void ApplyRuleInFileContext(
std::shared_ptr<IParserMessageLogger> messageLogger,
std::shared_ptr<IOpenScenarioModelElement> object) = 0;
virtual void ApplyRuleInTreeContext(
std::shared_ptr<ITreeMessageLogger> messageLogger,
std::shared_ptr<IOpenScenarioModelElement> object) = 0;
Our first example will show, how to ensure that the major revision is always 1 and the minor revision is always 1. If this rule is violated, a warning is issued.
The first step is to define a class VersionCheckerRule
that implements the ICheckerRule
. is the model type where to access the majorRev
and the `minorRev`property.
Remark: In previous API versions the ICheckerRule was implemented as an generic class where the generic type was the type to check (like IFileHeader
here). It turned out that the compiler needs many resources when working with generic classes and even adding different levels of generic classes, things get even worse. For the OSC API version 1.2.0 and up, generic classes where widely eliminated. As an alternative, now the base class IOpenScenarioModelElement
is used and the user has to cast it into the target class (IFileHeader
here). So literally, typing was moved from design time to runtime. This improved the use of compiler resources (memory, time) tremendously.
As we want to use this class for any combination of expected major revisions and minor revisions, we hand over the expected major revision and the expected minor revision to the constructor and store them in the instance.
class VersionCheckerRule: public ICheckerRule
int _majorRev;
int _minorRev;
* @param majorRev The expected major revision
* @param minorRev The expected minor revision
VersionCheckerRule(const int majorRev, const int minorRev);
The class must implement the ApplyRuleInFileContext
method. Beside applying checker rule in the context of a file source where lines and columns are provided, there is an additional method to apply checker rules in the context of a tree in the memory ApplyRuleInTreeContext
. In this case there are no lines and columns to pinpoint the location of the error.
Let’s use ApplyRuleInFileContext
in our example.
void ApplyRuleInFileContext(
std::shared_ptr<IParserMessageLogger> messageLogger, std::shared_ptr<IOpenScenarioModelElement> object) override;
At this point, we are ready to implement our checks. First, let’s get the major revision and the minor revision from the object
and store them in local variables:
void VersionCheckerRule::ApplyRuleInFileContext(
std::shared_ptr<IParserMessageLogger> messageLogger,
std::shared_ptr<IOpenScenarioModelElement> object)
if (!IsRevValid(object))
// Issue a warning
bool VersionCheckerRule::IsRevValid(std::shared_ptr<IOpenScenarioModelElement> object)
if (!object) return false;
auto typedObject = std::dynamic_pointer_cast <IFileHeader> (object);
const auto kRevMajor = typedObject->GetRevMajor();
const auto kRevMinor = typedObject->GetRevMinor();
return kRevMajor == _majorRev && kRevMinor == _minorRev;
When we issue a warning, we have the great possibility to add locations. The user can then trace the warning back to a line and to a column of the original file. So let’s get the location from the object
. We do this by requesting an ILocator
adapter from the object
. If an ILocator
adapter is supported, we would get an instance of ILocator
void VersionCheckerRule::ApplyRuleInFileContext(
std::shared_ptr<IParserMessageLogger> messageLogger, std::shared_ptr<IOpenScenarioModelElement> object)
if (!IsRevValid(object))
auto locator = std::static_pointer_cast<ILocator>(object->GetAdapter(typeid(ILocator).name()));
if (locator)
auto msg = FileContentMessage(GetMsg(), WARNING, locator->GetStartMarker());
std::string VersionCheckerRule::GetMsg()
return "Major revision and minor revision are expected to be " + std::to_string(_majorRev) + " and " + std::to_string(_minorRev);
Please note, there might be objects that do not support the ILocator
adapter. E.g. when the scenario is loaded from a binary file instead of an XML file. In this case, no text line information and no column information would be available. If we are loading our files from XML, we do not have to pay attention to this fact.
That’s it. Our checker is now ready to be used.
With our checker ready to be used, we can apply the checker rule to a loaded IOpenScenario
tree. Please see Getting started on C++ on how a tree is loaded from a file.
// the root of the tree is available in the IOpenScenario openScenario variable
// Instantiate a checker now
ScenarioCheckerImpl scenarioChecker;
// The sceanrio checker provided a method for every model type (here IFileHeader) to add
// CheckerRule
scenarioChecker.AddFileHeaderCheckerRule(std::make_shared<VersionCheckerRule>(1, 1));
// Create a message logger to pick up the messages
auto simpleMessageLogger =
// Now call the checkScenario method to check the tree
scenarioChecker.CheckScenarioInFileContext(simpleMessageLogger, openScenario);
// Now check the picked up messages
for (auto&& message : simpleMessageLogger->GetMessages())
// do something with the messaged that are picked up during the check
We do not need to traverse through the tree and search for instances. The scenario checker sequentially applies the rule to any instance of the designated type we realized in our checker rule (here IFileHeader
). In our example it is obvious that only one instance of IFileHeader
exists in the tree. For other types like IAct
, IEvent
etc. many instances may available in the tree and every instance is checked.
This example shows how to ensure that a scenario object with the name "Ego" is defined. Otherwise an error is issued. There is definitely a little bit more work to do here, but it should be straight forward after completing the example above. Obviously IEntities
(with its instances of IScenarioObject
) is the right type to check. So, we create the EgoCheckerRule
and implement the ApplyRuleInFileContext
void EgoCheckerRule::ApplyRuleInFileContext(std::shared_ptr<NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::IParserMessageLogger> messageLogger, std::shared_ptr<IOpenScenarioModelElement> object)
auto typedObject = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<IEntities>(object);
if (!IsEgoDefined(typedObject))
auto locator = std::static_pointer_cast<NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::ILocator>(object->GetAdapter(typeid(NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::ILocator).name()));
if (locator)
auto msg = NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::FileContentMessage("No ego vehicle defined", NET_ASAM_OPENSCENARIO::ErrorLevel::ERROR, locator->GetStartMarker());
bool EgoCheckerRule::IsEgoDefined(std::shared_ptr<IEntities> object) const
bool isEgoDefined = false;
// We are adding the validation code here
auto scenarioObjects = object->GetScenarioObjects();
if (object->GetScenarioObjectsSize() != 0)
for (auto&& scenarioObject : scenarioObjects)
auto name = scenarioObject->GetName();
for (std::string::iterator it = name.begin(); it != name.end(); ++it)
*it = std::tolower(*it, std::locale());
if (name == "ego")
isEgoDefined = true;
return isEgoDefined;
The rule is added by
As we’ve seen in the examples, many useful checkings may apply to an OpenSCENARIO model instance. Unfortunately, OpenSCENARIO defines relatively few constraints in the model or in the user guide (respectively there is no explicit checker rule concept but a lot of implicit constraints in the user guide). Nevertheless, some checkings are essential and the checker rule API is the tool to ensure these rules.
Some examples: - Ensure a naming convention for the object names (e.g. ensure camel-case notation) - Ensure unique naming in a list of objects (e.g. unique names for scenario objects, so "ego" cannot be defined twice. Unique names of evens in a maneuver, etc.) - Other constraints that are not explicitly defined in the standard but reduce ambiguity.
Defining a primitive datatype like unsigned int
or double
does already represent an important constraint when a property of a class is defined. Many properties have further range constraints that are documented in the annotations of the properties e.g. the property delay
in the model class Condition
must be zero or greater than zero. The annotation says about the property delay
that is of type double
: 'Time elapsed after the edge condition is verified, until the condition returns true to the scenario. Unit: s; Range: [0..inf[.' The OpenSCENARIO API defines all the range properties as built-in checker rules that can be applied by any user of the library.
Please see these corresponding classes if you are interested in the details:
When properties are dprecated, they are often replaced by new elements.
As we are committed to dowwnward compatibility, cardinalitity of a property cannot be stricter than in its previuos version.
If one property replaces another property, both have to be optional and have an implicit xor context, that cannot be ensured in the schema.
For standard version 1.2 there is a DeprecatedChecker
that checks the properties.
When in GeoPosition
the deprecated attribute height
is used along with the new attribute altitude
the checker issues an error:
<GeoPosition altitude="100" height="100" latitudeDeg="45" longitudeDeg="37">
Attribute 'height' is deprecated and must not be used with attribute 'altitude'.
Please see these corresponding classes if you are interested in the details:
A provided list with the known issues and possible enhancements.
I18n Currently, the messages that are issued are hardcoded on the basis of the English language. A i18n concept could outsource the messages to provide support for different languages.
Resolving object references Though the framework is ready for that, the objects referenced from other objects are not resolved yet. This has two reasons. The first one is simply the time to invest. For any of the types a separate resolution strategy must be implemented. Second, the general resolving strategy is still a little bit unclear. See '3.1.2 Naming' in the 'OpenSCENARIO User-Guide 1.0'. With unresolved references, the method
of the interfaceINamedReference
will always returnnull
. Of course, you can still use the name that represents the reference when callingGetNameRef
. -
Supporting more programming platforms As writing this, the C++ has just been added. We think it is good idea to add further platforms like Python.
Reading from zipped files Though the standard does not explicitly mention this, we think it is a great idea to pack the scenario file and its dependent catalogs in a self-contained zip-archive. The API allows great support for that by providing the
The OpenSCENARIO C++ project uses cmake
as configuration tool to support a huge variety of build environments such as Visual Studio and Unix Makefiles.
itself is a command line tool but it also offers a more comfortable graphical frontend named cmake-gui
For systems with terminal / console access only, cmake provides a ncurses terminal frontend called ccmake
In this document we focus on building the OpenSCENARIO binaries from its C++ source code using cmake
, cmake-gui
, and ccmake
A great starting point for more information on cmake
is the cmake website.
As cmake experienced a dramatic change from version <= 3.18 to >= 3.19 where presets were introduced we have two sections for building with cmake:
In order to build OpenSCENARIO on your system the following requirements have to be fulfilled:
Disk space available >= 4 GB
Main memory >= 8 GB
cmake <= 3.18 (build via command line and restricted cmake-gui)
cmake >= 3.19 (comfortable build via command line and cmake-gui)
a working copy of the OpenSCENARIO sources
gcc >= 5.8
uuid-dev >= 2.34 (required to build antlr4), to install uuid-dev execute this shell command:
$ sudo apt install uuid-dev
If your cmake version is older than 3.19 then cmake does not know the concept of "presets" and consequently cmake-gui is missing the "Preset" entry as seen in the two images below.
You still can use older versions of cmake but in order to work properly you have to build the project files manually using our command line tool generateLinux.sh
for Linux and generateWindows.bat
for Windows.
Both scripts are located in openscenario.api.test/cpp/buildArtifact
The script has to be executed in the folder openscenario.api.test/cpp/buildArtifact
For example the commands for building and compiling shared objects and binaries will look like that:
$ cd openscenario.api.test/cpp/buildArtifact
$ ./generateLinux.sh shared release make
This will create in the openscenario.api.test/cpp/build/cgReleaseMakeShared
folder containing the Linux Makefiles for building the binaries and the binaries.
The executables and libraries are in
The general command has the following options:
$ ./generateLinux.sh (all [release] [shared|static] [parallel]) |
([release|debug] [shared|static] [make [parallel]])
Option all [release] [parallel]
builds and compiles static and shared as well as release and optional debug versions of OpenSCENARIO in parallel.
On the other hand you can build and optionally compile individual versions of OpenSCENARIO, e.g.:
$ ./generateLinux.sh release shared
This command for example creates only the Makefiles for the release and dynamically linked version.
The Windows version of the script is similar to the Linux version with some changes in the options. For example the commands to build the project files for Visual Studio 2019 x64 shared release look like this:
>cd openscenario.api.test\cpp\build
>generateWindows.bat VS2019 x64 shared release
The general command has the following options:
>generateWindows.bat (all (VS2010|...|VS2022) [release] [shared|static] [Win32|x64]) |
((VS2010|...|VS2022) [release|debug] [shared|static] [Win32|x64] [make])
Option all [VS2019] [release]
builds project files for Visual Studio 2019 (Visual Studio 2017 is the default if the parameter VS2019 is omitted) and compiles static and shared as well as release and optional debug versions of OpenSCENARIO in parallel.
On the other hand you can build and optionally compile individual versions of OpenSCENARIO, e.g.:
>generateWindows.bat VS2019 x64 shared release [make]
Supported are VS2010 up to VS2022 and all editions like Community or Enterprise etc. |
Start the cmake-gui
application then a similar window like the one shown below will show up:
Now follow the steps below to let cmake create a Visual Studio solution for the OpenSCENARIO source tree:
Click on "Browse Source…", located on the top right of the cmake-gui window.
Navigate to the location of your OpenSCENARIO source directory and select the directory
and click ok. -
Next click on the "Presets" drop-down-box labeled "<custom>" and select your build environment. In the example shown below "VS2019 x64 shared" is chosen. That means the solution will be build for Visual Studio 2019, creating 64 Bit binaries, and required libraries are linked dynamically during runtime.
Now click "Configure", located in the middle left of the cmake-gui window. An output as shown in the image below will be generated.
Next click the button "Generate", just right of "Configure". If cmake successfully created the solution the line "Generating done" will be added at the end of the output and the button "Open Project" will be enabled.
Finally click on the "Open Project" button to bring up your selected Visual Studio. There you can debug, extend, and compile the OpenSCENARIO sources.
The building steps on Linux are almost the same as the ones for Windows.
Start the cmake-gui
application and a similar window like the one shown below will show up:
Now follow the steps below to let cmake create a Makefile project for the OpenSCENARIO source tree:
Click on "Browse Source…", located on the top right of the cmake-gui window.
Navigate to the location of your OpenSCENARIO source directory and select the directory
and click ok. -
Next click on the "Presets" drop-down-box labeled "<custom>" and select your build environment. In the example shown above "Linux shared release" is chosen. That means cmake will create a Makefile project using gcc / g++ as compilers, creating release binaries, and required libraries are linked dynamically during runtime.
Now click "Configure", located in the middle left of the cmake-gui window. An output as shown in the image below will be generated.
Next click the button "Generate", just right of "Configure". If cmake successfully created the Makefiles project the line "Generating done" will be added at the end of the output. This time the button "Open Project" stays disable as we just created Makefiles projects and not an IDE solution.
Finally open a terminal window and navigate to your OpenSCENARIO source directory. For our example the default would be to go to the directory
<your osc base dir>/cpp/build/cgReleaseMakeShared
Type make
to build the OpenSCENARIO binaries or make -j8
for parallel building (recommended but requires 16 GB of main memory).
The image below shows a Linux terminal with an example output generated by make compiling the OpenSCENARIO sources.
Now it is time to test the binaries built so far. In this step of the process we want to ensure that binaries built are working as expected. We show how to check the binaries on Windows as well as on Linux.
Lets first start with Windows. Here we have two possibilities to start the test for checking the binaries: via Visual Studio or via command line.
We provide three tests:
As an initial test we have already pre-selected the startup project "OpenScenarioTester". Just launch the startup project via pressing <ctrl> + <F5> or via Visual Studio's menu "Debug" → "Start Without Debugging". In both cases a console window with the following output should appear:
Major Revision :0
Minor Revision :9
Ego has 2 axles (front, rear)
Major Revision :0
Minor Revision :9
Ego has 2 axles (front, rear)
Major Revision :0
Minor Revision :9
Ego has 2 axles (front, rear)
You can switch the current active project—for example to ExpressionsTester—by clicking with the right mouse button in the Solution Explorer
on the project "ExpressionsTester" and choose "Set as Startup Project" (highlighted in green) as seen in the screenshot below:
Launch the project again with <ctrl> + <F5> and examine the output in the console window. The last lines of the output should look like this:
Running test with id '84':
Test with id '84' successful.
Running test with id '85':
Test with id '85' successful.
Running test with id '86':
Test with id '86' successful.
To test the "IndexerTester" select its project in the Solution Explorer
and set it as the startup project analogue to the described procedure above.
Now start again with <ctrl> + <F5>.
This time the console window should show the following output:
81: (117, 6) - (117, 59)
82: (118, 6) - (118, 29)
83: (119, 6) - (119, 26)
84: (120, 6) - (120, 45)
85: (121, 6) - (124, 32)
86: (126, 3) - (126, 10)
When testing via command line open a Windows command line prompt (cmd).
Then navigate to the output folder, e.g. if you have selected the preset "VS2019 x64 shared" then the output folder is
Just change directory to that folder and start the three tests:
>cd /d <full path to your osc folder>openscenario.api.test\cpp\build\cgMultiVS2019x64Shared\applications\openScenarioTester\[Debug|Release]
Major Revision :0
Minor Revision :9
Ego has 2 axles (front, rear)
Major Revision :0
Minor Revision :9
Ego has 2 axles (front, rear)
Major Revision :0
Minor Revision :9
Ego has 2 axles (front, rear)
>cd /d <full path to your osc folder>openscenario.api.test\cpp\build\cgMultiVS2019x64Shared\applications\expressionTester\[Debug|Release]
Running test with id '84':
Test with id '84' successful.
Running test with id '85':
Test with id '85' successful.
Running test with id '86':
Test with id '86' successful.
>cd /d <full path to your osc folder>openscenario.api.test\cpp\build\cgMultiVS2019x64Shared\applications\indexerTester\[Debug|Release]
81: (117, 6) - (117, 59)
82: (118, 6) - (118, 29)
83: (119, 6) - (119, 26)
84: (120, 6) - (120, 45)
85: (121, 6) - (124, 32)
86: (126, 3) - (126, 10)
On Linux we already on console and can change directory directly.
E.g. you have selected the preset "Linux shared release" then your output folder is openscenario.api.test/cpp/build/cgReleaseMakeShared/applications/openScenarioTester
As you should be already in openscenario.api.test/cpp
just do the following:
$ cd build/cgReleaseMakeShared/applications/openScenarioTester
$ ./OpenScenarioTester
Major Revision :0
Minor Revision :9
Ego has 2 axles (front, rear)
Major Revision :0
Minor Revision :9
Ego has 2 axles (front, rear)
$ cd build/cgReleaseMakeShared/applications/expressionsTester
$ ./ExpressionsTester
Running test with id '84':
Test with id '84' successful.
Running test with id '85':
Test with id '85' successful.
Running test with id '86':
Test with id '86' successful.
You can also easily build OpenSCENARIO on systems with console access only.
But before we dive into that we will have a short excursion to cmake's presets
as we will need them on the command line.
As you might have noticed we used presets
already in cmake-gui for configuration, like the two we have seen so far: "VS2019 x64 shared" for Windows and "Linux shared release" for Linux.
These presets are defined in the file CMakePresets.json
They are build up in a hierarchical structure and define a couple of configurations, e.g. defining the build type (release, debug or multi type), library binding (shared or static), and defining output folders for object files and binaries.
All these presets are accessible via console.
Presets are available for different steps of the build process.
Currently we support configure and build presets for Linux and Windows.
To know which presets are available for your current system cmake provides you with cmake command line options.
We will query the configuration and build presets for both Windows and Linux.
The both commands needed are as follows:
$ cmake --list-presets
$ cmake --build --list-presets
As an example head to a Linux terminal and navigate to the OpenSCENARIO source tree to the folder cpp
The commands should be executed in source folder where the main CMakeLists.txt file is located.
So be sure that you execute the commands in the folder cpp
The commands have to be executed in the root source folder. |
Now enter the two commands above to see the valid presets for configure and build for the local system. The output printed to your Linux terminal should be similar to this one:
$ cmake --list-presets
Available configure presets:
"Linux-shared-debug" - Linux shared debug
"Linux-static-debug" - Linux static debug
"Linux-shared-release" - Linux shared release
"Linux-static-release" - Linux static release
$ cmake --build --list-presets
Available build presets:
"Build-Linux-shared-release" - Build Linux shared release
"Build-Linux-shared-debug" - Build Linux shared debug
"Build-Linux-static-release" - Build Linux static release
"Build-Linux-static-debug" - Build Linux static debug
The same commands executed in a Windows command shell gives these results:
>cmake --list-presets
Available configure presets:
"VS2022-x64-static" - VS2022 x64 static
"VS2022-x64-shared" - VS2022 x64 shared
"VS2022-Win32-static" - VS2022 Win32 static
"VS2022-Win32-shared" - VS2022 Win32 shared
"VS2019-x64-static" - VS2019 x64 static
"VS2019-x64-shared" - VS2019 x64 shared
"VS2019-Win32-static" - VS2019 Win32 static
"VS2019-Win32-shared" - VS2019 Win32 shared
"VS2017-x64-static" - VS2017 x64 static
"VS2017-x64-shared" - VS2017 x64 shared
"VS2017-Win32-static" - VS2017 Win32 static
"VS2017-Win32-shared" - VS2017 Win32 shared
"VS2015-x64-static" - VS2015 x64 static
"VS2015-x64-shared" - VS2015 x64 shared
"VS2015-Win32-static" - VS2015 Win32 static
"VS2015-Win32-shared" - VS2015 Win32 shared
"Linux-shared-debug" - Linux shared debug
"Linux-static-debug" - Linux static debug
"Linux-shared-release" - Linux shared release
"Linux-static-release" - Linux static release
>cmake --build --list-presets
Available build presets:
"Build-Linux-shared-release" - Build Linux shared release
"Build-Linux-shared-debug" - Build Linux shared debug
"Build-Linux-static-release" - Build Linux static release
"Build-Linux-static-debug" - Build Linux static debug
"Build-VS2022-x64-shared" - Build VS2022 x64 shared
"Build-VS2022-x64-static" - Build VS2022 x64 static
"Build-VS2022-Win32-shared" - Build VS2022 Win32 shared
"Build-VS2022-Win32-static" - Build VS2022 Win32 static
"Build-VS2019-x64-shared" - Build VS2019 x64 shared
"Build-VS2019-x64-static" - Build VS2019 x64 static
"Build-VS2019-Win32-shared" - Build VS2019 Win32 shared
"Build-VS2019-Win32-static" - Build VS2019 Win32 static
"Build-VS2017-x64-shared" - Build VS2017 x64 shared
"Build-VS2017-x64-static" - Build VS2017 x64 static
"Build-VS2017-Win32-shared" - Build VS2017 Win32 shared
"Build-VS2017-Win32-static" - Build VS2017 Win32 static
"Build-VS2015-x64-shared" - Build VS2015 x64 shared
"Build-VS2015-x64-static" - Build VS2015 x64 static
"Build-VS2015-Win32-shared" - Build VS2015 Win32 shared
"Build-VS2015-Win32-static" - Build VS2015 Win32 static
In this section we first configure the project and generate its build environment by selecting a configure preset. In the following step we build the project—compiling the binaries from the sources—by selecting a build configuration.
Now as we know the available presets lets continue with our example on Linux and select a preset for configuring our project. On the Linux terminal enter the following command to build a debug version with static libraries (the Windows example is at the end of this section):
$ cmake --preset="Linux-static-debug"
The output created is similar to our Linux cmake-gui example despite that the output folder for the files should be cpp/build/cgDebugMakeStatic
With the command above we configured the project and generated the necessary project files for building in one single step.
The command cmake --preset="<selected preset>" configures the project and generates its build environment.
Here is a shortened version of the generated output:
user:~/Projects/openscenario.api.test/cpp$ cmake --preset="Linux-static-debug"
Preset CMake variables:
Preset environment variables:
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 11.2.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 11.2.0
-- OpenScenario-Cpp
-- Single-configuration generator: Debug
-- OpenScenario-Cpp configuration: Debug
-- Platform: ; Shared lib: OFF
-- Found ANTLR:
(found version "4.8")
Program version: 1.3.0
OSC std version: 1.2.0
-- Subprojects:
-- OpenScenarioLib: using Antlr static
-- ExpressionsLib: using Antlr static
-- IndexerTester: using Antlr static
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to:
On Windows the equivalent command to build a debug (and also the release) version with static libraries is:
> cmake --preset="VS2019-Win32-static"
This will generate the 32 bit solution for Visual Studio 2019 using static libraries.
As Visual Studio is a multi build type environment both debug and release are configured and generated by default. [1] |
We just created everything to start compiling the project. #As mentioned in the section Building on Linux with cmake-gui target make we could now change the folder to the project files and execute make manually or we stay in the folder where we are and instruct cmake to build the binaries for us. On the Linux terminal enter the following command to start compiling:
$ cmake --build --preset="Build-Linux-static-debug" -j8
This causes cmake to look for the appropriate build environment of the project and starts compilation.
Note the -j8
at the end of the command which enables parallel compilation with 8 processes.
After successful compilation you should see an output similar to this (shortened):
user:~/Projects/openscenario.api.test/cpp$ cmake --build --preset="Build-Linux-static-debug" -j8
[ 1%] Creating directories for 'antlr4_runtime'
[ 2%] Performing download step (verify and extract) for 'antlr4_runtime'
[ 76%] Building CXX object
[ 77%] Building CXX object
[ 77%] Linking CXX static library libOpenScenarioLib.a
[ 77%] Built target OpenScenarioLib
[ 78%] Building CXX object applications/openScenarioReader/CMakeFiles/OpenScenarioReader.dir/src/OpenScenarioReader.cpp.o
[ 78%] Building CXX object
[ 78%] Linking CXX executable OpenScenarioReader
[ 78%] Built target OpenScenarioReader
[ 79%] Building CXX object applications/openScenarioTester/CMakeFiles/OpenScenarioTester.dir/__/__/externalLibs/TinyXML2/tinyxml2.cpp.o
[ 97%] Building CXX object
[ 97%] Building CXX object
[ 98%] Building CXX object
[ 98%] Building CXX object
[ 98%] Building CXX object
[ 99%] Building CXX object
[ 99%] Building CXX object
[100%] Building CXX object
[100%] Linking CXX executable OpenScenarioTester
[100%] Built target OpenScenarioTester
The Windows pendant for starting compilation:
$ cmake --build --preset="Build-VS2019-Win32-static" --config debug
Based on our first configuration we can freely re-configure the project.
This is where the ncurses ui ccmake
shows up.
We therefore use our Linux example.
For ccmake we have to provide the path to the folder containing the project files via the parameter -B <path>
We specify the path relatively and end up with the parameter -B build/cgDebugMakeStatic
For re-configuring the project files we start ccmake ui with this command in the cpp folder:
$ ccmake -B build/cgDebugMakeStatic
The following output should appear in the terminal:
In the upper part of the terminal you see the cmake variables which can freely be modified.
The bottom shows the menu with the available commands to interact with the console frontend.
As you can see there is a menu entry [c] Configure
which we will use in a view moments.
Important: there is no entry for "generate" yet.
The generate entry will appear only after successful configuration directly behind the [c] Configure
You may already have noticed that the ccmake's frontend capabilities are quite similar to its graphical pendant cmake-gui. Here you can also modify cmake parameters, configure, and generate the project files. The only thing different: you cannot select a different preset.
Compared to cmake-gui ccmake is missing the capability of selecting presets .
To configure now the project just hit the c
The output shown will be quite the same as we have seen before when selecting the preset.
To exit the output screen just press the e
In the next step we will generate the project files so we can finally compile our OpenSCENARIO sources.
Currently we are in the state of having a configured project but we are still missing the updated Makefiles according to our changes in order to compile our project.
If the configuration step was successful a new menu entry at the bottom of the terminal windows—right after [c] Configure
--should appear: [g] Generate
Now just press the g
key to start the generation process.
If generate was successful then ccmake will quit to console.
According to our example you may go now to the folder cpp/build/cgDebugMakeStatic
and build the binaries.
You cannot use the build preset as you modified the settings. When using the presets again your settings will be overwritten. |
The necessary steps to setup the OpenSCENARIO build environment for console / terminal are shown in short form as follows:
$ cd <your OpenSCENARIO cpp folder>
$ cmake --list-presets # List available configure presets for local system
$ cmake --preset="<config-preset>" # Select a preset, configure and generate project files
$ cmake --build --list-presets # List available build presets for local system
$ cmake --build --preset="<build-preset>" # Select a preset and compile the sources
$ ccmake <path project files folder> # Bring up ncurses frontend, to re-configure
# and re-generate project files
$ cd <your project files folder> # Go to the re-generated project files
$ make # Manually compile the sources
Compiling the whole project with every standard version (1.0, 1.1, 1.2) supported could spent an unnecessary amount of resources. To build on an exact standard version, or a set of standard versions, you may set the build options for these specific standard versions.
SUPPORT_OSC_1_0: Build and compile the sources to support the standard version 1.0
SUPPORT_OSC_1_1: Support the standard version 1.1
SUPPORT_OSC_1_2: Support the standard version 1.2
The compile time and the package sizes of your build artifacts will be dramatically reduced, when building for a specific standard version.
See the options below in the cmake-guì
Only the supported version specific classes and function are exported and available in the library.
E.g. when you build your project with SUPPORT_OSC_1_2
and skip the SUPPORT_OSC_1_1
and the SUPPORT_OSC_1_0
options, the following namespace is available:
These namespaces are not available:
If you build the standalone checker with an incomplete set of standard versions, you cannot check your files against he missing version. E.g. when you build your project with SUPPORT_OSC_1_2
and skip the SUPPORT_OSC_1_1
and the SUPPORT_OSC_1_0
options, the following call will fail as the default option is version 1.0:
$ ./OpenScenarioReader -i examples/simpleExample/SimpleExample.xosc
* ASAM OpenSCENARIO 1.3.0 Checker (2022) *
Checking 'examples/simpleExample/SimpleExample.xosc'
Standard Version 1.0 is not supported. Compile Reader with SUPPORT_OSC_1_0 option.
The same kind of error will show up when starting the reader with the -v1_1
$ ./OpenScenarioReader -i examples/simpleExample/SimpleExample.xosc -v1_1
* ASAM OpenSCENARIO 1.3.0 Checker (2022) *
Checking 'examples/simpleExample/SimpleExample.xosc'
Standard Version 1.1 is not supported. Compile Reader with SUPPORT_OSC_1_1 option.
For your own projects you can alternatively use our build artifacts—pre-compiled binaries—in your own projects. In this section we describe how to use the artifacts for Linux and Windows.
To obtain the artifacts go to our Releases page and download the artifact of your choice.
On the release page all artifacts for a certain release are collected in the Assets
section of the release.
Currently we support Windows (32 and 64 bit) and Linux for shared and static builds.
All artifacts are release builds and come with an example application using the pre-compiled libraries.
The Windows artifacts were build with Visual Studio 2022.
The Linux artifacts were build with gcc 9.4.
Here is an example list:
For the static versions of the artifacts you must use release and the matching compiler version otherwise the build will fail. |
After downloading e.g. OpenSCENARIO_API_x64SharedRelease_2022.08.29.zip
and unpacking it you should see the following content (with description):
Filename | Description |
Directory containing all necessary header files. |
Directory containing the pre-compiled libraries (shared and static). |
Resources for the provided example. |
The provided example. |
Helper macros for the following CMakeLists.txt file. |
CMake project file for setting up the example. |
In this example we especially focus on the static build and the necessary steps to pay attention.
Download e.g. OpenSCENARIO_API_x64StaticRelease_2022.08.29.zip
and unpack it.
Its default folder should be named e.g. OpenSCENARIO_API_x64StaticRelease
Now open cmake-gui
and point its source directory to the unpacked folder.
For the destination folder add /build/Win
as seen in the screenshot below:
Now when it comes to the cmake configure step be sure to select Visual Studio 2022 x64.
Selecting the correct version of Visual Studio (and of course the right architecture, too) is crucial for a successful static build! |
Click on the "Configure" button and select Visual Studio 17 2022 as shown in the screenshot below:
Next select the correct processor architecture. In the current example this x64.
Finally click the "Generate" button to build the solution.
The output window of cmake-gui should print out the following log messages:
The Linux example on how to use the build artifacts is quite similar to the Windows example beside bringing up Visual Studio.
We will show the command line
way of setting up the project.
Download e.g. OpenSCENARIO_API_LinuxStaticRelease_2022.08.29.tgz
and unpack it.
user:~/Projects$ tar -zxf OpenSCENARIO_API_LinuxStaticRelease_2022.08.29.tgz
The cmake configuration and generate step is quite easy.
Just enter the artifact directory cd OpenSCENARIO_API_LinuxStaticRelease/
and enter the following command cmake -S . -B build/Lin
The generated output on Ubuntu 22.04.1 is the following:
user:~/Projects$ cd OpenSCENARIO_API_LinuxStaticRelease/
user:~/Projects/OpenSCENARIO_API_LinuxStaticRelease$ cmake -S . -B build/Lin
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 11.2.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 11.2.0
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc - skipped
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ - skipped
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Single-configuration generator: Release
-- OpenScenarioReader configuration: Release
-- Platform: Linux; Shared lib: OFF
Building all into: /home/user/Projects/osc/OpenSCENARIO_API_LinuxStaticRelease/build/Lin
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/user/Projects/osc/OpenSCENARIO_API_LinuxStaticRelease/build/Lin
In this last step we compile the generated project with make
Just enter the newly created build folder cd build/Lin/
and then enter the command make
The output should look like this
user:~/Projects/osc/OpenSCENARIO_API_LinuxStaticRelease$ cd build/Lin/
user:~/Projects/osc/OpenSCENARIO_API_LinuxStaticRelease/build/Lin$ make
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/OpenScenarioReader.dir/src/OpenScenarioReader.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable OpenScenarioReader
[100%] Built target OpenScenarioReader
That's all for Linux and the build artifacts.