A group relationship record for an individual. A given individual may have more than one admin relationship to multiple groups, but only one member relationship to a single group.
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Returns a group relationship by uuid.
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client.groups.retrieve_relationship(uuid: uuid)
#=> #<Calendlyr::Groups::Relationship>
Returns a list of group relationships - a given owner can have one membership record, but multiple admin records.
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For the example bellow we will use not parameters, but you can use the allowed parameters in Calendly docs.
#=> #<Calendlyr::Collection @data=[#<Calendlyr::Groups::Relationship>, ...], @count=nil, @next_page=nil, @next_page_token=nil, @client=#<Calendlyr::Client>>
#=> #<Calendlyr::Organization>
#=> #<Calendlyr::Group>
#=> #<Calendlyr::Organizations::Membership>