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File metadata and controls

326 lines (239 loc) · 10.4 KB

Silex Extras

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Package consisting of reusable stuff for Silex powered applications.

It is collection of various services that will ease bootsrapping new Silex applications, keep best practices in sync across projects, and ensure we do stuff in a similar manner whenever we do something.

What's In It?

  • Log processor for adding extra context to logs
  • ServiceProvider for rich logging in Logstash format
  • Base Application class for doing common stuff we always do in Silex applications
  • Error handler that outputs stuff as json if Accept: application/json
  • TestToolkit to bootstrap functional testing of Silex applications
  • API key user authentication
  • Storage interface, with local file and Level3 implementations
  • Ftp upload abstraction, basically a wrapper around native FTP functionality
  • Level3 upload service, for uploading stuff to Level3
  • ConsoleLoggerServiceProvider, for integrating the logger with the console
  • CacheServiceProvider, for Memcached and Redis implementations of Doctrin Cache (can also be used standalone)
  • GuzzleServiceProvider for extra Guzzle features
  • Guzzle HttpCallInterceptorPlugin for testing with Guzzle services


Wraps native PHP FTP functions in an object oriented manner. It's designed for working with Level3 CDN, and thus has a concept of multiple paths for upload.


$ftp = new Ftp($hostname, $username, $password, $logger);
$file = new File($pathToFile);

$destination = 'path/on/server/with/filename.txt';
// All directories needs to be created before upload
$ftp->put($destination, $file->getRealPath());

The class has a few more features for validating upload integrity and moving the file to publish location after upload. Read the source :)


Provides an abstraction for uploading files to Level3. You need to provide a an Ftp instance and various paths, and can then simply do: $service->upload($fileContents, $targetFileName, $relativeLocalTempDir);.

After upload, the file will be renamed and put in a folder matching it's checksum, in order to avoid duplicate uploads, and to deal with Level3's (sensible) limitation of max number of files in a directory. The full public url is returned. Strictly speaking, this isn't actually Level3 specific, but more a two-step strategy for validated uploads.

There's also a bundled Level3ServiceProvider for simpler integration with Silex.


This folder provides two classes:

  • ExtraContextProcessor for always adding a predefined set of extra fields to log entries
  • RequestProcessor for adding client ip, unique request token and username to all entries
  • MonologGuzzleLogAdapater for integrating Monolog with Guzzle, to log request times and errors

Usage is simple:

use Monolog\Logger;
use Aptoma\Log\RequestProcessor;

$app = new \Silex\Application(...);

$app['logger']->pushProcessor(new RequestProcessor($app));
$app['logger']->pushProcessor(new ExtraContextProcessor(array('service' => 'my-service', 'environment' => 'staging')));


This is a service provider that automatically adds the above mentioned RequestProcessor, as well as a LogstashFormatter if you have specified monolog.logstashfile.

The LogstashFormatter can also add some extra context to each record:

$app['meta.service'] = 'drvideo-metadata-admin-gui'; // The name of the service, consult with AMP
$app['meta.customer'] = 'Aptoma'; // The name of customer for this record
$app['meta.environment'] = 'production'; // The environment of the current installation

These extra fields will help us classify records in our consolidated logging infrastructure (Loggly, Logstash and friends), and lead to great success.


This service provider makes it easy to show log messages from services in the console, without having to inject an instance of OutputInterface into the services. This requires version ~2.4 of Symfony Components. More info about the change is at the Symfony Blog.

In your console application, you can now do something like this:

use Symfony\Component\Console\Application;

$app = require 'app.php';
$console = new Application('My Console Application', '1.0');
// You should only register this service provider when running commands
$app->register(new \Aptoma\Silex\Provider\ConsoleLoggerServiceProvider());


$console->run($app['console.input'], $app['console.output']);

You will still use the normal OutputInterface instance for command feedback in your commands, but you will now also get output from anything your services are logging.

The console logger overrides the default monolog.handler in order to allow setting a custom log file. If defined, it will use monolog.console_logfile, and if not, it will fall back to monolog.logfile.

This Provider is also available as standalone package:


This is a base application you can extend. It will add a json formatter for errors, register ServiceControllerServiceProvider and UrlGeneratorServiceProvider, automatically log execution time for scripts (up until the response has been sent), and also exposes registerTwig and registerLogger, which you can use to set up those with one line of code.

This class should include functionality that we always use, meaning it's not a collection of "nice to haves".


This class simply formats exceptions as JsonResponses, provided the client has sent an Accept: application/json header. It will be loaded automatically by the base Application class mentioned above, or it can be registered manually:

$jsonErrorHandler = new Aptoma\JsonErrorHandler($app);
$app->error(array($jsonErrorHandler, 'handle'));


This includes a BaseWebTestCase you can use to bootstrap your test, and an associated TestClient with shortcuts for postJson($url, $data) and putJson($url, $data).

To use it, you need to have your tests extend it, and probably also add the path to your bootstrap file:

class MyObjectTest extends TestToolkit\BaseWebTestCase
    public function setUp()
        $this->pathToAppBootstrap = __DIR__.'/../../app/app.php';


Component for API key user authentication.

All it requires is a UserProvider and an encoder to encode the API key. It'll typically be used in your app like this:

    new Aptoma\Silex\Provider\ApiKeyServiceProvider(),
        'api_key.user_provider' => new App\Specific\UserProvider(),
        'api_key.encoder' => new App\Specific\Encoder()

It can then be attached to any firewall of your choice:

    new Silex\Provider\SecurityServiceProvider(),
        'security.firewalls' => array(
            // ...
            'secured' => array(
                'pattern' => '^.*$',
                'api_key' => true
                // more settings...


Registers services for cache.memcached and cache.predis, as well as a generic cache, which can be configured to return either of these (Memcached by default).

$app->register(new Aptoma\Silex\Provider\MemcachedServicerProvider());
$app->register(new Aptoma\Silex\Provider\CacheServicerProvider());

$app['cache']->save('mykey', 'myvalue');

See below for config options for Memcached.


Registers Memcached as a service, and takes care of prefixes and persistent connections. It returns an instance of \Memcached.

$app['memcached.identifier'] = 'my_app';
$app['memcached.prefix'] = 'ma_';
$app['memcached.servers'] = array(
        array('host' => '', 'port' => 11211),

$app->register(new Aptoma\Silex\Provider\MemcachedServicerProvider());

$app['memcached']->set('mykey', 'myvalue');


Registers Predis as a service. It returns an instance of \Predis\Client.

$app[''] = '';
$app['redis.port'] = 6379;
$app['redis.prefix'] = 'prefix::';
$app['redis.database'] = 0;

$app->register(new Aptoma\Silex\Provider\PredisClientServicerProvider());

$app['predis.client']->set('mykey', 'myvalue');


Extends the base GuzzleServiceProvider to allow registering global plugins, and also adds a few plugins:

  • generic logging of each request
  • logging of total requests
  • adding of request token header to outgoing requests
  • cache plugin for HTTP based caching

To configure which cache storage to use, define $app['guzzle.default_cache'], which should be a string referencing the cache service to use, ie. 'cache.memcached'.

$app->register(new GuzzleServiceProvider(), array('' => array()));
$app->finish(array($app['guzzle.request_logger_plugin'], 'writeLog'));

$app['guzzle.plugins'] = $app->share(
    function () use ($app) {
        return array(

Guzzle HttpCallInterceptorPlugin

Guzzle plugin for use in unit testing to ensure there are no calls made to any external services. In your test setup, do something like this:

$this->app['guzzle.plugins'] = $this->app->share(
        function (array $plugins, $app) {
            $plugins[] = new HttpCallInterceptorPlugin($app['logger']);

            return $plugins;

// Intercept errors and fail tests, if you don't do this, you'll most often get
// a rather cryptic error message
    function (HttpCallToBackendException $e) use ($testCase) {

    function (BatchTransferException $e) use ($testCase) {