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Jasper Blues edited this page Jul 8, 2014 · 30 revisions

[Types of Injections](Types of Injections) | [What can be Injected](What can be Injected) | Modules | Scopes | Obtaining Built Components | [Integration Testing](Integration Testing)

Typhoon provides the following scopes:

##TyphoonScopeObjectGraph (default)

This scope is essential (and unique to Typhoon) for mobile and desktop applications. When a component is resolved, any dependencies with the object-graph will be treated as shared instances during resolution. Once resolution is complete they are not retained by the TyphoonComponentFactory. This allows instantiating an entire object graph for a use-case (say for a ViewController), and then discarding it when that use-case has completed.


Indicates that a new instance should always be created by Typhoon, whenever this component is obtained from an assembly or referenced by another component.


Indicates that Typhoon should retain the instance that exists for as long as the TyphoonComponentFactory exists.


Indicates that a shared instance should be created as long as necessary. When your application's classes stop referencing this component it will be deallocated until needed again.

#Setting Scope for a Component:

- (RootViewController *)rootController
    return [TyphoonDefinition withClass:[RootViewController class] configuration:^(TyphoonDefinition* definition)
        definition.scope = TyphoonScopeSingleton;