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-# django-react-soft-dashboard
\ No newline at end of file
+# [Django React Soft Dashboard](https://appseed.us/product/django-react-soft-dashboard)
+Start your Development with an Innovative Admin Template for **Material-UI** and **React**. [Soft UI Dashboard React](https://appseed.us/product/django-react-soft-dashboard) is built with over 70 frontend individual elements, like buttons, inputs, navbars, nav tabs, cards, or alerts, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining. The product comes with a simple JWT authentication flow: login/register/logout.
+> Features
+- Innovative Material-UI Design - Creafted by [Creative-Tim](https://bit.ly/3fKQZaL)
+- React, Redux, Redux-persist
+- Authentication: JWT Login/Register/Logout
+- **Full-stack Ready** using a **Django API Server** (open-source project) - Server Features
+ - Django / DRF / SQLite3 - a simple, easy to use backend
+ - Authentication with JWT (login, logout, register)
+ - Docker, Unitary tests
+> Links
+- [Django React Soft Dashboard](https://appseed.us/product/django-react-soft-dashboard) - product page
+- [Django React Soft Dashboard](https://django-react-soft-dashboard.appseed-srv1.com/authentication/sign-in) - LIVE Demo
+- Download Backend: [Django API Server 📥](https://github.com/app-generator/api-server-django/archive/refs/heads/main.zip)
+- Donwnload Frontend: [React Soft Dashboard 📥](https://github.com/app-generator/react-soft-ui-dashboard/archive/refs/heads/main.zip)
+* Free Support via Github (issues tracker) and [Discord](https://discord.gg/fZC6hup).
+* Related Products:
+ - Node JS API Backend - [Node React Soft Dashboard](https://appseed.us/product/node-js-react-soft-dashboard) - `open-source` project
+> **Note**: This product can be used with other API Servers for a complete fullstack experience. **ALL API servers use an unified interface**
+- [Flask API Server](https://github.com/app-generator/api-server-flask) - open-source product
+- [Node JS API Server](https://github.com/app-generator/api-server-nodejs) - open-source product / Typescript / SQLite / TypeORM / Joy for validation
+- [Node JS API Server PRO](https://github.com/app-generator/api-server-nodejs-pro) - **commercial product**
+ - SQLite / TypeORM / Joy / Docker
+ - MongoDB / Mongoose / Joy Docker (separate branch, same project)
+## Start Django API Server
+Simple starter built with Python / DRF Library / Sqlite3 and JWT Auth. The authentication flow is based on [json web tokens](https://jwt.io).
+> How to use the code
+**Step #1** - Clone the sources
+$ git clone https://github.com/app-generator/api-server-django.git
+$ cd api-server-django
+**Step #2** - Create a virtual environment
+$ # Virtualenv modules installation (Unix based systems)
+$ virtualenv env
+$ source env/bin/activate
+$ # Virtualenv modules installation (Windows based systems)
+$ # virtualenv env
+$ # .\env\Scripts\activate
+**Step #3** - Install dependencies using PIP
+$ pip install -r requirements.txt
+**Step #4** - Start the API server
+$ python manage.py migrate
+$ python manage.py runserver 5000
+The API server will start using the explicit port `5000`.
+## Start React UI
+To use the product Node JS (>= 12.x) is required and GIT to clone/download the project from the public repository.
+**Step #1** - Clone the project
+$ git clone https://github.com/app-generator/react-soft-ui-dashboard.git
+$ cd react-soft-ui-dashboard
+**Step #2** - Install dependencies via NPM or yarn
+$ npm i
+// OR
+$ yarn
+**Step #3** - Start in development mode
+$ npm run start
+// OR
+$ yarn start
+## Configure the backend server
+The product comes with a usable JWT Authentication flow that provides only the basic requests: login/logout/register.
+**API Server URL** - `src/config/constant.js`
+const config = {
+ ...
+ API_SERVER: 'http://localhost:5000/api/' // <-- The magic line
+**API Server Descriptor** - POSTMAN Collection
+The backend server uses an [Unified API defition](https://docs.appseed.us/boilerplate-code/api-server/api-unified-definition) maintained and actively supported by AppSeed across multiple frameworks: Flask, Node JS, FastAPI.
+- [API POSTMAN Collection](https://github.com/app-generator/api-unified-definition/blob/main/api.postman_collection.json) - can be used to mock (simulate) the backend server or code a new one in your preferred framework.
+[Django React Soft Dashboard](https://appseed.us/product/django-react-soft-dashboard) - Provided by **AppSeed [App Generator](https://appseed.us/app-generator)**.