You must have an ACF PRO licence.
Once you acquired the licence, add this line to your wp-config.php
define('ACF_PRO_KEY', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx');
The home page should display:
- Hookable static project description (below header)
- Slider with site content
- Editable highlighted embed of external content (for Story Map, from ArcGis Online)
- List of content categorized by content types (publications, policy documents, news and videos)
- Widget area before footer
- Hookable static footer
The WordPress theme should separate/categorize published content (posts) into:
- Publications
- Policy Documents
- News
- Videos
A custom post type for protected areas of the Pan Amazon related themes. Each theme of the indicator post type should have custom post meta related to:
- Current status (text)
- Current status (3 options - something like bad, medium and god)
- Links
- Localized (i18n)
- Support qTranslate-X plugin
The DomeGIS plugin should provide means to access DomeGIS platform visualizations.
- Widget and shortcode for selecting available maps for display
- Widget and shortcode for latest maps listing
- Maps listing also avaiable as template tag
- Settings page to input the proper DomeGIS server