diff --git a/docs/en/latest/plugins/limit-conn.md b/docs/en/latest/plugins/limit-conn.md
index 82751d02edb8..8b08ab13a2de 100644
--- a/docs/en/latest/plugins/limit-conn.md
+++ b/docs/en/latest/plugins/limit-conn.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ keywords:
- Apache APISIX
- API Gateway
- Limit Connection
-description: This document contains information about the Apache APISIX limit-con Plugin, you can use it to limits the number of concurrent requests to your services.
+description: The limit-conn plugin restricts the rate of requests by managing concurrent connections. Requests exceeding the threshold may be delayed or rejected, ensuring controlled API usage and preventing overload.
## Description
-The `limit-conn` Plugin limits the number of concurrent requests to your services.
+The `limit-conn` Plugin limits the rate of requests by the number of concurrent connections. Requests exceeding the threshold will be delayed or rejected based on the configuration, ensuring controlled resource usage and preventing overload.
## Attributes
-| Name | Type | Required | Default | Valid values | Description |
-|--------------------------|---------| -------- |-------------|-----------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
-| conn | integer | True | | conn > 0 | Maximum number of concurrent requests allowed. Requests exceeding this ratio (and below `conn` + `burst`) will be delayed (configured by `default_conn_delay`). |
-| burst | integer | True | | burst >= 0 | Number of additional concurrent requests allowed to be delayed per second. If the number exceeds this hard limit, they will get rejected immediately. |
-| default_conn_delay | number | True | | default_conn_delay > 0 | Delay in seconds to process the concurrent requests exceeding `conn` (and `conn` + `burst`). |
-| only_use_default_delay | boolean | False | false | [true,false] | When set to `true`, the Plugin will always set a delay of `default_conn_delay` and would not use any other calculations. |
-| key_type | string | False | "var" | ["var", "var_combination"] | Type of user specified key to use. |
-| key | string | True | | | User specified key to base the request limiting on. If the `key_type` attribute is set to `"var"`, the key will be treated as a name of variable, like `remote_addr` or `consumer_name`. If the `key_type` is set to `"var_combination"`, the key will be a combination of variables, like `$remote_addr $consumer_name`. If the value of the key is empty, `remote_addr` will be set as the default key. |
-| rejected_code | string | False | 503 | [200,...,599] | HTTP status code returned when the requests exceeding the threshold are rejected. |
-| rejected_msg | string | False | | non-empty | Body of the response returned when the requests exceeding the threshold are rejected. |
-| allow_degradation | boolean | False | false | | When set to `true` enables Plugin degradation when the Plugin is temporarily unavailable and allows requests to continue. |
-| policy | string | False | "local" | ["local", "redis", "redis-cluster"] | Rate-limiting policies to use for retrieving and increment the limit count. When set to `local` the counters will be locally stored in memory on the node. When set to `redis` counters are stored on a Redis server and will be shared across the nodes. It is done usually for global speed limiting, and setting to `redis-cluster` uses a Redis cluster instead of a single instance. |
-| redis_host | string | required when `policy` is `redis` | | | Address of the Redis server. Used when the `policy` attribute is set to `redis`. |
-| redis_port | integer | False | 6379 | [1,...] | Port of the Redis server. Used when the `policy` attribute is set to `redis`. |
-| redis_username | string | False | | | Username for Redis authentication if Redis ACL is used (for Redis version >= 6.0). If you use the legacy authentication method `requirepass` to configure Redis password, configure only the `redis_password`. Used when the `policy` is set to `redis`. |
-| redis_password | string | False | | | Password for Redis authentication. Used when the `policy` is set to `redis` or `redis-cluster`. |
-| redis_ssl | boolean | False | false | | If set to `true`, then uses SSL to connect to redis instance. Used when the `policy` attribute is set to `redis`. |
-| redis_ssl_verify | boolean | False | false | | If set to `true`, then verifies the validity of the server SSL certificate. Used when the `policy` attribute is set to `redis`. See [tcpsock:sslhandshake](https://github.com/openresty/lua-nginx-module#tcpsocksslhandshake). |
-| redis_database | integer | False | 0 | redis_database >= 0 | Selected database of the Redis server (for single instance operation or when using Redis cloud with a single entrypoint). Used when the `policy` attribute is set to `redis`. |
-| redis_timeout | integer | False | 1000 | [1,...] | Timeout in milliseconds for any command submitted to the Redis server. Used when the `policy` attribute is set to `redis` or `redis-cluster`. |
-| redis_cluster_nodes | array | required when `policy` is `redis-cluster` | | | Addresses of Redis cluster nodes. Used when the `policy` attribute is set to `redis-cluster`. |
-| redis_cluster_name | string | required when `policy` is `redis-cluster` | | | Name of the Redis cluster service nodes. Used when the `policy` attribute is set to `redis-cluster`. |
-| redis_cluster_ssl | boolean | False | false | | If set to `true`, then uses SSL to connect to redis-cluster. Used when the `policy` attribute is set to `redis-cluster`. |
-| redis_cluster_ssl_verify | boolean | False | false | | If set to `true`, then verifies the validity of the server SSL certificate. Used when the `policy` attribute is set to `redis-cluster`. |
-## Enable Plugin
-You can enable the Plugin on a Route as shown below:
+| Name | Type | Required | Default | Valid values | Description |
+| conn | integer | True | | > 0 | The maximum number of concurrent requests allowed. Requests exceeding the configured limit and below `conn + burst` will be delayed. |
+| burst | integer | True | | >= 0 | The number of excessive concurrent requests allowed to be delayed per second. Requests exceeding the limit will be rejected immediately. |
+| default_conn_delay | number | True | | > 0 | Processing latency allowed in seconds for concurrent requests exceeding `conn + burst`, which can be dynamically adjusted based on `only_use_default_delay` setting. |
+| only_use_default_delay | boolean | False | false | | If false, delay requests proportionally based on how much they exceed the `conn` limit. The delay grows larger as congestion increases. For instance, with `conn` being `5`, `burst` being `3`, and `default_conn_delay` being `1`, 6 concurrent requests would result in a 1-second delay, 7 requests a 2-second delay, 8 requests a 3-second delay, and so on, until the total limit of `conn + burst` is reached, beyond which requests are rejected. If true, use `default_conn_delay` to delay all excessive requests within the `burst` range. Requests beyond `conn + burst` are rejected immediately. For instance, with `conn` being `5`, `burst` being `3`, and `default_conn_delay` being `1`, 6, 7, or 8 concurrent requests are all delayed by exactly 1 second each. |
+| key_type | string | False | var | ["var","var_combination"] | The type of key. If the `key_type` is `var`, the `key` is interpreted a variable. If the `key_type` is `var_combination`, the `key` is interpreted as a combination of variables. |
+| key | string | False | remote_addr | | The key to count requests by. If the `key_type` is `var`, the `key` is interpreted a variable. The variable does not need to be prefixed by a dollar sign (`$`). If the `key_type` is `var_combination`, the `key` is interpreted as a combination of variables. All variables should be prefixed by dollar signs (`$`). For example, to configure the `key` to use a combination of two request headers `custom-a` and `custom-b`, the `key` should be configured as `$http_custom_a $http_custom_b`. |
+| rejected_code | integer | False | 503 | [200,...,599] | The HTTP status code returned when a request is rejected for exceeding the threshold. |
+| rejected_msg | string | False | | non-empty | The response body returned when a request is rejected for exceeding the threshold. |
+| allow_degradation | boolean | False | false | | If true, allow APISIX to continue handling requests without the Plugin when the Plugin or its dependencies become unavailable. |
+| policy | string | False | local | ["local","redis","redis-cluster"] | The policy for rate limiting counter. If it is `local`, the counter is stored in memory locally. If it is `redis`, the counter is stored on a Redis instance. If it is `redis-cluster`, the counter is stored in a Redis cluster. |
+| redis_host | string | False | | | The address of the Redis node. Required when `policy` is `redis`. |
+| redis_port | integer | False | 6379 | [1,...] | The port of the Redis node when `policy` is `redis`. |
+| redis_username | string | False | | | The username for Redis if Redis ACL is used. If you use the legacy authentication method `requirepass`, configure only the `redis_password`. Used when `policy` is `redis`. |
+| redis_password | string | False | | | The password of the Redis node when `policy` is `redis` or `redis-cluster`. |
+| redis_ssl | boolean | False | false | | If true, use SSL to connect to Redis cluster when `policy` is `redis`. |
+| redis_ssl_verify | boolean | False | false | | If true, verify the server SSL certificate when `policy` is `redis`. |
+| redis_database | integer | False | 0 | >= 0 | The database number in Redis when `policy` is `redis`. |
+| redis_timeout | integer | False | 1000 | [1,...] | The Redis timeout value in milliseconds when `policy` is `redis` or `redis-cluster`. |
+| redis_cluster_nodes | array[string] | False | | | The list of the Redis cluster nodes with at least two addresses. Required when policy is redis-cluster. |
+| redis_cluster_name | string | False | | | The name of the Redis cluster. Required when `policy` is `redis-cluster`. |
+| redis_cluster_ssl | boolean | False | false | | If true, use SSL to connect to Redis cluster when `policy` is |
+| redis_cluster_ssl_verify | boolean | False | false | | If true, verify the server SSL certificate when `policy` is `redis-cluster`. |
+## Examples
+The examples below demonstrate how you can configure `limit-conn` in different scenarios.
You can fetch the `admin_key` from `config.yaml` and save to an environment variable with the following command:
@@ -70,162 +75,346 @@ admin_key=$(yq '.deployment.admin.admin_key[0].key' conf/config.yaml | sed 's/"/
+### Apply Rate Limiting by Remote Address
+The following example demonstrates how to use `limit-conn` to rate limit requests by `remote_addr`, with example connection and burst thresholds.
+Create a Route with `limit-conn` Plugin to allow 2 concurrent requests and 1 excessive concurrent request. Additionally:
+* Configure the Plugin to allow 0.1 second of processing latency for concurrent requests exceeding `conn + burst`.
+* Set the key type to `vars` to interpret `key` as a variable.
+* Calculate rate limiting count by request's `remote_address`.
+* Set `policy` to `local` to use the local counter in memory.
+* Customize the `rejected_code` to `429`.
-curl \
--H "X-API-KEY: $admin_key" -X PUT -d '
- "methods": ["GET"],
- "uri": "/index.html",
+curl "" -X PUT \
+ -H "X-API-KEY: ${admin_key}" \
+ -d '{
+ "id": "limit-conn-route",
+ "uri": "/get",
"plugins": {
- "limit-conn": {
- "conn": 1,
- "burst": 0,
- "default_conn_delay": 0.1,
- "rejected_code": 503,
- "key_type": "var",
- "key": "http_a"
- }
+ "limit-conn": {
+ "conn": 2,
+ "burst": 1,
+ "default_conn_delay": 0.1,
+ "key_type": "var",
+ "key": "remote_addr",
+ "policy": "local",
+ "rejected_code": 429
+ }
"upstream": {
- "type": "roundrobin",
- "nodes": {
- "": 1
- }
+ "type": "roundrobin",
+ "nodes": {
+ "httpbin.org:80": 1
+ }
+ }'
-You can also configure the `key_type` to `var_combination` as shown:
+Send five concurrent requests to the route:
-curl \
--H "X-API-KEY: $admin_key" -X PUT -d '
- "methods": ["GET"],
- "uri": "/index.html",
+seq 1 5 | xargs -n1 -P5 bash -c 'curl -s -o /dev/null -w "Response: %{http_code}\n" ""'
+You should see responses similar to the following, where excessive requests are rejected:
+Response: 200
+Response: 200
+Response: 200
+Response: 429
+Response: 429
+### Apply Rate Limiting by Remote Address and Consumer Name
+The following example demonstrates how to use `limit-conn` to rate limit requests by a combination of variables, `remote_addr` and `consumer_name`.
+Create a Consumer `john`:
+curl "" -X PUT \
+ -H "X-API-KEY: ${admin_key}" \
+ -d '{
+ "username": "john"
+ }'
+Create `key-auth` Credential for the Consumer:
+curl "" -X PUT \
+ -H "X-API-KEY: ${admin_key}" \
+ -d '{
+ "id": "cred-john-key-auth",
"plugins": {
- "limit-conn": {
- "conn": 1,
- "burst": 0,
- "default_conn_delay": 0.1,
- "rejected_code": 503,
- "key_type": "var_combination",
- "key": "$consumer_name $remote_addr"
- }
+ "key-auth": {
+ "key": "john-key"
+ }
+ }
+ }'
+Create a second Consumer `jane`:
+curl "" -X PUT \
+ -H "X-API-KEY: ${admin_key}" \
+ -d '{
+ "username": "jane"
+ }'
+Create `key-auth` Credential for the Consumer:
+curl "" -X PUT \
+ -H "X-API-KEY: ${admin_key}" \
+ -d '{
+ "id": "cred-jane-key-auth",
+ "plugins": {
+ "key-auth": {
+ "key": "jane-key"
+ }
+ }
+ }'
+Create a Route with `key-auth` and `limit-conn` Plugins, and specify in the `limit-conn` Plugin to use a combination of variables as the rate limiting key:
+curl "" -X PUT \
+ -H "X-API-KEY: ${admin_key}" \
+ -d '{
+ "id": "limit-conn-route",
+ "uri": "/get",
+ "plugins": {
+ "key-auth": {},
+ "limit-conn": {
+ "conn": 2,
+ "burst": 1,
+ "default_conn_delay": 0.1,
+ "rejected_code": 429,
+ "key_type": "var_combination",
+ "key": "$remote_addr $consumer_name"
+ }
"upstream": {
- "type": "roundrobin",
- "nodes": {
- "": 1
- }
+ "type": "roundrobin",
+ "nodes": {
+ "httpbin.org:80": 1
+ }
+ }'
+Send five concurrent requests as the Consumer `john`:
+seq 1 5 | xargs -n1 -P5 bash -c 'curl -s -o /dev/null -w "Response: %{http_code}\n" "" -H "apikey: john-key"'
+You should see responses similar to the following, where excessive requests are rejected:
+Response: 200
+Response: 200
+Response: 200
+Response: 429
+Response: 429
+Immediately send five concurrent requests as the Consumer `jane`:
+seq 1 5 | xargs -n1 -P5 bash -c 'curl -s -o /dev/null -w "Response: %{http_code}\n" "" -H "apikey: jane-key"'
+You should also see responses similar to the following, where excessive requests are rejected:
+Response: 200
+Response: 200
+Response: 200
+Response: 429
+Response: 429
+### Rate Limit WebSocket Connections
+The following example demonstrates how you can use the `limit-conn` Plugin to limit the number of concurrent WebSocket connections.
+Start a [sample upstream WebSocket server](https://hub.docker.com/r/jmalloc/echo-server):
+docker run -d \
+ -p 8080:8080 \
+ --name websocket-server \
+ --network=apisix-quickstart-net \
+ jmalloc/echo-server
+Create a Route to the server WebSocket endpoint and enable WebSocket for the route. Adjust the WebSocket server address accordingly.
+curl "" -X PUT -d '
+ "id": "ws-route",
+ "uri": "/.ws",
+ "plugins": {
+ "limit-conn": {
+ "conn": 2,
+ "burst": 1,
+ "default_conn_delay": 0.1,
+ "key_type": "var",
+ "key": "remote_addr",
+ "rejected_code": 429
+ }
+ },
+ "enable_websocket": true,
+ "upstream": {
+ "type": "roundrobin",
+ "nodes": {
+ "websocket-server:8080": 1
+ }
+ }
-## Example usage
+Install a WebSocket client, such as [websocat](https://github.com/vi/websocat), if you have not already. Establish connection with the WebSocket server through the route:
+websocat "ws://"
+Send a "hello" message in the terminal, you should see the WebSocket server echoes back the same message:
+Request served by 1cd244052136
-The example above configures the Plugin to only allow one connection on this route. When more than one request is received, the Plugin will respond with a `503` HTTP status code and reject the connection:
+Open three more terminal sessions and run:
-curl -i &
+websocat "ws://"
+You should see the last terminal session prints `429 Too Many Requests` when you try to establish a WebSocket connection with the server, due to the rate limiting effect.
-curl -i
+### Share Quota Among APISIX Nodes with a Redis Server
+The following example demonstrates the rate limiting of requests across multiple APISIX nodes with a Redis server, such that different APISIX nodes share the same rate limiting quota.
+On each APISIX instance, create a Route with the following configurations. Adjust the address of the Admin API, Redis host, port, password, and database accordingly.
+curl "" -X PUT \
+ -H "X-API-KEY: ${admin_key}" \
+ -d '{
+ "id": "limit-conn-route",
+ "uri": "/get",
+ "plugins": {
+ "limit-conn": {
+ "conn": 1,
+ "burst": 1,
+ "default_conn_delay": 0.1,
+ "rejected_code": 429,
+ "key_type": "var",
+ "key": "remote_addr",
+ "policy": "redis",
+ "redis_host": "192.168.xxx.xxx",
+ "redis_port": 6379,
+ "redis_password": "p@ssw0rd",
+ "redis_database": 1
+ }
+ },
+ "upstream": {
+ "type": "roundrobin",
+ "nodes": {
+ "httpbin.org:80": 1
+ }
+ }
+ }'
+Send five concurrent requests to the route:
-503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
+seq 1 5 | xargs -n1 -P5 bash -c 'curl -s -o /dev/null -w "Response: %{http_code}\n" ""'
+You should see responses similar to the following, where excessive requests are rejected:
+Response: 200
+Response: 200
+Response: 429
+Response: 429
+Response: 429
-## Delete Plugin
+This shows the two routes configured in different APISIX instances share the same quota.
-To remove the `limit-conn` Plugin, you can delete the corresponding JSON configuration from the Plugin configuration. APISIX will automatically reload and you do not have to restart for this to take effect.
+### Share Quota Among APISIX Nodes with a Redis Cluster
+You can also use a Redis cluster to apply the same quota across multiple APISIX nodes, such that different APISIX nodes share the same rate limiting quota.
+Ensure that your Redis instances are running in [cluster mode](https://redis.io/docs/management/scaling/#create-and-use-a-redis-cluster). A minimum of two nodes are required for the `limit-conn` Plugin configurations.
+On each APISIX instance, create a Route with the following configurations. Adjust the address of the Admin API, Redis cluster nodes, password, cluster name, and SSL varification accordingly.
-curl \
--H "X-API-KEY: $admin_key" -X PUT -d '
- "methods": ["GET"],
- "uri": "/index.html",
- "id": 1,
+curl "" -X PUT \
+ -H "X-API-KEY: ${admin_key}" \
+ -d '{
+ "id": "limit-conn-route",
+ "uri": "/get",
"plugins": {
+ "limit-conn": {
+ "conn": 1,
+ "burst": 1,
+ "default_conn_delay": 0.1,
+ "rejected_code": 429,
+ "key_type": "var",
+ "key": "remote_addr",
+ "policy": "redis-cluster",
+ "redis_cluster_nodes": [
+ "192.168.xxx.xxx:6379",
+ "192.168.xxx.xxx:16379"
+ ],
+ "redis_password": "p@ssw0rd",
+ "redis_cluster_name": "redis-cluster-1",
+ "redis_cluster_ssl": true
+ }
"upstream": {
- "type": "roundrobin",
- "nodes": {
- "": 1
- }
+ "type": "roundrobin",
+ "nodes": {
+ "httpbin.org:80": 1
+ }
+ }'
+Send five concurrent requests to the route:
+seq 1 5 | xargs -n1 -P5 bash -c 'curl -s -o /dev/null -w "Response: %{http_code}\n" ""'
+You should see responses similar to the following, where excessive requests are rejected:
+Response: 200
+Response: 200
+Response: 429
+Response: 429
+Response: 429
-## Example of application scenarios
-### Limit the number of concurrent WebSocket connections
-Apache APISIX supports WebSocket proxy, we can use `limit-conn` plugin to limit the number of concurrent WebSocket connections.
-1. Create a Route, enable the WebSocket proxy and the `limit-conn` plugin.
- ```shell
- curl \
- -H "X-API-KEY: $admin_key" -X PUT -d '
- {
- "uri": "/ws",
- "enable_websocket": true,
- "plugins": {
- "limit-conn": {
- "conn": 1,
- "burst": 0,
- "default_conn_delay": 0.1,
- "rejected_code": 503,
- "key_type": "var",
- "key": "remote_addr"
- }
- },
- "upstream": {
- "type": "roundrobin",
- "nodes": {
- "": 1
- }
- }
- }'
- ```
- The above route enables the WebSocket proxy on `/ws`, and limits the number of concurrent WebSocket connections to 1. More than 1 concurrent WebSocket connection will return `503` to reject the request.
-2. Initiate a WebSocket request, and the connection is established successfully.
- ```shell
- curl --include \
- --no-buffer \
- --header "Connection: Upgrade" \
- --header "Upgrade: websocket" \
- --header "Sec-WebSocket-Key: x3JJHMbDL1EzLkh9GBhXDw==" \
- --header "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13" \
- --http1.1 \
- ```
- ```shell
- HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
- ```
-3. Initiate the WebSocket request again in another terminal, the request will be rejected.
- ```shell
- HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
- ···
- 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable