ChocolateMango provides vector storage capabilities for similarity search and content retrieval. This document details the vector storage features and their usage.
The embeddings technology is based on phonetic encoding, allowing for similarity calculations across many languages. It is also designed to be smaller and more efficient than traditional word embeddings in oder to be used in a browser environment.
Enable vector storage when initializing ChocolateMango:
import PouchDB from 'pouchdb';
import ChocolateMango from 'chocolate-mango';
const db = new PouchDB('mydb');
ChocolateMango.dip(db, { vectors: true });
Stores content with automatically generated embeddings and content hash. Handles deduplication automatically.
await db.putVectorContent(content, {
id: 'optional-custom-id',
metadata: {
title: 'Document Title',
author: 'John Doe',
tags: ['important', 'reference']
prefix: 'Optional prefix text',
prefixTimestamp: true, // or Date object
prefixMetadata: true
: Optional custom document IDmetadata
: Additional metadata to store with the documentprefix
: Text to prepend to contentprefixTimestamp
: Add timestamp prefix (boolean or Date object)prefixMetadata
: Include metadata in content prefix (boolean)
Searches for similar content using cosine similarity of term frequency vectors.
const results = await db.searchVectorContent(query, {
limit: 5,
maxLength: 5000,
strategy: 'share'
: Search text to match against stored contentlimit
: Maximum number of results (default: 5)maxLength
: Maximum total content length (default: 5000)strategy
: Content truncation strategy ('first', 'last', or 'share')
Returns documents sorted by match similarity high to low from the beginning until reaching the maxLength
const results = await db.searchVectorContent("query", {
maxLength: 1000,
strategy: "first"
Example behavior with maxLength of 1000:
// Original documents:
// doc1: 400 characters
// doc2: 400 characters
// doc3: 400 characters
// doc4: 400 characters
// Result:
{ doc: doc1, similarity: 0.9 }, // 400 chars
{ doc: doc2, similarity: 0.8 }, // 400 chars
{ doc: doc3, similarity: 0.7 } // 200 chars (truncated)
// doc4 excluded completely
Distributes maxLength
evenly across all matching documents sorted by date of vector creation:
const results = await db.searchVectorContent("query", {
maxLength: 1000,
strategy: "share"
Example behavior with maxLength of 1000:
// Original documents:
// doc1: 400 characters
// doc2: 400 characters
// doc3: 400 characters
// doc4: 400 characters
// Result: Each document gets 250 characters (1000/4)
{ doc: doc1, similarity: 0.9 }, // 250 chars
{ doc: doc2, similarity: 0.8 }, // 250 chars
{ doc: doc3, similarity: 0.7 }, // 250 chars
{ doc: doc4, similarity: 0.6 } // 250 chars
Returns documents sorted by match similarity low to high from the beginning until reaching the maxLength
const results = await db.searchVectorContent("query", {
maxLength: 1000,
strategy: "last"
Example behavior with maxLength of 1000:
// Original documents:
// doc1: 400 characters
// doc2: 400 characters
// doc3: 400 characters
// doc4: 400 characters
// Result:
{ doc: doc4, similarity: 0.6 }, // 200 chars (truncated)
{ doc: doc3, similarity: 0.7 }, // 400 chars
{ doc: doc2, similarity: 0.8 } // 400 chars
// doc1 excluded completely
Choose your strategy based on your use case:
- Use "first" when earlier content is more important
- Use "share" (default) when you want to see a sample from all matching documents
- Use "last" when more recent content is more important
Example of strategy selection:
// For a chatbot that needs context from recent conversations
const recentContext = await db.searchVectorContent(userQuery, {
maxLength: 2000,
strategy: "last",
limit: 5
// For a search feature that needs diverse results
const searchResults = await db.searchVectorContent(searchQuery, {
maxLength: 5000,
strategy: "share",
limit: 10
// For historical analysis prioritizing older data
const historicalData = await db.searchVectorContent(analysisQuery, {
maxLength: 3000,
strategy: "first",
limit: 7
Removes content and associated vectors by matching content hash:
await db.removeVectorContent(content);
Removes all vector content from the database:
await db.clearAll();
Each vector document contains:
_id: "unique-identifier",
RAGcontent: "Original content with optional prefixes",
metadata: {
// User-provided metadata
contentHash: "SHA-256 hash for deduplication",
embedding: {
// Term frequency vectors
word1: frequency1,
word2: frequency2,
// ...
chunks: [
// Content split into manageable chunks
// ...
timestamp: 1703001234567
Term frequency vectors are generated automatically based on a phonetic encoding.
const embedding = db.createEmbedding(text);
The vocabulary size is 11,172 tokens.
You can set the embedding dimensionality when initializing ChocolateMango:
64: Minimum viable size
- Can encode basic Hangul structure (19 initial + 21 medial + 28 final = ~15 bits)
- One CPU word, efficient but limited discrimination
128: Good minimum for production
- Better phonetic discrimination
- Two CPU words, still very efficient
256: Strong balance
- 32 bytes = 8 x 32-bit words
- Great for SIMD operations
- Good separation of similar phonetics
512: Optimal for modern hardware (default)
- Exactly one CPU cache line (64 bytes)
- Perfect for AVX-512 instructions
- Optimal hardware acceleration
- Best discrimination/performance balance
1024: Maximum practical size
- Diminishing returns vs computational cost
- Two cache lines, still efficient but overkill
You can also pass your own encoder that supports createEmbedding(text)
and computeSimilarity(embedding1, embedding2)
SHA-256 hashing is used for deduplication:
const hash = await db.generateHash(content);
// Store document with metadata
await db.putVectorContent("Document content", {
metadata: {
title: "Important Document",
category: "reference"
// Search for similar content
const results = await db.searchVectorContent("search query", {
limit: 5,
maxLength: 1000
// Process results
results.forEach(({ doc, similarity }) => {
console.log(`Similarity: ${similarity}`);
console.log(`Content: ${doc.RAGcontent}`);
console.log(`Metadata: ${JSON.stringify(doc.metadata)}`);
// Store with timestamp and metadata prefix
await db.putVectorContent(documentContent, {
id: 'doc-123',
metadata: {
author: 'Jane Doe',
department: 'Engineering',
version: '1.0'
prefixTimestamp: true,
prefixMetadata: true
// Search with custom strategy
const results = await db.searchVectorContent(query, {
limit: 10,
maxLength: 5000,
strategy: 'share'
// Remove outdated content
await db.removeVectorContent(oldContent);
- Uses simple phonetic frequency embeddings, usable across many languages
- Limited to text content
- In-memory similarity calculations