diff --git a/packages/site/docs/api/TreeGraph.en.md b/packages/site/docs/api/TreeGraph.en.md
index 53dbf76bda4..82adc859a9c 100644
--- a/packages/site/docs/api/TreeGraph.en.md
+++ b/packages/site/docs/api/TreeGraph.en.md
@@ -65,4 +65,4 @@ const data = {
- Tree layout algorithms do not modify the source data. it generates a new data instead. And the source data will be a property of the new data. This mechanism will reduce the complexity of transformation from nested data to nodes and edges in graph.
- The layout will be re-calculated after adding / deleting / expanding / collapsing nodes on the tree.
-TreeGraph is inherited from Graph, please refer to [G6.Graph(GraphOptions)](/en/docs/api/Graph) for its configurations. One difference is the `layout` option. There are four layout algorithms for tree in G6: dendrogram, compactBox, mindmap, and indeted, whose detailed configurations are listed in [TreeGraph Layout](/en/docs/api/tree-graph-layout/guide).
+TreeGraph is inherited from Graph, please refer to [G6.Graph(GraphOptions)](/en/docs/api/Graph) for its configurations. One difference is the `layout` option. There are four layout algorithms for tree in G6: dendrogram, compactBox, mindmap, and indented, whose detailed configurations are listed in [TreeGraph Layout](/en/docs/api/tree-graph-layout/guide).
diff --git a/packages/site/docs/api/TreeGraph.zh.md b/packages/site/docs/api/TreeGraph.zh.md
index defcc03e8e2..4c664df0043 100644
--- a/packages/site/docs/api/TreeGraph.zh.md
+++ b/packages/site/docs/api/TreeGraph.zh.md
@@ -65,4 +65,4 @@ const data = {
- 树图的布局算法一般是不改变源数据的,而是重新生成一份数据,将源数据作为新数据的一个属性。如果每次都需要做次遍历转换数据到节点和边的数据增加了用户的实现复杂度。
- 树图的每次新增/删除/展开/收缩节点,都需要重新计算布局。遍历一份结构化数据对应到图上每个节点去做更新操作,也很麻烦。
-TreeGraph 继承自 Graph,配置项参考 [G6.Graph(GraphOptions)](/zh/docs/api/Graph)。其中, layout 配置项支持的布局类型 (`type` 属性) 和 Graph 中所支持的类型不同,TreeGraph 中 layout 目前支持 dendrogram、compactBox、mindmap 和 indeted 四种布局方式,具体配置方式见 [TreeGraph Layout](/zh/docs/api/tree-graph-layout/guide)。
+TreeGraph 继承自 Graph,配置项参考 [G6.Graph(GraphOptions)](/zh/docs/api/Graph)。其中, layout 配置项支持的布局类型 (`type` 属性) 和 Graph 中所支持的类型不同,TreeGraph 中 layout 目前支持 dendrogram、compactBox、mindmap 和 indented 四种布局方式,具体配置方式见 [TreeGraph Layout](/zh/docs/api/tree-graph-layout/guide)。
diff --git a/packages/site/docs/api/treeGraphLayout/guide.en.md b/packages/site/docs/api/treeGraphLayout/guide.en.md
index 8484f8dd475..886522b6866 100644
--- a/packages/site/docs/api/treeGraphLayout/guide.en.md
+++ b/packages/site/docs/api/treeGraphLayout/guide.en.md
@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ const graph = new G6.TreeGraph({
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| type | String | dendrogram | The type of layout. Options: `'dendrogram'`, `'compactBox'`, `'mindmap'`, and `'indeted'`. |
+| type | String | dendrogram | The type of layout. Options: `'dendrogram'`, `'compactBox'`, `'mindmap'`, and `'indented'`. |
| excludeInvisibles | Boolean | false | *Supported by v4.8.8.* Whether to exclude the hidden nodes. Assign it to true to exclude. |
| direction | String | LR | The direction of layout. Options: `'LR'` , `'RL'` , `'TB'` , `'BT'` , `'H'` , and `'V'`.
L: Left; R: right; T: top; B: bottom; H: horizontal; V: vertical. |
| getChildren | Function | | Return all the children nodes of the current node. |
-⚠️Attention: When`type='indeted'`, `direction` can only be `'LR'`, `'RL'`, and `'H'`.
+⚠️Attention: When`type='indented'`, `direction` can only be `'LR'`, `'RL'`, and `'H'`.
diff --git a/packages/site/docs/api/treeGraphLayout/guide.zh.md b/packages/site/docs/api/treeGraphLayout/guide.zh.md
index fa8569a33c9..8b70b55d337 100644
--- a/packages/site/docs/api/treeGraphLayout/guide.zh.md
+++ b/packages/site/docs/api/treeGraphLayout/guide.zh.md
@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ const graph = new G6.TreeGraph({
| 名称 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| type | String | dendrogram | 布局类型,支持 dendrogram、compactBox、mindmap 和 indeted。 |
+| type | String | dendrogram | 布局类型,支持 dendrogram、compactBox、mindmap 和 indented。 |
| excludeInvisibles | Boolean | false | *v4.8.8 起支持。* 布局计算是否排除掉隐藏的节点,若配置为 true,则隐藏节点不参与布局计算。 |
| direction | String | LR | 布局方向,有 `LR` , `RL` , `TB` , `BT` , `H` , `V` 可选。
L:左;R:右;T:上;B:下;H:垂直;V:水平。 |
| getChildren | Function | | 返回当前节点的所有子节点 |
-⚠️ 注意: 当 `type='indeted'` 时,`direction` 只能取 `'LR'`、`'RL'` 和 `'H'` 这三个值。
+⚠️ 注意: 当 `type='indented'` 时,`direction` 只能取 `'LR'`、`'RL'` 和 `'H'` 这三个值。