You can find detailed instructions on how to install ArgoCD here
For your convenience, you can find commmands to install Argo below :
VERSION=$(curl --silent "" | grep '"tag_name"' | sed -E 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/')
sudo curl -sSL -o /usr/local/bin/argocd$VERSION/argocd-linux-amd64
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/argocd
kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
Please follow the rest of the documentation to
- expose your the ArgoCD UI
- get access by retrieving the password
This example modifies files within the repository, so you will need your own fork. The original podtato head repository can be found here
If everything went fine so far you should now see the ArgoCD UI.
Now either click on New App
at the top or Create Application
in the
middle of the screen. This will open a screen like this. We will walk through
the configuration in the next part.
Now we have to define the proper parameters for your application.
For the application we define podtatohead
as the application name and leave
the project to default
. We also check autogenerate namespace
have ArgoCD take care of namespace management.
Use the Github repo you forked before and ensure you set the path to delivery/charts/podtatoserver
. This will use the Helm of the tutorial
In the example we use the local cluster as our destination and
as the namespace to deploy to. As we checked autocreate namespace
above ArgoCD will create the namespace for us.
ArgoCD will automatically detect the Helm values files. We do not need to change anything here and just can leave it as it.
Now hit create application and it should be visible in the project overview. If you cannot see the application ensure that the filters are set properly. The application will show up yellow as it has not been synced yet.
In order to sync and deploy the application click sync
This will now create all application ressources in the cluster. Once syncing is finished you will see all application components as healthy.
Updating the project required to update the values
file in the
folder fo your Git
repository. Change the tag
value to v0.1.1
The application will now show up as out of sync
. Simply hit sync
the application should update
Access the podtato demo application again and you should see the new version.