- Infrastructure as code == Terraform
- Intro and use cases - https://github.com/gruntwork-io/terragrunt
- Demo:
sample repos:
code structure
- group by logical provider's mental model (AWS = account/region/env/proj)
- group by working area (eg, all AWS Lambda functions inside "lambdas" folder)
- service-provider oriented VS application-oriented approach
IAM roles (direnv)
Terragrunt hooks ( https://github.com/terraform-aws-modules/meta/blob/master/github/terragrunt.hcl#L6 )
apply-all, plan-all, validate-all
atlantis / makefile
pre-commit, terraform-docs
- include files (hierarchy, internal (specific) + high-level (general))
- modules (local => PR to origin => external repo)
- extend Terragrunt with Terraform (workaround for passing providers or other limits, terraform does not support CLI for providers, for eg)
- use module placeholder to get remote_state benefits
- tfvars = static, but
in terragrunt.hcl has full support for expressions and functions depends_on
with modules = nativedependency
output with TG
complains & limitations:
- verbosity in outputs
- multiple providers (possible, but hard)
- for_each with modules
- circular dependencies between modules (eg, AWS Lambda + API Gateway + Permissions)
- lots of various issues and bugs when doing complex things
- terragrunt state
- modules.tf