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CFU Playground tasks

This task will demonstrate open source co-development of hardware and software for ML purposes in a simulated environment. The steps will be based on Step-by-step Guide to CFU Playground.

Preparing the development environment

Firstly, go to cfu-playground directory, clone CFU Playground and configure it using:

cd cfu-playground/


NOTE: The cloning step is recommended outside the Docker environment.

This script will clone the CFU Playground, set the commit to the last tested release and apply changes to allow external projects to be built within CFU Playground workflow.

Secondly, prepare the environment for development.

NOTE: To speed up things, you can use the course's Docker image:

docker pull

Since for this demo the access to display is recommended, you can start the Docker container with:

xhost +local:
docker run -it --rm \
    -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix/ \
    -v $(pwd):$(pwd) \
    -w $(pwd) \
    --net=host \ /bin/bash

The xhost +local: will allow Docker container to use display, while DISPLAY, XDG_RUNTIME_DIR and /tmp/.X11-unix from host allow to seamlessly run graphical applications from container.

Regardless of using container or not, go to cloned repository and run setup script:

cd CFU-Playground/
git config --global --add $(pwd)
cd -

NOTE: The git config command is required in Docker container to disable dubious ownership error. NOTE: The log Info: vivado not found in path. can be ignored - we will not use Vivado in this demo.

Thirdly, create a project from the template in the cfu-playground/cfu_proj directory:

cp -r CFU-Playground/proj/proj_template cfu_proj

In the copied cfu_proj directory, modify the line:

include ../


include ${CFU_ROOT}/proj/

(it should be the last line of the Makefile)

  • [2pt] Commit the contents of the cfu_proj directory.

Building the project

Since our project is out of the CFU Playground tree, we firstly need to set up some environment variables:

export CFU_ROOT=$(pwd)/CFU-Playground
export PROJ_DIR=$(pwd)/cfu_proj

NOTE: Those variables need to be set every time a fresh environment (fresh Docker container or shell) is created.

Now, we do not have a hardware to test the design on, so we will simulate it using Renode. For more details on the framework check out Renode docs.

You can build and run the simulation with:

cd cfu_proj
make renode

From now on, let's work in the created cfu_proj directory.

Please run:

make renode | tee first-run.txt

To build an entire project and run the simulation in Renode. It will also store the logs for building and execution in the first-run.txt file.

The simulation will run two windows.

The first one is the main Renode console:

And the second one is the serial console (UART) of the simulated board, with which we control the board:

Apart from those windows, there will also be logs in the terminal running the simulation. From this terminal you will copy the outputs of executed commands.

In the UART console, run person detection demo implemented in TFLite Micro running no the simulated board:

  • In the Hello, World!/CFU Playground main menu press 1 (TfLM Models menu)
  • In the TfLM Models menu, click 1 (Person Detection int8 model)
  • In there, you can select 1/2/3 to test out various inputs feeded to the model
  • In the end, click g to Run golden tests

IF Golden tests finish with:

OK  Golden tests passed

It means that everything is implemented correctly.

To quit the simulation, run quit command in the main Renode console.

NOTE: In case the GUI applications do not appear, please check Running simulation without access to GUI application.

  • [5pt] Please create a commit adding first-run.txt file to the repository.

NOTE: Originally, you would run make prog and make load to build the project dependencies, synthesize the design, load the design to FPGA and run the application on actual hardware. For more details, check original Step-by-step guide.

Profiling the CONV2D operation

Now, let's see how many instructions are executed per CONV2D operations in our model.

First, let's copy the implementation of the convolution to our project directory:

mkdir -p src/tensorflow/lite/kernels/internal/reference/integer_ops/
cp ../CFU-Playground/third_party/tflite-micro/tensorflow/lite/kernels/internal/reference/integer_ops/conv.h src/tensorflow/lite/kernels/internal/reference/integer_ops/conv.h

In the copied conv.h file, add:

#include "perf.h"


#include <algorithm>

This file adds some functions and global variables for profiling number of CPU cycles used to compute functions.

After this, locate the innermost loop of the convolution implementation - it should look something like this:

  for (int in_channel = 0; in_channel < filter_input_depth;
       ++in_channel) {
    int32_t input_val =
        input_data[Offset(input_shape, batch, in_y, in_x,
                          in_channel + group * filter_input_depth)];
    int32_t filter_val = filter_data[Offset(
        filter_shape, out_channel, filter_y, filter_x, in_channel)];
    // ...
    acc += filter_val * (input_val + input_offset);

Wrap this innermost loop with:

  uint32_t beginc = perf_get_mcycle();
  for (int in_channel = 0; in_channel < filter_input_depth;
       ++in_channel) {
    int32_t input_val =
        input_data[Offset(input_shape, batch, in_y, in_x,
                          in_channel + group * filter_input_depth)];
    int32_t filter_val = filter_data[Offset(
        filter_shape, out_channel, filter_y, filter_x, in_channel)];
    // ...
    acc += filter_val * (input_val + input_offset);
  cycle_counter += perf_get_mcycle() - beginc;


make renode | tee initial-profiling.txt

and run golden tests for person detection to collect data. Over 60% of cycles are part of this innermost loop, which gives some opportunity for optimizations.

  • [5pt] Commit changes in the project and initial-profiling.txt log

Optimizing the software

Usually on edge platforms we have a very specific use case running a single model. This gives opportunity for further, model-specific optimizations, even in the library.

Let's check parameters used for CONV2D in a given model.

In the previously edited conv.h file include the playground_util/print_params.h and add:

print_conv_params(params, input_shape, filter_shape, output_shape);

line to the beginning of ConvPerChannel function.


make renode | tee conv2d-analysis.txt
  • [3pt] Include changes and log file in the commit

As it can be seen, we have some constant parameters:

Const. Parameter Value
stride_width 1
stride_height 1
dilation_width_factor 1
dilation_height_factor 1
filter_height 1
filter_width 1
pad_width 0
pad_height 0
input_offset 128

Let's replace all of computed const int parameters listed above with constexpr int ... replacements with values used from the table.

This will assign variables at compile time to save number of cycles spent on assignments.

Collect logs as previously and save them under forced-constant-folding.txt - run golden tests:

make renode | tee forced-constant-folding.txt
  • [8pt] Commit changes and forced-constant-folding.txt in the repository

This change should quite interestingly reduce the number of cycles used.

Next thing to do is partial loop unrolling - since input_depth is always a multiplier of 4, we can do something like this:

  uint32_t bcycles = perf_get_mcycle();
  for (int in_channel = 0; in_channel < input_depth; in_channel += 4) {
    int32_t input_val = input_data[Offset(input_shape, batch, in_y,
                                            in_x, in_channel)];
    int32_t filter_val = filter_data[Offset(
        filter_shape, out_channel, filter_y, filter_x, in_channel)];
    acc += filter_val * (input_val + input_offset);

    input_val = input_data[Offset(input_shape, batch, in_y,
                                            in_x, in_channel + 1)];
    filter_val = filter_data[Offset(
        filter_shape, out_channel, filter_y, filter_x, in_channel + 1)];
    acc += filter_val * (input_val + input_offset);

    input_val = input_data[Offset(input_shape, batch, in_y,
                                            in_x, in_channel + 2)];
    filter_val = filter_data[Offset(
        filter_shape, out_channel, filter_y, filter_x, in_channel + 2)];
    acc += filter_val * (input_val + input_offset);

    input_val = input_data[Offset(input_shape, batch, in_y,
                                            in_x, in_channel + 3)];
    filter_val = filter_data[Offset(
        filter_shape, out_channel, filter_y, filter_x, in_channel + 3)];
    acc += filter_val * (input_val + input_offset);
  cycle_counter += perf_get_mcycle() - bcycles;

You also need to remove/comment out group, filters_per_group and groups variables.

Run the golden tests and store logs in loop-unrolling.txt:

make renode | tee loop-unrolling.txt
  • [5pt] Include changes and log in the commit message.

Delving into hardware

The RISC-V CPU implementation is VexRiscv, which is a 32-bit implementation. It means it operates on 32-bit registers.

We currently operate on 8-bit values stored contiguously in memory. Using 32-bit registers for computing 8-bit values one by one is a huge waste of computational resources. Having 32-bit registers at our disposal we could operate on 4 values at once.

While VexRiscv does not have multiply-and-accumulate operation that would operate on multiple data, it has Custom Function Units (CFUs), allowing the user to easily extend the capabilities of the CPU with their own design for new operations.

The development of a new CFU can be done simply in Python using Amaranth project.

The base for new instruction is implemented in the amaranth_cfu module from CFU Playground project.

The base implementation looks as follows:

class InstructionBase(SimpleElaboratable):
    """Custom Instruction.
    start: Signal input
        When to start executing this instruction. Set only for one cycle.
    in0: Signal(32) input
        The first operand. Only available when `start` is signalled.
    in1: Signal(32) input
        The second operand. Only available when `start` is signalled.
    funct7: Signal(7) input
        The funct(7) value from the instruction.
    done: Signal() output
        Single cycle signal to indicate that processing has finished.
    output: Signal(32) output
        The result. Must be valid when `done` is signalled.
    in0s: Signal(signed(32)) output
        in0 as a signed value. Use in0s rather than in0 if the input is signed.
    in1s: Signal(32) output
        in1 as a signed value. Use in1s rather than in1 if the input is signed.

    def __init__(self):
        self.in0 = Signal(32)
        self.in1 = Signal(32)
        self.funct7 = Signal(7)
        self.output = Signal(32)
        self.start = Signal()
        self.done = Signal()
        self.in0s = Signal(signed(32))
        self.in1s = Signal(signed(32))

    def signal_done(self, m):
        m.d.comb += self.done.eq(1)

    def elaborate(self, platform):
        m = super().elaborate(platform)
        m.d.comb += [
        return m
  • start and done signals indicate starting the computation (input data is ready to process) and finishing the computation (output is ready to be fetched).
  • in0, in0s, in1, in1s are operands of the operation, in unsigned or signed representation.
  • output is the output of the operation.
  • funct7 is a 7-bit representation of instruction settings.

Let's create a CFU that will do a SIMD-like multiply-and-add operation on 8-bit values.

In the file in our cfu_proj project, let's add the following implementation of the SIMD instruction:

from amaranth_cfu import all_words

# Custom instruction inherits from the InstructionBase class.
class SimdMac(InstructionBase):
    def __init__(self, input_offset=128) -> None:

        self.input_offset = C(input_offset, signed(9))

    # `elab` method implements the logic of the instruction.
    def elab(self, m: Module) -> None:
        words = lambda s: all_words(s, 8)

        # SIMD multiply step:
        self.prods = [Signal(signed(16)) for _ in range(4)]
        for prod, w0, w1 in zip(self.prods, words(self.in0), words(self.in1)):
            m.d.comb += prod.eq(
                (w0.as_signed() + self.input_offset) * w1.as_signed())

        m.d.sync += self.done.eq(0)
        # self.start signal high for one cycle when instruction started.
        with m.If(self.start):
            with m.If(self.funct7):
                m.d.sync += self.output.eq(0)
            with m.Else():
                # Accumulate step:
                m.d.sync += self.output.eq(self.output + sum(self.prods))
            # self.done signal indicates instruction is completed.
            m.d.sync += self.done.eq(1)

# Tests for the instruction inherit from InstructionTestBase class.
class SimdMacTest(InstructionTestBase):
    def create_dut(self):
        return SimdMac()

    def test(self):
        # self.verify method steps through expected inputs and outputs.
            (1, 0, 0, 0),  # reset
            (0, pack_vals(-128, 0, 0, 1), pack_vals(111, 0, 0, 1), 129 * 1),
            (0, pack_vals(0, -128, 1, 0), pack_vals(0, 52, 1, 0), 129 * 2),
            (0, pack_vals(0, 1, 0, 0), pack_vals(0, 1, 0, 0), 129 * 3),
            (0, pack_vals(1, 0, 0, 0), pack_vals(1, 0, 0, 0), 129 * 4),
            (0, pack_vals(0, 0, 0, 0), pack_vals(0, 0, 0, 0), 129 * 4),
            (0, pack_vals(0, 0, 0, 0), pack_vals(-5, 0, 0, 0), 0xffffff84),
            (1, 0, 0, 0),  # reset
            (0, pack_vals(-12, -128, -88, -128), pack_vals(-1, -7, -16,
                                                           15), 0xfffffd0c),
            (1, 0, 0, 0),  # reset
            (0, pack_vals(127, 127, 127, 127), pack_vals(127, 127, 127,
                                                         127), 129540),
            (1, 0, 0, 0),  # reset
            (0, pack_vals(127, 127, 127,
                          127), pack_vals(-128, -128, -128, -128), 0xfffe0200),

The SimdMac class implements the SIMD operation. While delving into an FPGA world is a matter of an entire course, here are some words of explanation:

  • In Amaranth representation of FPGA computations we have a Module m
  • Data is driven through Signals (Signal) - those are multi-channel streams of data with specified number of driven bits, e.g. Signal(16) means 16-bit signal (like 16 wires).
  • Each Signal can be assigned in a combinatorial (m.d.comb) or synchronous (m.d.sync) domain (m.d)
  • Signals in the combinatorial domain change whenever any value used to compute them changes. They do not hold any state.
  • Signals in the synchronous domain change whenever a specific transition (positive or negative edge) occurs ion the clock of the synchronous domain. Synchronous signals always hold state (since last clock tick).
  • In __init__, the input_offset is created as a constant signal using 9 bits (storing 128).
  • all_words(s, 8) splits s signal into 8-bit words.
  • self.prods holds 16-bit signals being the results of multiplying two 8-bit values in a combinatorial domain (we compute element-wise multiplication as soon as data arrives and for as long as data is present in the inputs).
  • m.d.sync += self.done.eq(0) sets the done signal to 0 on clock
  • If CPU requests computing SIMD operation, we proceed with updating the output synchronously
  • If self.funct7 is set to something else than 0 we reset the output signal
  • Otherwise, we update output signal to its current value plus current values in prods signals.
  • In the end, we set done signal to 1, indicating the end of computations.

NOTE: For more details check the links provided in the above explanation and the Resources section

The SimdMacTest class runs tests on the given CFU instruction. In the self.verify list we have values for:

  • funct7
  • in0
  • in1
  • output

In the end, we need to register the operation in the existing make_cfu function. For this, change its current implementation to:

# Expose make_cfu function for
def make_cfu():
    # Associate cfu_op0 with SimdMac.
    return simple_cfu({0: SimdMac()})
  • [8pt] Commit current changes of the file.

Using CFU in software

To use our CFU function (cfu_op0), we need to include cfu.h file in our conv.h file:

#include "cfu.h"

This requires more extensive changes - we need to replace loop iterating over output channels with:

for (int out_channel = 0; out_channel < output_depth; ++out_channel) {
  int32_t acc = cfu_op0(/* funct7= */ 1, 0, 0); // resets acc
  for (int filter_y = 0; filter_y < 1; ++filter_y) {
    const int in_y = in_y_origin + filter_y;
    for (int filter_x = 0; filter_x < 1; ++filter_x) {
      const int in_x = in_x_origin + filter_x;

      // Zero padding by omitting the areas outside the image.
      const bool is_point_inside_image =
          (in_x >= 0) && (in_x < input_width) && (in_y >= 0) &&
          (in_y < input_height);

      if (!is_point_inside_image) {
      uint32_t bcycles = perf_get_mcycle();
      for (int in_channel = 0; in_channel < input_depth; in_channel += 4) {
        uint32_t input_val = *((uint32_t *)(input_data + Offset(
            input_shape, batch, in_y, in_x, in_channel)));

        uint32_t filter_val = *((uint32_t *)(filter_data + Offset(
            filter_shape, out_channel, filter_y, filter_x, in_channel)));
        acc = cfu_op0(/* funct7= */ 0, /* in0= */ input_val, /* in1= */ filter_val);
      cycle_counter += perf_get_mcycle() - bcycles;

  if (bias_data) {
    acc += bias_data[out_channel];
  acc = MultiplyByQuantizedMultiplier(
      acc, output_multiplier[out_channel], output_shift[out_channel]);
  acc += output_offset;
  acc = std::max(acc, output_activation_min);
  acc = std::min(acc, output_activation_max);
  output_data[Offset(output_shape, batch, out_y, out_x, out_channel)] =

NOTE: You also need to remove/comment out the dilation_width_factor, dilation_height_factor, filters_height, filters_width, filters_per_group variables.

As can be observed, we need to reset accumulator and shift certain operations. The unrolled loops are replaced with cfu_op0 operations.


make renode | tee cfu-op.txt

And run golden tests on person detection model.

  • [10pt] Commit the changes of cfu_proj and cfu-op.txt file.


[10pt] Create a minimal file containing a table with:

  • Total cycles
  • Tracked cycles
  • % of cycles spent on innermost loop (tracked_cycles / total_cycles)


  • Initial profiling
  • Forced constant folding
  • Loop unrolling
  • CFU operations

To see how those software and hardware alterations improved overall execution of a simple model.

Running simulation without access to GUI application

NOTE: Steps here are only necessary when no GUI is available in your environment (either you run solution from SSH, you run Docker container without display configured, e.g. in Windows or Mac OS).

In case the dedicated terminals can't be started for Renode, make renode will start Renode simulation and display the main Renode shell. From this shell, you can control the simulation process. Still, to run performance tests for the assignment, you also need to access PTY terminal for the simulated device, to request specific model and run golden tests. For this, we need a simulated UART device attached to our Docker container, and a separate shell that will connect to this UART with picocom.

To do so, follow the steps:

  • Open new bash session in the same Docker container (you can skip those steps if you don't use Docker container)

    • First of, run docker ps and determine which container runs your current session (the container with the course's image)
    • After determining the name of the container (<container-name>), run:
      docker exec -it <container-name> /bin/bash
    • Check if picocom is present in the container (e.g. if which picocom returns any path). If not, install it with apt-get update && apt-get install picocom.
  • From this point, you should have two bash shells:

    • One with make renode running, with digilent_arty prompt
    • One ready to run picocom to communicate via UART with simulated PTY terminal
  • In the digilent_arty terminal, run:

    emulation CreateUartPtyTerminal "uart" "/tmp/uart"
    connector Connect sysbus.uart uart

    The first command will create a PTY device in the host machine (Docker container) under /tmp/uart, aliased as uart within Renode simulation. The second command will attach UART from device's sysbus (sysbus.uart) to a given uart alias, mimicking connection of the simulated Digilent Arty device to the host device.

  • In the end, in the second terminal, run:

    picocom -b 115200 /tmp/uart

    to start communication with the simulated device via UART (-b 115200 means setting baud rate to 115200 bps).

  • From this point, you can select model and golden tests in the device's prompt.

Regarding emulation and connector commands, if you built the entire project at least once, you can:

  • Enter created cfu_proj directory
  • Copy the generated Renode script:
    mkdir renode
    cp build/renode/digilent_arty.resc renode/digilent_arty.resc
  • Add following lines to the end of the newly created renode/digilent_arty.resc:
    emulation CreateUartPtyTerminal "uart" "/tmp/uart"
    connector Connect sysbus.uart uart
  • With such addition, with each consecutive build the Renode script in build/renode/digilent_arty.resc will be the same as in the newly created file, creating /tmp/uart on host (Docker container) by default.

NOTE: You will have to run picocom for every new session of tests, since the device will be detached, but the shell running picocom can be left without changes.
