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NGINX Module


** Please note **: This module is currently undergoing some structural maintenance. Please take a look at before upgrading or installing Version 0.1.0 or greater.

Puppet Forge Build Status

This module manages NGINX configuration.


  • Puppet-2.7.0 or later
  • Facter 1.7.0 or later
  • Ruby-1.9.3 or later (Support for Ruby-1.8.7 is not guaranteed. YMMV).

Additional Documentation

Install and bootstrap an NGINX instance

class { 'nginx': }

Creating a new virtual host

nginx::resource::vhost { '':
  www_root => '/var/www/',

Add a Proxy Server

nginx::resource::upstream { 'puppet_rack_app':
  members => [

nginx::resource::vhost { '':
  proxy => 'http://puppet_rack_app',

Add a smtp proxy

class { 'nginx':
  mail => true,

nginx::resource::mailhost { 'domain1.example':
  auth_http   => 'server2.example/cgi-bin/auth',
  protocol    => 'smtp',
  listen_port => 587,
  ssl_port    => 465,
  starttls    => 'only',
  xclient     => 'off',
  ssl         => true,
  ssl_cert    => '/tmp/server.crt',
  ssl_key     => '/tmp/server.pem',

SSL configuration

By default, creating a vhost resource will only create a HTTP vhost. To also create a HTTPS (SSL-enabled) vhost, set ssl => true on the vhost. You will have a HTTP server listening on listen_port (port 80 by default) and a HTTPS server listening on ssl_port (port 443 by default). Both vhosts will have the same server_name and a similar configuration.

To create only a HTTPS vhost, set ssl => true and also set listen_port to the same value as ssl_port. Setting these to the same value disables the HTTP vhost. The resulting vhost will be listening on ssl_port.


Locations require specific settings depending on whether they should be included in the HTTP, HTTPS or both vhosts.

HTTP only vhost (default)

If you only have a HTTP vhost (i.e. ssl => false on the vhost) make sure you don't set ssl => true on any location you associate with the vhost.

HTTP and HTTPS vhost

If you set ssl => true and also set listen_port and ssl_port to different values on the vhost you will need to be specific with the location settings since you will have a HTTP vhost listening on listen_port and a HTTPS vhost listening on ssl_port:

  • To add a location to only the HTTP server, set ssl => false on the location (this is the default).
  • To add a location to both the HTTP and HTTPS server, set ssl => true on the location, and ensure ssl_only => false (which is the default value for ssl_only).
  • To add a location only to the HTTPS server, set both ssl => true and ssl_only => true on the location.

HTTPS only vhost

If you have set ssl => true and also set listen_port and ssl_port to the same value on the vhost, you will have a single HTTPS vhost listening on ssl_port. To add a location to this vhost set ssl => true and ssl_only => true on the location.

Hiera Support

Defining nginx resources in Hiera.

    ensure: present
      - localhost:3000
      - localhost:3001
      - localhost:3002
    www_root: '/var/www/'
    proxy: 'http://puppet_rack_app'
    location: '~ "^/static/[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\/(.*)$"'
    www_root: /var/www/html
    location: /userContent
    www_root: /var/www/html
    auth_http: server2.example/cgi-bin/auth
    protocol: smtp
    listen_port: 587
    ssl_port: 465
    starttls: only

Nginx with precompiled Passenger

Currently this works only for Debian family and OpenBSD.

On Debian it might look like:

class { 'nginx':
  package_source  => 'passenger',
  http_cfg_append => {
    'passenger_root' => '/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/locations.ini',

Here the example for OpenBSD:

class { 'nginx':
  package_flavor => 'passenger',
  service_flags  => '-u'
  http_cfg_append => {
    passenger_root          => '/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.1/gems/passenger-4.0.44',
    passenger_ruby          =>  '/usr/local/bin/ruby21',
    passenger_max_pool_size => '15',

Package source passenger will add Phusion Passenger repository to APT sources. For each virtual host you should specify which ruby should be used.

nginx::resource::vhost { '':
  www_root         => '/var/www/',
  vhost_cfg_append => {
    'passenger_enabled' => 'on',
    'passenger_ruby'    => '/usr/bin/ruby',

Puppet master served by Nginx and Passenger

Virtual host config for serving puppet master:

nginx::resource::vhost { 'puppet':
  ensure               => present,
  server_name          => ['puppet'],
  listen_port          => 8140,
  ssl                  => true,
  ssl_cert             => '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/',
  ssl_key              => '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/',
  ssl_port             => 8140,
  vhost_cfg_append     => {
    'passenger_enabled'      => 'on',
    'passenger_ruby'         => '/usr/bin/ruby',
    'ssl_crl'                => '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crl.pem',
    'ssl_client_certificate' => '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem',
    'ssl_verify_client'      => 'optional',
    'ssl_verify_depth'       => 1,
  www_root             => '/etc/puppet/rack/public',
  use_default_location => false,
  access_log           => '/var/log/nginx/puppet_access.log',
  error_log            => '/var/log/nginx/puppet_error.log',
  passenger_cgi_param  => {
    'HTTP_X_CLIENT_DN'     => '$ssl_client_s_dn',
    'HTTP_X_CLIENT_VERIFY' => '$ssl_client_verify',

Example puppet class calling nginx::vhost with HTTPS FastCGI and redirection of HTTP

$full_web_path = '/var/www'

define web::nginx_ssl_with_redirect (
  $backend_port         = 9000,
  $php                  = true,
  $proxy                = undef,
  $www_root             = "${full_web_path}/${name}/",
  $location_cfg_append  = undef,
) {
  nginx::resource::vhost { "${name}.${::domain}":
    ensure              => present,
    www_root            => "${full_web_path}/${name}/",
    location_cfg_append => { 'rewrite' => '^ https://$server_name$request_uri? permanent' },

  if !$www_root {
    $tmp_www_root = undef
  } else {
    $tmp_www_root = $www_root

  nginx::resource::vhost { "${name}.${::domain} ${name}":
    ensure                => present,
    listen_port           => 443,
    www_root              => $tmp_www_root,
    proxy                 => $proxy,
    location_cfg_append   => $location_cfg_append,
    index_files           => [ 'index.php' ],
    ssl                   => true,
    ssl_cert              => '/path/to/wildcard_mydomain.crt',
    ssl_key               => '/path/to/wildcard_mydomain.key',

  if $php {
    nginx::resource::location { "${name}_root":
      ensure          => present,
      ssl             => true,
      ssl_only        => true,
      vhost           => "${name}.${::domain} ${name}",
      www_root        => "${full_web_path}/${name}/",
      location        => '~ \.php$',
      index_files     => ['index.php', 'index.html', 'index.htm'],
      proxy           => undef,
      fastcgi         => "${backend_port}",
      fastcgi_script  => undef,
      location_cfg_append => {
        fastcgi_connect_timeout => '3m',
        fastcgi_read_timeout    => '3m',
        fastcgi_send_timeout    => '3m'

Add custom fastcgi_params

nginx::resource::location { "some_root":
  ensure         => present,
  location       => '/some/url',
  fastcgi        => "",
  fastcgi_param  => {
    'APP_ENV' => 'local',

Call class web::nginx_ssl_with_redirect

web::nginx_ssl_with_redirect { 'sub-domain-name':
    backend_port => 9001,