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WebRTC Screen Sharing without Plugin

Selim Emre Toy edited this page Feb 20, 2020 · 20 revisions

Seamless switch between WebRTC Screen Sharing & Camera is available on both Community and Enterprise Edition. We mean by seamless is that you can switch between Screen & Camera in the same session.

Try WebRTC Screen Sharing without plugin

Firstly, you should have getDisplayMedia supported browser. You can see getDisplayMedia supported browser list in here.

  •  Install Ant Media Server to your server in the cloud with Getting Started. In order to download community edition, visit main page or if you want to try Enterprise edition, keep in touch.
  •  Go to WebRTC publishing web page which is `https://domainAddress:5443/WebRTCApp` (Community Edition ) or `https://domainAddress:5443/WebRTCAppEE` (Enterprise Edition). By the way,  you need to assign a domain to your server and install SSL. Otherwise, chrome does not let you access the camera or screen.
  • Implementing WebRTC Screen Sharing

    You can see simple functions to js/webrtc_adaptor.js file to seamless switch between screen sharing without plugin and camera. You can take a look at the source code of WebRTCApp/index.html  to see the full implementation.

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