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Releases: ansoncloud8/BPB-Worker-Panel


07 Aug 08:28
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Changed default Proxy IP

Due to unstablity of Chinese Proxy IPs, the default domain has been changed and will be maitained regularly.

Warp keys generation

From now on warp keys will be generated in client browser. Also the warp configs will saved on KV in order to prevenet warp subscription delay.


If you are updating your panel, please make sure to login to panel once so new changes can take effect and your warp configs get generated, otherwise your Warp subscription won't work.


  • The default admin password for panel has been removed and when you hit /panel for first time it will ask to set new password.
  • Warp subscription fetches much quicker due to changes made to Warp generation new policy.
  • Added Warp refresh settings to get new warp configs.

Bug Fixes

  • Changed default Proxy IPs.


07 Aug 08:28
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed Streisand and iOS singbox campatiblity issues.
  • There will be always a https port even if user disables all of them. bia-pain-bache#164
  • Warp endpoint validations. bia-pain-bache#160
  • Fixed some settings not applying bia-pain-bache#168
  • Fixed Fragment configs not importing in Streisand.
  • Fixed routing rules not disabling issue.


  • Improved singbox DNS rules and routing.


07 Aug 08:28
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  • Added support for multiple WoW endpoints.
  • Refactored Warp sub logic.
  • Revised KV migration and versions compatiblity.
  • Changed Issues template for better debugging, thanks to @ircfspace


07 Aug 08:28
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Added multiple Warp Endpoints support and Best Warp config

From now on you can add multiple Warp Endpoints to panel, which includes IPv4, IPv6 and domains. Additional Warp configs will be added to subscription regarding endpoints. Now there is a separate enpoint entry for Warp on Warp (WoW).
Also a new config named Warp Best Ping has been added which switches between fastest warp config among all endpoints every 30s.


Due to a Xray core bug, if the first endpoint in Warp Endpoints is dead, Warp Best Ping config won't work time to time, so please insert a clean endpoint at first position.
Warp subscription url has been changed since 2.4.1, so please get new sub from panel.


  • Added IPv6 support to Clean IPs section.
  • Added IPv6 support to WoW Endpoint and Warp Endpoints.
  • Changes Best Ping , Warp Best Ping and Singbox swithing intervals to 30s.

Bug Fixes


07 Aug 08:28
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2.4.2 Pre-release


  • Added keep alive to warp configs.

Bug Fixes

  • Prevent user to deactivate all ports.
  • Fixed Best Ping configs tags.


07 Aug 08:28
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Added Best Fragment config

From now on you can use Best Fragment config in order to connect to proxy via best fragment settings in a smart way! This config experiments 18 standard fragment Length and choose best one based on best ping in combination with proxy. Please note that


Values include 10-20...90-100 , 10-30, 20-40...80-100 and also 100-200 with Interval of 1-1.
This config can be connected to by IPv4 or IPv6.
It switches to best fragment every 30 seconds, so for better performance on you ISP it is recommended to wait for at least 30 seconds.

Added All https and http ports

Considering https ports return TLS configs and http ports generate non TLS , you can use https pors on both Pages and Workers deployments, however http ports can only be used on Workers deployment.

Added single Warp and Warp on Warp

Warp and Warp on Warp Subscription for Xray and Singbox added to panel.


Optimum warp endpoint should be scanned via provided scanner script, default endpoint doesnt for for All ISPs. Also for some ISPs it is recommended to use MahsaNG to connect.
This script can be run in termux or linux CLI.

Special Thanks to Peyman @Ptechgithub


  • Now fragment configs can be used with Enable Local DNS mode enabled in v2rayNG and MahsaNG, or the default VPN DNS mode. It is recommend to use with Local DNS set to localhost in Panel to get best results.
  • Configs names has been revised to IPv4, IPv6 and Clean IP tags...
  • RouteOnly Added to sniffing.
  • Early data headers in singbox set in a different standard way.


07 Aug 08:28
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2.4 Pre-release

Added Warp on Warp

Warp on Warp config for Xray and Singbox added to panel.


Optimum warp endpoint should be scanned via provided scanner, default endpoint doesnt for for All ISPs. Also for some ISPs it is recommended to use MahsaNG to connect.
This script can be run in termux or linux CLI.

Special Thanks to Peyman @Ptechgithub


07 Aug 08:28
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2.3.9 Pre-release

Added Best Fragment config

From now on you can use Best Fragment config in order to connect to proxy via best fragment settings! This config experiments 18 standard fragment Length and choose best one based on best ping in combination with proxy. Please note that


Values include 10-20...90-100 , 10-30, 20-40...80-100 and also 100-200 with Interval of 1-1.
This config can be connected to by IPv4 or IPv6.
It switches to best fragment every 30 seconds, so for better performance on you ISP it is recommended to wait for at least 30 seconds.

Added All https and http ports

Considering https ports return TLS configs and http ports generate non TLS , you can use https pors on both Pages and Workers deployments, however http ports can only be used on Workers deployment.


  • Now fragment configs can be used with Enable Local DNS mode enabled in v2rayNG and MahsaNG, or the default VPN DNS mode. It is recommend to use with Local DNS set to localhost in Panel to get best results.
  • Configs names has been revised to IPv4, IPv6 and Clean IP tags...


07 Aug 08:28
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Proxy IP in panel

From now on users can adjust their Proxy IP in panel. Proxy IP can still be added in Cloudflare dashboard and there is no conflict. Please note that


there is a fallback, if Panel Proxy IP gets cleared, then the Cloudflare dashboard Proxy IP will be used, and if it's not set too, the default Proxy IP of worker will be used.


  • Improved Fragment configs Routing and DNS settings.
  • Added Block Porn and optional Bypass LAN to routing rules.
  • Subtle UI changes.


  • Fixed WorkerLess config not working on some operators. bia-pain-bache#52
  • Fixed some reality configs not working as Chain Proxy.


07 Aug 08:28
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  • QR code now available for importing subscription links.
  • Error handling and logging improved for UX like bia-pain-bache#26

Also updated readme and subtle UI changes...