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392 lines (314 loc) · 15.8 KB

File metadata and controls

392 lines (314 loc) · 15.8 KB
Title Added Status
Process Content Service

Manipulates content related to a Process Instance or Task Instance in APS.

Class members


  • createProcessRelatedContent(processInstanceId: string, content: any, opts?: any): Observable<any>
    Associates an uploaded file with a process instance.
    • processInstanceId: string - ID of the target process instance
    • content: any - File to associate
    • opts: any - (Optional) Options supported by JS-API
    • Returns Observable<any> - Details of created content
  • createTaskRelatedContent(taskId: string, file: any, opts?: any): Observable<any>
    Associates an uploaded file with a task instance.
    • taskId: string - ID of the target task
    • file: any - File to associate
    • opts: any - (Optional) Options supported by JS-API
    • Returns Observable<any> - Details of created content
  • createTemporaryRawRelatedContent(file: any): Observable<RelatedContentRepresentation>
    Create temporary related content from an uploaded file.
  • deleteRelatedContent(contentId: number): Observable<any>
    Deletes related content.
    • contentId: number - Identifier of the content to delete
    • Returns Observable<any> - Null response that notifies when the deletion is complete
  • getContentPreview(contentId: number): Observable<Blob>
    Gets the preview for a related content file.
    • contentId: number - ID of the related content
    • Returns Observable<Blob> - Binary data of the content preview
  • getContentThumbnail(contentId: number): Observable<Blob>
    Gets the thumbnail for a related content file.
    • contentId: number - ID of the related content
    • Returns Observable<Blob> - Binary data of the thumbnail image
  • getFileContent(contentId: number): Observable<RelatedContentRepresentation>
    Gets the metadata for a related content item.
  • getFileRawContent(contentId: number): Observable<Blob>
    Gets raw binary content data for a related content file.
    • contentId: number - ID of the related content
    • Returns Observable<Blob> - Binary data of the related content
  • getFileRawContentUrl(contentId: number): string
    Gets a URL for direct access to a related content file.
    • contentId: number - ID of the related content
    • Returns string - URL to access the content
  • getProcessRelatedContent(processId: string, opts?: any): Observable<any>
    Gets related content items for a process instance.
    • processId: string - ID of the target process
    • opts: any - (Optional) Options supported by JS-API
    • Returns Observable<any> - Metadata for the content
  • getTaskRelatedContent(taskId: string, opts?: any): Observable<any>
    Gets related content items for a task instance.
    • taskId: string - ID of the target task
    • opts: any - (Optional) Options supported by JS-API
    • Returns Observable<any> - Metadata for the content
  • handleError(error: any): Observable<any>
    Reports an error message.
    • error: any - Data object with optional message and status fields for the error
    • Returns Observable<any> - Callback when an error occurs
  • toJson(res: any): any
    Creates a JSON representation of data.
    • res: any - Object representing data
    • Returns any - JSON object
  • toJsonArray(res: any): any
    Creates a JSON array representation of data.
    • res: any - Object representing data
    • Returns any - JSON array object


createProcessRelatedContent(processInstanceId: string, content: any, opts?: any): Observable<any>

Associate an uploaded file with a Process Instance.

Let's say we have an upload button as follows:

    <button mat-button color="accent" mat-mini-fab (click)="">
    <input hidden type="file" #fileInput (change)="onUploadFile($event)"/>

We can then create related content as follows:

export class SomePageComponent implements OnInit {

  @ViewChild('fileInput') fileInput;


  onUploadFile() {
    const fileBrowser = this.fileInput.nativeElement;
    if (fileBrowser.files && fileBrowser.files[0]) {
      const file: File =  fileBrowser.files[0];
      const processInstanceId = '11337';
      const opts = {
        isRelatedContent: true
      this.contentService.createProcessRelatedContent(processInstanceId, file, opts).subscribe(
        (relContent: RelatedContentRepresentation)  => {
          console.log('Related content: ', relContent);
       }, error => {
            console.log('Error: ', error);

In the above sample code the file is uploaded via an HTML input element. The processInstanceId refers to a process instance ID for a running process in APS.
The returned relContent object looks like in this sample:

Related content:     
    contentAvailable: true
    created: Wed Nov 08 2017 10:50:30 GMT+0000 (GMT) {}
    createdBy: {id: 1, firstName: null, lastName: "Administrator", email: "[email protected]"}
    id: 6007
    link: false
    mimeType: "application/pdf"
    name: "simple.pdf"
    previewStatus: "queued"
    relatedContent: true
    simpleType: "pdf"
    thumbnailStatus: "queued"

The related content id can be used by other methods in this service to get to the content and to delete it. It is referred to as the contentId.

If you look at attachments for the process instance it should now display the new file.

createTaskRelatedContent(taskId: string, file: any, opts?: any)

Associate an uploaded file with a Task Instance. This is in effect very similar to the createProcessRelatedContent call. Just use taskInstanceId instead of processInstanceId.

onUploadFile() {
    const fileBrowser = this.fileInput.nativeElement;
    if (fileBrowser.files && fileBrowser.files[0]) {
      const file: File =  fileBrowser.files[0];
      const taskInstanceId = '15303';
      const opts = {
        isRelatedContent: true
      this.contentService.createTaskRelatedContent(taskInstanceId, file, opts).subscribe(
        (relContent: RelatedContentRepresentation)  => {
          console.log('Related content: ', relContent);
       }, error => {
            console.log('Error: ', error);

For more information see the docs for createProcessRelatedContent.

createTemporaryRawRelatedContent(file: any): Observable<RelatedContentRepresentation>

Create temporary related content from an uploaded file. This means that the related content is not yet associated with a process instance or a task instance.

  onUploadFile() {
    const fileBrowser = this.fileInput.nativeElement;
    if (fileBrowser.files && fileBrowser.files[0]) {
      const file: File =  fileBrowser.files[0];
        (relContent: RelatedContentRepresentation)  => {
          console.log('Related content: ', relContent);
        }, error => {
             console.log('Error: ', error);

For more information see the docs for createProcessRelatedContent.

deleteRelatedContent(contentId: number): Observable<any>

Delete related content via the content identifier:

 const contentId = 6008;
    res  => {
      console.log('Delete response: ', res);
    }, error => {
         console.log('Error: ', error);

The response is going to be null if the delete was successful.

See getProcessRelatedContent and getTaskRelatedContent for how to get to the contentId.

getFileContent(contentId: number): Observable<RelatedContentRepresentation>

Get the metadata for a related content item in the format of a RelatedContentRepresentation object:

const contentId = 6008;
   res  => {
     console.log('Response Metadata: ', res);
   }, error => {
     console.log('Error: ', error);

The metadata response looks like in this example:

contentAvailable: true
created: Wed Nov 08 2017 11:26:14 GMT+0000 (GMT) {}
createdBy: {id: 1, firstName: null, lastName: "Administrator", email: "[email protected]"}
id: 6008
link: false
mimeType: "application/pdf"
name: "simple.pdf"
previewStatus: "created"
relatedContent: true
simpleType: "pdf"
thumbnailStatus: "created"

See getProcessRelatedContent and getTaskRelatedContent for how to get to the contentId.

getFileRawContentUrl(contentId: number): string

Get the URL for direct access to a related content file:

const contentId = 6008;
const url = this.contentService.getFileRawContentUrl(contentId);
console.log('URL: ', url);

The URL response looks something like this:


This URL can be used to directly access the content file, such as from a browser.

See getProcessRelatedContent and getTaskRelatedContent for how to get to the contentId.

getFileRawContent(contentId: number): Observable<Blob>

Get the raw content bytes as a BLOB for a related content file:

const contentId = 5006;
   res  => {
     console.log('Response BLOB: ', res);
   }, error => {
     console.log('Error: ', error);

The BLOB response looks something like this:

Blob(205824) {size: 205824, type: "application/msword"}

See getProcessRelatedContent and getTaskRelatedContent for how to get to the contentId.

getContentPreview(contentId: number): Observable<Blob>

Get the preview file for a related content file. A content file might be for example a
MS Word document. This method would give you the PDF preview for this document, if it has been generated:

const contentId = 5006;
   res  => {
     console.log('Response Preview BLOB: ', res);
   }, error => {
     console.log('Error: ', error);

The preview BLOB response looks something like this:

Blob(44101) {size: 44101, type: "application/pdf"}

See getProcessRelatedContent and getTaskRelatedContent for how to get to the contentId.

getContentThumbnail(contentId: number): Observable<Blob>

Get the thumbnail file for a related content file. A content file might be for example a
MS Word document. This method would give you the image thumbnail for this document, if it has been generated:

 const contentId = 5006;
   res  => {
     console.log('Response thumbnail BLOB: ', res);
   }, error => {
     console.log('Error: ', error);

The response looks like in this sample:

Blob(13780) {size: 13780, type: "image/png"}

See getProcessRelatedContent and getTaskRelatedContent for how to get to the contentId.

getProcessRelatedContent(processId: string): Observable<any>

Get related content items for passed in Process Instance ID, only metadata for related content is returned:

const processId = '11337';
   res  => {
    console.log('Response: ', res);
   }, error => {
    console.log('Error: ', error);

The response looks like in the following sample:

size: 2
        contentAvailable: true
        created: "2017-10-29T07:28:15.546+0000"
        createdBy: {id: 1, firstName: null, lastName: "Administrator", email: "[email protected]"}
        id: 5006
        link: false
        mimeType: "application/msword"
        name: "More info for Invoice.doc"
        previewStatus: "created"
        relatedContent: true
        simpleType: "word"
        thumbnailStatus: "created"
        id: 6008, 
        name: "simple.pdf", 
        created: "2017-11-08T11:26:14.162+0000", 
        createdBy: {…}, 
        relatedContent: true, 

The id property corresponds to the contentId property used in many of the other methods of this service.

getTaskRelatedContent(taskId: string): Observable<any>

Get related content items for passed in Task Instance ID, only metadata for related content is returned:

const taskId = '15303';
   res  => {
     console.log('Response: ', res);
   }, error => {
     console.log('Error: ', error);

The response format is the same as for the getProcessRelatedContent method, see its docs.



import { RelatedContentRepresentation } from '@alfresco/js-api';
import { ProcessContentService } from '@alfresco/adf-core';

export class SomePageComponent implements OnInit {

  constructor(private contentService: ProcessContentService) {