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File metadata and controls

781 lines (593 loc) · 28.5 KB
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Document List component

Displays the documents from a repository.

Custom columns


Basic Usage


Class members


Name Type Default value Description
additionalSorting string[] ['isFolder DESC'] Defines default sorting. The format is an array of strings [key direction, otherKey otherDirection] i.e. ['name desc', 'nodeType asc'] or ['name asc']. Set this value if you want a base rule to be added to the sorting apart from the one driven by the header.
allowDropFiles boolean false When true, this enables you to drop files directly into subfolders shown as items in the list or into another file to trigger updating it's version. When false, the dropped file will be added to the current folder (ie, the one containing all the items shown in the list). See the Upload directive for further details about how the file drop is handled.
contentActions boolean false Toggles content actions for each row
contentActionsPosition string "right" Position of the content actions dropdown menu. Can be set to "left" or "right".
contextMenuActions boolean false Toggles context menus for each row
display string DisplayMode.List Change the display mode of the table. Can be "list" or "gallery".
emptyFolderImageUrl string Custom image for empty folder. Default value: './assets/images/empty_doc_lib.svg'
imageResolver any | null null Custom function to choose image file paths to show. See the Image Resolver Model page for more information.
includeFields string[] Include additional information about the node in the server request. For example: association, isLink, isLocked and others.
loading boolean false Toggles the loading state and animated spinners for the component. Used in combination with navigate=false to perform custom navigation and loading state indication.
locationFormat string "/" The default route for all the location-based columns (if declared).
maxItems number Default value is stored in the user preference settings. Use this only if you are not using pagination.
multiselect boolean false Toggles multiselect mode
navigate boolean true Toggles navigation to folder content or file preview
navigationMode string User interaction for folder navigation or file preview. Valid values are "click" and "dblclick". Default value: "dblclick"
node NodePaging null The Document list will show all the nodes contained in the NodePaging entity
permissionsStyle PermissionStyleModel[] [] Define a set of CSS styles to apply depending on the permission of the user on that node. See the Permission Style model page for further details and examples.
rowStyle string The inline style to apply to every row. See the Angular NgStyle docs for more details and usage examples.
rowStyleClass string The CSS class to apply to every row
selectionMode string "single" Row selection mode. Can be null, single or multiple. For multiple mode, you can use Cmd (macOS) or Ctrl (Win) modifier key to toggle selection for multiple rows.
showHeader string Toggles the header
sorting string[] ['name', 'asc'] Defines default sorting. The format is an array of 2 strings [key, direction] i.e. ['name', 'desc'] or ['name', 'asc']. Set this value only if you want to override the default sorting detected by the component based on columns.
sortingMode string "server" Defines sorting mode. Can be either client (items in the list are sorted client-side) or server (the ordering supplied by the server is used without further client-side sorting). Note that the server option does not request the server to sort the data before delivering it.
stickyHeader boolean false Toggles the sticky header mode.
thumbnails boolean false Show document thumbnails rather than icons
where string Filters the Node list using the where condition of the REST API (for example, isFolder=true). See the REST API documentation for more information.
currentFolderId string The ID of the folder node to display or a reserved string alias for special sources
rowFilter RowFilter Custom function to choose whether to show or hide rows. See the Row Filter Model page for more information.


Name Type Description
error EventEmitter<any> Emitted when the API fails to get the Document List data
folderChange EventEmitter<NodeEntryEvent> Emitted when the current display folder changes
nodeClick EventEmitter<NodeEntityEvent> Emitted when the user clicks a list node
nodeDblClick EventEmitter<NodeEntityEvent> Emitted when the user double-clicks a list node
nodeSelected EventEmitter<NodeEntry[]> Emitted when the node selection change
preview EventEmitter<NodeEntityEvent> Emitted when the user acts upon files with either single or double click (depends on navigation-mode). Useful for integration with the Viewer component.
ready EventEmitter<NodePaging> Emitted when the Document List has loaded all items and is ready for use


The properties currentFolderId and node set the initial folder shown by the Document List. They cannot be used together, so choose the one that suits your use case best.

The Document list will automatically show special icons for : Smart Folder, Link to a Folder and Folder with rules as shown below :

Document List Folders

DOM Events

Below are the DOM events the DocumentList component emits. All of them are bubbling, meaning you can handle them in any component up the parent hierarchy, even if the DocumentList is wrapped by one or more other components.

Name Description
node-click Emitted when user clicks the node
node-dblclick Emitted when user double-clicks the node
node-select Emitted when user selects a node
node-unselect Emitted when user unselects a node

Every event is represented by a CustomEvent instance. Each event will have at least the following properties as part of the Event.detail property value:

    sender: DocumentListComponent,
    node: NodeEntry

See the DataTable documentation for further details about the other DOM events that the Document List component bubbles up from the DataTable.

Below is a basic example of handling DOM events in the parent elements.

<div (node-click)="onNodeClicked($event)" 
        <adf-upload-drag-area ...>
             <adf-document-list ...>

Conditional visibility

You can use ngIf directives to provide conditional visibility support for the columns:


Card view

The Document List has an option to display items as "cards" instead of the standard view:


Set the [display] property to "gallery" to enable card view mode:


Pagination strategy

The Document List by default supports 2 types of pagination: Pagination component and Infinite pagination component

Pagination component

<adf-document-list #documentList ...></adf-document-list>


Infinite pagination component

<adf-document-list #documentList ...></adf-document-list>


Data Sources

You can use any of the following options to set the folder that the Document List will display:

Node ID

The unique identifier of the Node. Gets automatically updated when you perform navigation to other folders.

Repository aliases

You can use one of the well-known reserved aliases:

  • -root-
  • -shared-
  • -my-

Document List aliases

The Document List component also provides support for the following reserved aliases:

  • -trashcan-,
  • -sharedlinks-
  • -sites-
  • -mysites-
  • -favorites-
  • -recent-

Note that due to the nature of the data, these sources do not support navigation. You may want to handle single and double clicks yourself to perform navigation to other sources.

The Document List component supports default presets for all the custom sources mentioned earlier. If you don't provide any custom column definition with the Data Column component then a default preset will be automatically used at runtime.

Some of the presets use the Location columns that allow you to navigate to the parent folder of the node (eg, navigating from the "Favorite" node to the folder that contains it). You can set the default location format using the locationFormat property to avoid redefining the entire column layout.

The default column layout for non-reserved views is:

  • Icon
  • Name
  • Size
  • Modified (date)
  • Modified by



Default layout:

  • Icon
  • Name
  • Location
  • Size
  • Deleted
  • Deleted by

Shared Links


Default layout:

  • Icon
  • Name
  • Location
  • Size
  • Modified
  • Modified by
  • Shared by



Default layout:

  • Icon
  • Title
  • Status

My Sites


Default layout:

  • Icon
  • Title
  • Status



Default layout:

  • Icon
  • Name
  • Location
  • Size
  • Modified
  • Modified by

Recent Files


Default layout:

  • Icon
  • Name
  • Location

Setting default folder

You can set the current folder path by assigning a value to the currentFolderId property. It can be either one of the well-known locations (such as -root-, -shared- or -my-), or a node ID (guid).

There may be scenarios where you need to set the default path based on a relative string value rather than a node ID. This might happen, for example, when the folder name or path is static but its underlying ID is not (i.e. created manually by admin). In this case you can use the alfresco-js-api to get the details of a node based on its relative path.

The example below shows how to set the default folder to /Sites/swsdp/documentLibrary without knowing its ID beforehand. For the sake of simplicity, the example below shows only the main points you should pay attention to:

import { ChangeDetectorRef } from '@angular/core';
import { AlfrescoApiService } from '@alfresco/adf-core';

export class FilesComponent implements OnInit {

    currentFolderId: string = '-my-';

    constructor(private apiService: AlfrescoApiService,
                private changeDetector: ChangeDetectorRef) {
        // ...

    ngOnInit() {
        let nodes: any = this.apiService.getInstance().nodes;
        nodes.getNodeInfo('-root-', {
            includeSource: true,
            include: ['path', 'properties'],
            relativePath: '/Sites/swsdp/documentLibrary'
        .then(node => {
            this.currentFolderId =;

The console.log(node) for the getNodeInfo callback is just for study and debug purposes. It is useful for examining other information that you can access if necessary:


Important note: for this particular scenario you must also trigger changeDetector.detectChanges() as in the example above.

Calling DocumentList api directly

Typically you will bind Document List properties to your application/component class properties:


...with the underlying class implemented as in the following example:

export class MyAppComponent {

    myStartFolder: string = '-my-';

However there may be scenarios where you need direct access to the Document List APIs. You can get a reference to the Document List instance using the Angular Component Interaction API. See the Parent calls a ViewChild section of the Angular docs for more information.

Below is an example of getting a reference:


Note that the #documentList ID allows the component to be referenced elsewhere.

import { ViewChild, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core';
import { DocumentListComponent } from '@alfresco/adf-content-services';

export class MyAppComponent implements AfterViewInit {

    myStartFolder: string = '-my-';
    documentList: DocumentListComponent;

    ngAfterViewInit() {

The example above should produce the following browser console output:


Now you can access Document List properties or call methods directly:

// print currently displayed folder node object to console

Important note:
You must not access child components any earlier in the component lifecycle than the AfterViewInit state. Any UI click (buttons, links, etc.) event handlers are fine but an earlier event like ngOnInit is not. See the Angular Component lifecycle hooks documentation for a full explanation of the component lifecycle.

Underlying node object

The Document List component assigns an instance of the Node class (defined in the Alfresco JS API) as the data context for each row. You can make use of the properties of this object when defining custom columns:

Binding to nested properties is also supported. You can define a column key as a property path similar to the following:


Here's a short example:

<adf-document-list ...>
        <data-column key="$thumbnail" type="image"></data-column>
        <data-column title="Name" key="name" class="full-width ellipsis-cell"></data-column>
            title="Created By" 

Custom columns

You can reorder, extend or completely redefine data columns displayed by the component. By default, special $thumbnail and displayName columns are rendered.

A custom set of columns might look like the following:

<adf-document-list ...>
        <data-column key="$thumbnail" type="image"></data-column>
            class="full-width ellipsis-cell">
            title="Created By" 
            title="Created On" 

Custom columns

You can also use the HTML-based schema declaration used by DataTable, Task List and other components:

<adf-datatable [data]="data" ...>
        <data-column type="image" key="icon" [sortable]="false"></data-column>
        <data-column key="id" title="Id"></data-column>
        <data-column key="createdOn" title="Created"></data-column>
        <data-column key="name" title="Name" class="full-width name-column"></data-column>
        <data-column key="" title="Created By"></data-column>

You can also add tooltips, styling, automatic column title translation and other features. See the DataColumn component page for more information about specifying and customizing columns.

Column templates

You can use the following components as column templates:

Name Description
adf-name-column Renders the hyperlink-styled name of the node. Provides a formatted tooltip. Emits the name-click DOM event, which can be handled by any parent component.
adf-library-name-column Renders the library name. Provides formatted tooltips and extra details for libraries with the same names on the page. Emits the name-click DOM event, which can be handled by any parent component.
adf-library-role-column Renders i18n-enabled information about the Library (Site) role (Manager, Collaborator, Contributor, Consumer)
adf-library-status-column Renders i18n-enabled information about the Library (Site) status (Public, Private, Moderated, Unknown)
adf-trashcan-name-column Renders the name of the deleted node. Distinguishes between a Library (Site) and File/Folder nodes. Provides proper tooltips.

All the components above require only the context property to be bound, since each component fetches and renders the information it needs from the underlying node.

For example:

<data-column key="name" title="Name">
    <ng-template let-context>
        <adf-name-column [context]="context"></adf-name-column>

All the components above also participate in Extensibility and can be used to compose DocumentList layouts from within the plugins.

Date Column

For the date column type, the Angular DatePipe formatting is used. See the DatePipe documentation for a full list of format values it supports.

ADF also supports an additional timeAgo value for the format property. This renders date values using the popular "Time from now" format.

Location Column

This column displays a clickable location link pointing to the parent path of the node.

Important note:

For granular permissions, the Location Column may or may not render the link location

You would normally use this with custom navigation or when displaying content from sources like:

  • Sites
  • My Sites
  • Shared Links
  • Recent Files
  • Favorites
  • Trashcan

...or any other location where the user needs to be able to navigate to the node parent folder easily.

Note that the parent node is evaluated automatically. The generated link will have a URL based on the format property value with the node id value appended:


For example:


All links rendered in the column above will have an address mapped to /files:



You can add actions to a dropdown menu for each item shown in a Document List. Several built-in actions are available (delete, download, copy and move) but you can also define your own actions. See the Content Action component for more information and examples.

You can also use the Context Menu directive from the ADF Core library to show the actions you have defined in a context menu:

    selector: 'my-view',
    template: `
        <adf-document-list [contextMenuActions]="true">...</adf-document-list>
export class MyView {

Folder context menu

This single extra line in the template enables context menu items for documents and folders.

Navigation mode

By default, the Document List component uses 'double-click' mode for navigation. That means that the user will see the contents of the folder when they double-click its name or icon (in a similar manner to Google Drive). However, there is also a single-click mode that may be sometimes be useful.

The following example switches navigation to single clicks:


Advanced usage and customization

Image Resolver and Row Filter functions

The Document List has two properties that let you modify behavior with custom functions:

  • imageResolver - Specifies a function to choose image file paths for icons and thumbnails.
  • rowFilter - Selects whether a row is shown or hidden according to its data content.

See the Image Resolver Model and Row Filter Model pages for details of how to implement these functions.

Custom 'empty folder' template

By default, the Document List provides the following content for the empty folder:

Default empty folder

However, you can change this by defining your own custom HTML template:

<adf-document-list ...>
        <h1>Sorry, no content here</h1>

This will give the following output:

Custom empty folder

Custom 'permission denied' template

By default, the Document List shows the following content when permission is denied:

Default no permission

You can change this by defining your own custom HTML template:

<adf-document-list ...>
        <h1>You don't have permissions</h1>

This will give the following output:

Custom no permission

Custom 'loading' template

By default, the Document List shows the following content when the content is loading:

Default loading

You can change this by defining your own custom HTML template:

<adf-document-list ...>
        Loading Content
        <mat-progress-bar mode="indeterminate"></mat-progress-bar>

This will give the following output:

Custom loading

See also