Name | Version | License | Copyright |
certifi | 2019.6.16 | MPL-2.0 | Kenneth Reitz |
graphql-core | 2.2.1 | MIT | 2016 GraphQL Python |
packaging | 19.2 | BSD-2-Clause or Apache 2.0 | Donald Stufft and individual contributors |
promise | 2.2.1 | MIT | 2016 Syrus Akbary |
pyparsing | 2.4.2 | MIT | 2003-2019 Paul T. McGuire |
Rx | 1.6.1 | Apache 2.0 | Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. |
sentry-sdk | 0.13.0 | BSD-2-Clause | 2018 Sentry and individual contributors |
sgqlc | 7.0 | ISCL | 2018 ProFUSION Sistemas e Solucoes LTDA |
six | 1.12.0 | MIT | 2010-2018 Benjamin Peterson |
bootstrap | 4.3.1 | MIT | 2011-2019 The Bootstrap Authors and Twitter, Inc. |
mark.js | 8.11.1 | MIT | 2014–2018, Julian Kühnel |
Popper.js | 1.15.0 | MIT | 2019, Federico Zivolo |
Tippy.js | 4.3.5 | MIT | 2017-2019 atomiks |
jQuery | 3.3.1 | MIT | JS Foundation and other contributors |
graphql.js | 0.6.5 | MIT | 2018 Fatih Kadir Akın |
popup-dictionary | 1.0.0-dev.1 | APGPL | Aristotelis P. (Glutanimate) |