Anirudh Govind (13 November, 2020)
# Load Bangalore ward boundary
bangaloreWardBoundary <- read_sf(here::here("data/raw-data/bangaloreWardBoundary.shp"))
bangaloreWardBoundary <- bangaloreWardBoundary%>%
# Load Bangalore wards
bangaloreWards <- read_sf(here::here("data/raw-data/bangaloreWardsUTM.shp"))
bangaloreWards <- bangaloreWards %>%
# Load Bangalore Population
bangalorePopulation <- raster(here::here("data/raw-data/ind_ppp_2020_UNadj_constrained.tif"))
# Transform/ Make CRS consistent
bangaloreWardBoundary <- st_transform(bangaloreWardBoundary, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"))
# Clip data
bangalorePopulationCrop <- crop(bangalorePopulation, bangaloreWardBoundary)
bangalorePopulationMask <- mask(bangalorePopulationCrop, bangaloreWardBoundary)
# Sanity check. The viz looks weird. The data looks off.
bangalorePopulationData <- raster::extract(bangalorePopulationMask, bangaloreWardBoundary)
bangalorePopulationData <-
# Rename data
bangalorePopulationData <- bangalorePopulationData %>%
rename(pop = `c.NA..NA..NA..NA..NA..NA..NA..NA..NA..NA..NA..NA..NA..NA..NA..`)
# Bind Data
bangaloreWardPop <- bind_cols(bangaloreWardBoundary, bangalorePopulationData)
# Check population as per this
bangaloreWardPop %>%
summarise(total = sum(pop, na.rm = T))
## Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 1 field
## geometry type: POLYGON
## dimension: XY
## bbox: xmin: 77.4601 ymin: 12.83401 xmax: 77.78405 ymax: 13.14367
## CRS: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0
## # A tibble: 1 x 2
## total geometry
## <dbl> <POLYGON [°]>
## 1 11539210. ((77.5145 12.87053, 77.51363 12.87037, 77.51334 12.8705, 77.51297 1~
# According to this, Bangalore has a population of 11,539,210. Which is quite a bit lower than what it actually is.
max(bangaloreWardPop$pop, na.rm = T)
## [1] 569.9608
min(bangaloreWardPop$pop, na.rm = T)
## [1] 5.194422
mean(bangaloreWardPop$pop, na.rm = T)
## [1] 181.4512
bangaloreWardPop %>%
filter(pop == 0) %>%
# Put layers together
bangalorePopulationMap <- tm_shape(bangaloreWardBoundary) +
tm_borders(col = "#000000",
lwd = 3) +
tm_shape(bangalorePopulationMask) +
tm_raster(palette = "OrRd",
colorNA = "#ffffff",
breaks = c(1,60,120,180,240,300,360,420,480,540,600),
title = "Population Counts") +
tm_shape(bangaloreWards) +
tm_borders(col = "#000000",
lwd = 1.5) +
tm_layout(bg.color = "#ffffff",
frame = F,
attr.outside = T,
outer.margins = 0,
asp = 0,
scale = 0.8,
main.title = "Bangalore's Estimated Population",
main.title.color = "#000000",
main.title.size = 1.75,
main.title.fontface = 2,
main.title.fontfamily = "Arial Narrow") +
tm_credits("#30DayMapChallenge | Day 13 | Anirudh Govind | Nov 2020\nBondarenko M., Kerr D., Sorichetta A., and Tatem, A.J. 2020. Census/projection-disaggregated gridded population datasets, adjusted to match the corresponding UNPD 2020 estimates,\nfor 183 countries in 2020 using Built-Settlement Growth Model (BSGM) outputs. WorldPop, University of Southampton, UK. doi:10.5258/SOTON/WP00685",
col = "#000000",
size = 0.8,
position = c("left", "bottom"),
fontfamily = "Arial Narrow")
# Export the map as an image to upload onto twitter
tmap_save(tm = bangalorePopulationMap,
filename = here::here("exports/Day13.png"),
dpi = 450,
width = 200,
height = 200,
units = "mm")
## Map saved to G:\00_Git Repos\30DayMapChallenge\exports\Day13.png
## Resolution: 3543.307 by 3543.307 pixels
## Size: 7.874016 by 7.874016 inches (450 dpi)