When we do any kind of structural changes or major changes in logic then we need to change API Version.
Before the deployment , we need to do below changes :
We need to update the appConstant.APP_VERSION with next inceremented version under constant.ts file.
- For example, if current version of api is v1 then next version of api would be v2.
we also need to change the firebase.json file which will include last 2 versions url references.
- For example, { “source” : ”/v1/”, “function” : “v1” }, { “source” : ”/v2/”, “function” : “v2” }
When we deploy functions, we need keep last 2 versions functions and remove other api versions.
we need to update versions of android & ios with next incremented version in ApplicationSettings collection.
For example,
- If current version of android & ios is 1.0 then we need to update the version as 2.0
- Below are the parameters which represents android & ios current versions :
- android_version
- ios_version
Based on current versionCode of android and ios application and version of application settings collection, application will display dialog to force update application from store.