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File metadata and controls

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Codebase Overview

This document provides a quick overview of how this Jekyll website works. You should be able to understand the entire codebase in 5-10 minutes by reading this guide.

Table of Contents

  1. Site Architecture
  2. Key Files
  3. Content Management
  4. Styling System
  5. JavaScript Functionality
  6. Workflow Guide

Site Architecture

This site is built with Jekyll, a static site generator that transforms plain text into static websites. The key principles are:

  • Content as Markdown: All content is written in Markdown files
  • Front Matter: YAML metadata at the top of content files controls layout and metadata
  • Layouts: HTML templates in _layouts/ define how pages are structured
  • Includes: Reusable HTML components in _includes/ (header, footer, etc.)
  • Collections: Content is organized into collections (_posts, _notes, etc.)

Key Files

The most important files in this codebase are:

  • _config.yml - Main configuration file for the entire site
  • assets/main.scss - Main stylesheet that controls site appearance
  • _layouts/default.html - Base layout template used by all pages
  • _includes/head.html - Contains metadata, CSS and JS imports
  • _includes/header.html - Site navigation
  • _includes/footer.html - Site footer
  • index.markdown - The homepage

Content Management

Content is organized into collections, defined in _config.yml:

  • _posts/ - Blog posts (named YYYY-MM-DD-title.markdown)
  • _notes/ - Academic notes (organized by topic in subdirectories)
  • _pages/ - Static pages like "About"
  • _papers/ - Academic papers

Each content file must have front matter (YAML between --- lines) at the top:

layout: post
title: "Example Post"
date: 2023-01-01

Styling System

The styling system uses Sass (SCSS) and is organized as follows:

  • assets/main.scss - Primary stylesheet that imports other styles
  • _sass/minima.scss - Variables and utility mixins
  • _sass/minima/ - Component stylesheets

Key style components:

  1. Typography: Uses EB Garamond as the primary font
  2. Academic components: Special styling for theorems, proofs, etc.
  3. Layout components: Responsive grid and containers
  4. Interactive elements: Collapsible sections, quote cards, etc.

To modify styles, edit assets/main.scss or the files it imports.

JavaScript Functionality

The site uses minimal JavaScript for enhanced functionality:

  • assets/js/footnotes.js - Creates tooltip-style popups for footnotes
  • assets/js/toc.js - Highlights the current section in the table of contents

Both are simple, standalone modules that don't rely on any frameworks.

Workflow Guide

Making Common Changes

  1. Add a new blog post:

    • Create file in _posts/ named YYYY-MM-DD-title.markdown
    • Add front matter with layout, title, date
    • Write content in Markdown
  2. Update site information:

    • Edit _config.yml to change site title, description, etc.
  3. Modify the visual design:

    • Edit variables in _sass/minima.scss for global changes
    • Edit specific styles in assets/main.scss
  4. Add a new page:

    • Create file in _pages/ with front matter
    • Add to navigation by editing nav_items in _config.yml

Development Workflow

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run bundle install to install dependencies
  3. Run bundle exec jekyll serve for live preview
  4. Make changes and test locally
  5. Commit and push to GitHub to deploy (uses GitHub Pages)

For more detailed information, see the Jekyll documentation.