Read excel file and parse it to javascript Object.
npm install simple-excel-to-json
You can just require the modure "simple-excel-to-json" and execute the method 'parseXls2Json'
var parser = require('simple-excel-to-json')
var doc = parser.parseXls2Json('./example/sample8.xlsx');
This approach will use the same parser instance to convert a xls into the json data. If you have many xls which need different particular transform function, you can create many XlsParser instances then apply the transform functions(see basic usage and advance usage).
- Normal case
- Output Nested JSON
- path is your excel file path
// Create an instance for XlsParser
var parser = new (require('simple-excel-to-json').XlsParser)();
var doc = parser.parseXls2Json('./example/sample.xlsx');
//print the data of the first sheet
item | price | number |
apple | 100 | 2 |
banana | 200 | 12 |
coffee | 150 | 3 |
.parseXls2Json(path, { isNested: true })
- Assign true as second parameter to enable output nested JSON
// Create an instance for XlsParser
var parser = new (require('simple-excel-to-json').XlsParser)();
var doc = parser.parseXls2Json('./example/sample.xlsx', { isNested: true });
//print the data of the first sheet
Type |[0].location |[1].location |[0].location |
Sedan | New York | Dallas | Tokyo |
SUV | Ohio | Osaka |
"type": "Sedan",
"location": "New York"
"location": "Dallas"
"location": "Tokyo"
"type": "SUV",
"location": "Ohio"
"location": ""
"location": "Osaka"
If you want to have output json with camel case properties, you can apply an 'option' { isToCamelCase: true } to parseXls2Json() e.g 'Car Name' to 'carName' 'product.Type.hasGPS' to 'product.type.hasGPS'
// Create an instance for XlsParser
var parser = new (require('simple-excel-to-json').XlsParser)();
var option =
isToCamelCase: true,
isNested: true,
var doc = parser.parseXls2Json('./example/sample6.xlsx', option );
price | product.Type.hasGPS | Model Name |
100 | y | sedan 01 |
150 | y | SUV 22 |
200 | n | Sport Cars IV |
'price': 100,
'hasGPS': 'y'
'modelName': 'sedan 01'
'price': 150,
'hasGPS': 'y'
'modelName': 'SUV 22'
'price': 200,
'hasGPS': 'n'
'modelName': 'Sport Cars IV'
You can apply transfomation function to transform the output
- func is your transfomation function to convert the output into you expected
// Create an instance for XlsParser
var parser = new (require('simple-excel-to-json').XlsParser)();
parse.setTranseform( [
sheet1.number = sheet1.number.trim();
sheet1.buyer = sheet1.buyer.split(';').filter( item=>item.trim()!=='');
sheet1.buyer.forEach( (e,i,arr) => {
sheet2.Type = sheet2.Type.toLowerCase();
var doc = parser.parseXls2Json('./example/sample2.xlsx');
item | price | number | buyer |
apple | 100 | two | Andy;Bob |
banana | 200 | twelve | Tom; |
coffee | 150 | three | Mary; Calvin |
Type | Price |
Car | 10000 |
Bus | 200000 |
"buyer": ["Andy","Bob"]
// Create an instance for XlsParser
var parser = new (require('simple-excel-to-json').XlsParser)();
parse.setTranseform( [
sheet1['type'] = sheet1['type'].toLowerCase();
sheet1['price'] = sheet1['price'].split(';').map( e => e.trim());
sheet1['[0].location'] = sheet1['[0].location'].trim();
var doc = parser.parseXls2Json('./example/sample2.xlsx', { isNested: true });
type | price |[0].location |
Sedan | 2000;1000 | New York |
SUV | 2000;500 | Ohio |
"type": "sedan",
"price": ["2000","1000"],
"location": "new york"
"type": "suv",
"price": ["2000";"500"],
"location": "ohio"
If your sheet contains empty cell, simple-excel-to-json will give "" for this cell in result object.
- Normal case
- Output Nested JSON case
Type | Price |
Car | |
Bus | 200000 |
Type | Price |[0].location |
Sedan | 2000 | |
SUV | 2000 | Ohio |
"type": "Sedan",
"price": 2000,
"location": ""
"type": "SUV",
"price": 2000,
"location": "ohio"
Support passing options to XLSX parser(node-xlsx) library
Fix vulnerability issue
Fix vulnerability issue
Fix bug
Export the constructor XlsParser that can be used to create multiple parser instances
Issue fix
Replace white space with '_' for property. for example, 'card number' in header --becomes--> 'card_number:'
Throw 'failedToTransformError' when failed to perform transformation
For example:
var parser = require('simple-excel-to-json');
parse.setTranseform( [
sheet1.number = sheet1.number.trim();
sheet1.buyer = sheet1.buyer.split(';').filter( item=>item.trim()!=='');
sheet1.buyer.forEach( (e,i,arr) => {
//lets throw an error for invalid array length
if(sheet1.buyer.length <1)
throw new Error('length of sheet1.buyer < 1 ')
sheet2.Type = sheet2.Type.toLowerCase();
var doc = parser.parseXls2Json('./example/sample8.xlsx');
//capture the error
if(err instanceof parser.failedToTransformError)
console.log('name: '+
console.log('message: '+ err.message)
console.log('stack: '+ err.stack)
name: failedToTransformError
message: {"sheet number":0,"element":"{\"item\":\"banana\",\"price\":200,\"number\":\"twelve\",\"buyer\":[]}","index":0,"errorMessage":"length of sheet1.buyer < 1 "}
at C:\Users\andyl\Documents\excel-to-json\test\test.js:494:27
at C:\Users\andyl\Documents\excel-to-json\index.js:73:17
add a parameter 'option' to decide the output format
option = {
isNested: true,
toLowerCase: true
parseXls2Json(path, option)
isNested is true: convert excel data to nested json object toLowerCase is true: property in output json data will be lower case
Usage in Add example for Nested Case of Advance Usage
Support Nested JSON format