On Feb. 24, 2022 Russia declared an unprovoked war on Ukraine and launched a full-scale invasion. Russia is currently bombing peaceful Ukrainian cities, including schools and hospitals and attacking civilians who are fleeing conflict zones.
Please support Ukraine by lobbying your governments, protesting peacefully, and donating money to support the people of Ukraine. Below are links to trustworthy organizations that are helping to defend Ukraine in this unprovoked war:
This is a small project for demonstrating binding Kotlin and Swift code in one project. The current implementation of binding is based on Readdle's swift-java-codegen project.
- JDK 8+
- Xcode 11+
Clone project and run
./gradlew test
- JDK 8+
- Swift 5.4+
Clone project and run
./gradlew test
Comming soon...
@see Readdle swift-java-codegen project
Clean swift code:
./gradlew swiftPackageClean
Update swift packages:
./gradlew swiftPackageUpdate