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Lightweight reactive multi-tap streams and transducer based transformation pipeline constructs, written in TypeScript.


This library provides & uses three key building blocks for reactive programming:

  • Stream sources: event targets, iterables, timers, promises, watches, workers, CSP channels, custom...
  • Subscriptions: chained stream processors, each subscribable (one-to-many) itself
  • Transducers: stream transformers, either as individual subscription or to transform values for a single subscription. See for 90+ composable operators.
  • Recursive teardown: Whenever possible, any unsubscription initiates cleanup and propagates to parent(s).

Using these building blocks, a growing number of high-level operations are provided too:

Stream creation helpers

Stream merging

  • merge - unsorted merge from multiple inputs (dynamic add/remove)
  • sync - synchronized merge and labeled tuple objects

Useful subscription ops

  • bisect - split via predicate
  • postWorker - send values to workers (incl. optional worker instantiation)
  • resolve - resolve on-stream promises
  • sidechainPartition - emits chunks from source, controlled by sidechain stream
  • sidechainToggle - toggles source based on signals from sidechain
  • trace - debug helper
  • transduce - transduce or just reduce an entire stream into a promise


  • Subscriptions implement's IDeref interface and therefore can be used directly in UI components based on

Supporting packages

Conceptual differences to RxJS

(No value judgements implied - there's room for both approaches!)

  • Streams are not the same as Observables: I.e. stream sources are NOT (often just cannot) re-run for each new sub added. Only the first sub is guaranteed to receive all values. Subs added at a later time MIGHT not receive earlier emitted values, but only the most recent emitted and any future values)
  • Every subscription supports any number of subscribers, which can be added/removed at any time
  • Every unsubscription recursively triggers upstream unsubscriptions (provided a parent has no other active child subscriptions)
  • Every subscription can have its own transducer transforming incoming values (possibly into multiple new ones)
  • Transducers can create streams themselves (only for merge() / sync())
  • Transducers can cause early stream termination and subsequent unwinding
  • Values can be manually injected into the stream pipeline / graph at any point
  • Every Stream also is a subscription
  • Unhandled errors in subscriptions will move subscription into error state and cause unsubscription from parent (if any). Unhandled errors in stream sources will cancel the stream.
  • Much smaller API surface since most common & custom operations can be solved via available transducers. Therefore less need to provide specialized functions (map / filter etc.) and more flexibility in terms of composing new operations.
  • IMHO less confusing naming / terminology (only streams (producers) & subscriptions (consumers))


yarn add

Usage examples

There're several examples using this package in the /examples directory of this repo:

Declarative dataflow graph

Source | Live version benchmark

The FPS counter canvas component used in this benchmark is driven by this package and based on the barebones version shown below.

Source | Live version

Basic usage patterns

import * as rs from "";
import * as tx from "";

FPS counter

// requestAnimationFrame() event stream (counter)
// (in Node falls back to `fromInterval(16)`)
const raf = rs.fromRAF();

// add subscription w/ a composed transducer computing
// average FPS of last 10 frames
        next(x) {
            console.log(x.toFixed(1), "fps");
        tx.movingAverage(10), => 1000 / x)

// add another subscription (untransformed)

// stop stream after 10 secs
setTimeout(()=> raf.done(), 10000);

Stream merging

new rs.StreamMerge({
    src: [
        rs.fromEvent(document, "mousemove"),
        rs.fromEvent(document, "mousedown"),
        rs.fromEvent(document, "mouseup"),
// add event transformer
.subscribe( => [e.type, [e.clientX, e.clientY]]))
// add debug subscription
// ["mousedown", [472, 195]]
// ["mousemove", [472, 197]]
// ["mouseup", [473, 198]]
// ["mousemove", [485, 204]]
// ...

Dataflow graph example

This example uses synchronized stream merging to implement a dataflow graph whose leaf inputs (and their changes) are sourced from a central immutable atom.

import { Atom } from "";
import { map } from "";
import * as rs from "";

// create mutable/watchable container for graph inputs
const graph = new Atom<any>({
    a1: { ports: { a: 1, b: 2 } },
    a2: { ports: { b: 10 } },
    a3: { ports: { c: 0 } },

// create a synchronized stream merge from given inputs
const adder = (src) =>
        // define transducer for merged tuple objects
        // summing all values in each tuple
        // (i.e. the values from the input streams)
        xform: map((ports) => {
            let sum = 0;
            for (let p in ports) {
                sum += ports[p];
            return sum;
        // reset=false will only synchronize *all* inputs for the
        // very 1st merged tuple, then emit updated ones when *any*
        // input has changed with other input values in the tuple
        // remaining the same
        reset: false

// define first dataflow node
// `fromView()` creates a stream of value changes
// for given value path in the above atom
const a1 = adder([
    rs.fromView(graph, "a1.ports.a"),
    rs.fromView(graph, "a1.ports.b"),

// this node computes sum of:
// - prev node
// - view of a2.ports.b value in atom
// - for fun, another external stream (iterable)
const a2 = adder([
    rs.fromView(graph, "a2.ports.b"),
    rs.fromIterable([0, 1, 2]),

// last node computes sum of the other 2 nodes
const a3 = adder([a1, a2]);

// add a console.log sub to see results
// result: 16
// result: 17
// result: 18

// value update in atom triggers recomputation
// of impacted graph nodes (and only those!)
setTimeout(() => graph.resetIn("a2.ports.b", 100), 100);
// result: 108

Central app state atom with reactive undo / redo

import * as atom from "";
import * as tx from "";

// central app state / single source of truth
const app = new atom.Atom({ ui: { theme: "dark", mode: false}, foo: "bar" });

// define some cursors for different UI params
const theme = new atom.Cursor(app, "ui.theme");
const mode = new atom.Cursor(app, "ui.mode");

// create streams of cursor value changes
// with transducer
rs.fromAtom(mode).subscribe(rs.trace("mode:"), => mode ? "advanced" : "basic"));
// another one for an hitherto unknown value in app state (via derived view)
rs.fromView(app, "session.user").subscribe(rs.trace("user:"));

// attach history only to `ui` branch
// undo/redo will not record/change other keys in the atom
const hist = new atom.History(new atom.Cursor(app, "ui"));

hist.record(); // record current snapshot
// theme: light

mode.swap(mode => !mode); // toggle mode
// mode: advanced

hist.undo();  // 1st
// mode: basic
// { theme: 'light', mode: false }

hist.undo();  // 2nd
// theme: dark
// { theme: 'dark', mode: false }

hist.redo();  // 1st
// theme: light
// { theme: 'light', mode: false }

// update another part of the app state (DON'T MUTATE!)
app.swap((state) => atom.setIn(state, "session.user", "asterix"));
// user: asterix
// { ui: { theme: 'light', mode: false },
//   foo: 'bar',
//   session: { user: 'asterix' } }

hist.redo(); // redo 2nd time
// mode: advanced
// { theme: 'light', mode: true }

// verify history redo did not destroy other keys
// { ui: { theme: 'light', mode: true },
//   foo: 'bar',
//   session: { user: 'asterix' } }

TODO more to come... see tests for now!


  • Karsten Schmidt


© 2017 - 2018 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0