These instructions walk you through deploying a BOSH Director on Google Cloud Platform using manual networking and a network that allows private IP addresses with outbound Internet access provided by a NAT instance.
Here are a few important facts about the architecture of the BOSH deployment you will create in this guide:
- An isolated Google Compute Engine subnetwork will be created to contain the BOSH director and all deployments it creates.
- The BOSH director will be created by a bastion instance (named
). - The bastion host will have a firewall rule allowing SSH access from the Internet.
- Both the bastion host and BOSH director will have outbound Internet connectivity.
- The BOSH director will allow inbound connectivity only from the bastion. All
commands must be executed from the bastion. - Both bastion and BOSH director will be deployed to an isolated subnetwork in the parent network.
- The BOSH director will have a statically-assigned
IP address.
The following diagram [source image doc] provides an overview of the deployment:
Configure your Google Cloud Platform environment
- Sign up for Google Cloud Platform
- Create a new project
- Enable the GCE API for your project
- Enable the IAM API for your project
- Enable the Cloud Resource Manager API
In your new project, open Cloud Shell (the small
prompt icon in the web console menu bar). -
Configure a few environment variables:
export project_id=$(gcloud config get-value project) export region=us-east1 export zone=us-east1-d export base_ip= export service_account_email=terraform@${project_id}
to use your preferred region and zone:gcloud config set compute/zone ${zone} gcloud config set compute/region ${region}
Create a service account and key:
gcloud iam service-accounts create terraform --display-name terraform gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ~/terraform.key.json \ --iam-account ${service_account_email}
Grant the new service account editor access to your project:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${project_id} \ --member serviceAccount:${service_account_email} \ --role roles/owner
Make your service account's key available in an environment variable to be used by
:export GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS=$(cat ~/terraform.key.json)
Shared VPC uses a host project to manage the network resources and client project(s) to deploy compute resources. An organization is required to use Shared VPC and you must be signed in as an organization admin.
The host project must have the GCE API, IAM API, and the Cloud Resource Manager API enabled. This project will be used to create the bosh network throughout this guide.
Modify and export the host project ID:
export xpn_host_project_id=<existing project that will host the VPC>
Setup the projects for Shared VPC:
export org_id=$(gcloud projects describe ${project_id} --format 'json' | jq -r '') export email=$(gcloud config get-value account) gcloud organizations add-iam-policy-binding ${org_id} \ --member user:${email} \ --role roles/compute.xpnAdmin gcloud beta compute xpn enable ${xpn_host_project_id} gcloud beta compute xpn associated-projects add ${project_id} --host-project=${xpn_host_project_id} gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${xpn_host_project_id} \ --member serviceAccount:${service_account_email} \ --role roles/owner
The following instructions offer the fastest path to getting BOSH up and running on Google Cloud Platform. Using Terraform you will provision all of the infrastructure required to run BOSH in just a few commands.
Note: All of these steps should be performed inside the Cloud Shell in your browser.
Clone this repository and go into the BOSH docs directory:
git clone cd bosh-google-cpi-release/docs/bosh
Initialize the Terraform cloud provider
docker run -i -t \
-v `pwd`:/$(basename `pwd`) \
-w /$(basename `pwd`) \
hashicorp/terraform:light init
View the Terraform execution plan to see the resources that will be created:
docker run -i -t \ -e "GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS=${GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS}" \ -v `pwd`:/$(basename `pwd`) \ -w /$(basename `pwd`) \ hashicorp/terraform:light plan \ -var service_account_email=${service_account_email} \ -var project_id=${project_id} \ -var region=${region} \ -var zone=${zone} \ -var baseip=${base_ip} \ -var network_project_id=${xpn_host_project_id-$project_id}
Create the resources (should take between 60-90 seconds):
docker run -i -t \ -e "GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS=${GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS}" \ -v `pwd`:/$(basename `pwd`) \ -w /$(basename `pwd`) \ hashicorp/terraform:light apply \ -var service_account_email=${service_account_email} \ -var project_id=${project_id} \ -var region=${region} \ -var zone=${zone} \ -var baseip=${base_ip} \ -var network_project_id=${xpn_host_project_id-$project_id}
Now you have the infrastructure ready to deploy a BOSH director.
SSH to the bastion VM you created in the previous step. You can use Cloud Shell to SSH to the bastion, or you can connect from any workstation with
installed. All SSH commands after this should be run from the bastion VM.gcloud compute ssh bosh-bastion
If you see a warning indicating the VM isn't ready, log out, wait a few moments, and log in again.
NOTE: During the
commands below, if you see a suggestion to update, you can safely ignore it. -
Create a service account. This service account will be used by BOSH and all VMs it creates:
export service_account=bosh-user export base_ip= export service_account_email=${service_account}@${project_id} gcloud iam service-accounts create ${service_account}
Grant the new service account editor access to your project:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${project_id} \ --member serviceAccount:${service_account_email} \ --role roles/compute.instanceAdmin gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${project_id} \ --member serviceAccount:${service_account_email} \ --role roles/compute.storageAdmin gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${project_id} \ --member serviceAccount:${service_account_email} \ --role roles/storage.admin gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${project_id} \ --member serviceAccount:${service_account_email} \ --role roles/compute.networkAdmin gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${project_id} \ --member serviceAccount:${service_account_email} \ --role roles/iam.serviceAccountActor [ -n "${network_project_id}" ] && gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${network_project_id} \ --member serviceAccount:${service_account_email} \ --role roles/compute.networkUser
Create a passphrase-less SSH key and upload the public component:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/bosh -C bosh -q -N ""
gcloud compute project-info add-metadata --metadata-from-file \ sshKeys=<( gcloud compute project-info describe --format=json | jq -r '.commonInstanceMetadata.items[] | select(.key == "sshKeys") | .value' & echo "bosh:$(cat ~/.ssh/" )
Confirm that
is installed by querying its version:
bosh2 -v # == 2.x.y
This is using the updated bosh-cli V2. When viewing docs written against the V1 CLI or bosh-init, use this reference to translate between commands.
Create and
to a directory:mkdir google-bosh-director cd google-bosh-director
to create a BOSH Director deployment manifest namedmanifest.yml.erb
:--- <% ['zone', 'service_account_email', 'network', 'subnetwork', 'project_id', 'network_project_id', 'base_ip'].each do |val| if ENV[val].nil? || ENV[val].empty? raise "Missing environment variable: #{val}" end end %> name: bosh releases: - name: bosh url: sha1: 31d2912d4320ce6079c190f2218c6053fd1e920f - name: bosh-google-cpi url: sha1: 3fbda22fde33878b54dec77f4182f8044be72687 resource_pools: - name: vms network: private stemcell: url: sha1: 408f78a2091d108bb5418964026e73c822def32d cloud_properties: zone: <%= ENV['zone'] %> machine_type: n1-standard-1 root_disk_size_gb: 40 root_disk_type: pd-standard service_account: <%= ENV['service_account_email'] %> disk_pools: - name: disks disk_size: 32_768 cloud_properties: type: pd-standard networks: - name: vip type: vip - name: private type: manual subnets: - range: <%= ENV['base_ip'] %>/29 gateway: <%= ENV['base_ip'].split('.').tap{|i| i[-1] = i[-1].to_i + 1 }.join('.') %> static: [<%= ENV['base_ip'].split('.').tap{|i| i[-1] = i[-1].to_i + 3 }.join('.')%>-<%= ENV['base_ip'].split('.').tap{|i| i[-1] = i[-1].to_i + 7 }.join('.') %>] cloud_properties: network_name: <%= ENV['network'] %> subnetwork_name: <%= ENV['subnetwork'] %> xpn_host_project_id: <%= ENV['network_project_id'] %> ephemeral_external_ip: false tags: - internal - no-ip jobs: - name: bosh instances: 1 templates: - name: nats release: bosh - name: postgres-9.4 release: bosh - name: powerdns release: bosh - name: blobstore release: bosh - name: director release: bosh - name: health_monitor release: bosh - name: google_cpi release: bosh-google-cpi resource_pool: vms persistent_disk_pool: disks networks: - name: private static_ips: [<%= ENV['base_ip'].split('.').tap{|i| i[-1] = i[-1].to_i + 6 }.join('.') %>] default: - dns - gateway properties: nats: address: user: nats password: nats-password postgres: &db listen_address: host: user: postgres password: postgres-password database: bosh adapter: postgres dns: address: <%= ENV['base_ip'].split('.').tap{|i| i[-1] = i[-1].to_i + 6 }.join('.') %> domain_name: microbosh db: *db recursor: blobstore: address: <%= ENV['base_ip'].split('.').tap{|i| i[-1] = i[-1].to_i + 6 }.join('.') %> port: 25250 provider: dav director: user: director password: director-password agent: user: agent password: agent-password director: address: name: micro-google db: *db cpi_job: google_cpi ssl: key: | -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEpAIBAAKCAQEArKtH+JNmEv4osTZwhyHBLauJaQjmNAS5vYDCep6F9AUpW3kL jcDYGk+BwyFrpLa7ECkINbYB+5iBEkbBRK0sRMIz5rzUWU7Qv/HA609rF/ynbSUS zk1uv9fgTC2BVnb2f7L03H1wqmtghp3bJvJ/LnMqe3x+OVEpkr1A5xqXsyshDSU6 tgfM+4tNyBBQudXCv3JyyKoCJ/cQpLCOh9nQ0yO4r1fqNPbfuYSf3iGRfuFg4Vgo vLKOqRhWxNykGxcB14/uG1jxN1vX+Yg1aZvU075Z00M6NDc0gaYadDBjxNGkjYKz icHI0/EoT6qJnR+tGBzT0gq24rcyz2LhLtP6fwIDAQABAoIBAFwbwnjHqFvZWLuv 3rc3OmWya8qsBKEbJDoCxbvDdJGHb1hsac1kYeMnJoGBAnsLPx6PxOFiBgzAfZnS RKbt+f9z2VvsvxolARZjUBY2d1qEXIvMiwuiIsIT1oLMg4IsU7IrNJOqFr/SJ9un uZA9K7sLlE3rSyooMZUlf8nIVcQtDVIP4sK57PEZkVcscjlV4MRO5q0cRpOd+IFC RDzRMNlZXxLQadbZiGoLmEMp56S6Fkr597k4lh+ijV9xuqcC/2R7yZ/UKOxh+Z6v eQ+69oype6EeBtMhrVuo8t11Fh8p5eomNKEW940e2aDvuVInKOTaw6RirKZL7yY/ tMKqHIECgYEA0BO+h1EVfWYqvA9qVp7jmFke9uW/+FUIpEqh061lx38UHLhpVmvW tadcPPGYsCUH9oRcDEqtM56+2OSOSf4mvydZzzMS7q/OS9TGobeUjzH61MrsGp7D fU2zx/3yJo3D6pR6eJWitXSFA//tCZbkLoiwTgkHtKT60xwKILDsGtMCgYEA1G/f db9rk5L8fp5NkVHV+P/ttNtG69TFy9hHoW+PtDD0Xal9xjq/oLr1o19WidczUMjj uLd++Z5DIrWMX8o9MHkuKuPWaDj5aP1wrZgbJMVDhHx+qoeuhxGSYHl3J2RHN06W 03IacWydavZG20e5Avunvp1/i31ozA9T3h3XPiUCgYEAqJZGucZlffuIRmTLCLGl v6r9npdZqa/j15EseqA0JaX9uqNjnYS0KuwVnL82sgje4cot9juPB5LoGD1eV+8W n6wXZPyBq2g/4krcQOzH7hlVnJFpKMxXoa+SKUjEqJ4WDXsNm6PJd/GXUD1MZYef C2DuT9ubJa7CFsfSINiYA8cCgYBSeEPF0FQQ7ET9WrM+MQjiK2i6h03XC7jl08ar E0Y0a7TSD5R2OiReX3YwwDg2NscDG5ncAdBXU2s4tEYUgcyTXtffaqe3ujaI3aq6 mYwgEDyP2EzMIvRMFzQ+I6lwL2u+OtIur+M4GTRba9RCGGvojo2mYDo9iqf+YAzs 86S1yQKBgQC4BMHlMw9dd9tmbHZVSIWnoZOYsPiQ8Uuerd4oSh5/w6U3ZZsDNv0S Ysqz/bFu22Ov4xb4PlNf/e+7Yx7rFIpTEFpphLxmt99aeebcPh0ShOzySr0y5YD/ fjauZEns0I511J9Unats0HX7CUGyVLVf0ZU9WatCGINYRAEs6/m8GA== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- cert: | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDQjCCAiqgAwIBAgIRAOciLjtHiiFIpTYuXpA8Mm4wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAw ODEMMAoGA1UEBhMDVVNBMRYwFAYDVQQKEw1DbG91ZCBGb3VuZHJ5MRAwDgYDVQQD DAdib3NoX2NhMB4XDTE3MDcxOTIzMTAyN1oXDTE4MDcxOTIzMTAyN1owOTEMMAoG A1UEBhMDVVNBMRYwFAYDVQQKEw1DbG91ZCBGb3VuZHJ5MREwDwYDVQQDEwgxMC4w LjAuNjCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAKyrR/iTZhL+KLE2 cIchwS2riWkI5jQEub2AwnqehfQFKVt5C43A2BpPgcMha6S2uxApCDW2AfuYgRJG wUStLETCM+a81FlO0L/xwOtPaxf8p20lEs5Nbr/X4EwtgVZ29n+y9Nx9cKprYIad 2ybyfy5zKnt8fjlRKZK9QOcal7MrIQ0lOrYHzPuLTcgQULnVwr9ycsiqAif3EKSw jofZ0NMjuK9X6jT237mEn94hkX7hYOFYKLyyjqkYVsTcpBsXAdeP7htY8Tdb1/mI NWmb1NO+WdNDOjQ3NIGmGnQwY8TRpI2Cs4nByNPxKE+qiZ0frRgc09IKtuK3Ms9i 4S7T+n8CAwEAAaNGMEQwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgWgMBMGA1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUF BwMBMAwGA1UdEwEB/wQCMAAwDwYDVR0RBAgwBocECgAABjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsF AAOCAQEAtjxMoW1duyeo32vMYLHqLU7VnomXYdlLMRCKV/J9pipGSfIum1SuYBOl DTFi9pxjw03C4S+qSg13fIHIO3x2eQ2eDotC2QS+ORDgrFXCuxRZBWY7s3B1iLWs AWA+G2D9KyNJfsiKwX8SfgOR2dA6ISDobvbCO56BmiOOZJaTMbF4JTsK57bBmUpk 0B+Z+fwGpVFBfIFnMIcIAkDk21eygHnhEB6DqPPMOP/i2VX+vv3HSUNygRgx7hUn ztIPn8EfzDq0kTKmT55M8gmXvbzxXmRRBn5s88xqD3r1MW5KCpy/1EfGFJ3tPnv0 iwq5UxHGDhtvMynjcWqQhIjf7fdjrw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- user_management: provider: local local: users: - name: admin password: admin - name: hm password: hm-password hm: director_account: user: hm password: hm-password resurrector_enabled: true google: &google_properties project: <%= ENV['project_id'] %> agent: mbus: nats://nats:nats-password@<%= ENV['base_ip'].split('.').tap{|i| i[-1] = i[-1].to_i + 6 }.join('.') %>:4222 ntp: *ntp blobstore: options: endpoint: http://<%= ENV['base_ip'].split('.').tap{|i| i[-1] = i[-1].to_i + 6 }.join('.') %>:25250 user: agent password: agent-password ntp: &ntp - cloud_provider: template: name: google_cpi release: bosh-google-cpi mbus: https://mbus:mbus-password@<%= ENV['base_ip'].split('.').tap{|i| i[-1] = i[-1].to_i + 6 }.join('.') %>:6868 properties: google: *google_properties agent: {mbus: "https://mbus:[email protected]:6868"} blobstore: {provider: local, path: /var/vcap/micro_bosh/data/cache} ntp: *ntp misc: ca_cert: | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDHjCCAgagAwIBAgIRAOExOrAaTV6piWNDsKVW/zwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAw ODEMMAoGA1UEBhMDVVNBMRYwFAYDVQQKEw1DbG91ZCBGb3VuZHJ5MRAwDgYDVQQD DAdib3NoX2NhMB4XDTE3MDcxOTIzMTAyN1oXDTE4MDcxOTIzMTAyN1owODEMMAoG A1UEBhMDVVNBMRYwFAYDVQQKEw1DbG91ZCBGb3VuZHJ5MRAwDgYDVQQDDAdib3No X2NhMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA5aKoganPJR7dtFb9 QDQHsAEj5n4BqMyboEDdbziVjGMWtjshfVGfpdcTi7Bxn2ZVRHVJPnq/REJzPw7Z aqP910XqECDBmfgNEugFXqeK8baS0BV/c4Dy09r+zaqDUubxntn8tEOZr8w0kd1O wj+aLif27fX7JgSYddv/pKCsw7V8OgmbMYqwuafCqJMDePUnEo+uxYsk3LZR8iZP O60/A5wDQiyF5hTAKj+5LEUsfPksoxqiizI41EfJV10sOrRvbeFP/6kvyhZICaYn 3osowpE+RXe2mlWQhVpBJf9aHJAz0FnYZhZ9zA/vrrwC4fcTaTUaXBy4gJaydgLP 6fRPEQIDAQABoyMwITAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCAQYwDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB/zAN BgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAVOUsSs7TaXrer8harfqTlHEls/hjgRfb4R2vsY5l mgK/wHSceo0wH6W++0BHmVvSPKdHUUB6zj+PnMqRPMb1YYNkYaUbjdlnCqpavRy0 I44aq7s4R9mY0w5cIfeunZHZlKICzbqYjKic8d2TTbfpAJMrlztR6Dn4tNWOqycL iZybtwRZthcZ8XMCBnNgvJjtchNQj++lNEqPJqjdGioiNyTrZvqYjCy9ItgM94v5 4e///uVp3zjb0SSSWWYzFIO/5zZgb5KDYEqoHZAr6qSuu0lEL1Lc6GgNLAjOiyJx xQaUArOymjoQtfQGvEHqsjBy3fGvSUsDZU3oPxYi5AclVw== -----END CERTIFICATE-----
to substitute variables in the template:erb manifest.yml.erb > manifest.yml
Deploy the new manifest to create a BOSH Director. Note that this can take 15-20 minutes to complete. You may want to consider starting this command in a terminal multiplexer such as
.bosh2 create-env manifest.yml
from the manifest:bosh2 interpolate manifest.yml --path /misc/ca_cert > ca_cert.pem
Target your BOSH environment and login:
bosh2 alias-env micro-google --environment --ca-cert ca_cert.pem bosh2 login -e micro-google
Your username is admin
and password is admin
Follow these instructions when you're ready to delete your BOSH deployment.
From your bosh-bastion
instance, delete your BOSH director and other resources.
# Delete BOSH Director
cd ~/google-bosh-director
bosh2 delete-env manifest.yml
# Delete custom SSH key
boshkey="bosh:$(cat ~/.ssh/"
gcloud compute project-info add-metadata --metadata-from-file \
sshKeys=<( gcloud compute project-info describe --format=json | jq -r '.commonInstanceMetadata.items[] | select(.key == "sshKeys") | .value' | sed -e "s|$boshkey||" | grep -v ^$ )
# Delete IAM service account
gcloud iam service-accounts delete bosh-user@${project_id}
From your Cloud Shell instance, run the following command to delete the infrastructure you created in this lab:
# Set a few vars, in case they were forgotten
export project_id=$(gcloud config list 2>/dev/null | grep project | sed -e 's/project = //g')
export network_project_id=$(gcloud beta compute xpn get-host-project ${project_id} | grep name | cut -d : -f 2 - | tr -d '\n' | tr -d ' ')
export region=us-east1
export zone=us-east1-d
export service_account_email=terraform@${project_id}
export GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS=$(cat ~/terraform.key.json)
# Go to the place with the Terraform manifest
cd bosh-google-cpi-release/docs/bosh/
# Destroy the deployment
docker run -i -t \
-v `pwd`:/$(basename `pwd`) \
-w /$(basename `pwd`) \
hashicorp/terraform:light destroy \
-var project_id=${project_id} \
-var region=${region} \
-var zone=${zone} \
-var baseip=${base_ip} \
-var network_project_id=${network_project_id-project_id}
# Clean up your IAM credentials and key
gcloud iam service-accounts delete ${service_account_email}
rm ~/terraform.key.json
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