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Plain JavaScript with types by leveraging TypeScript's JSDoc support.

Vim with Typescript evaluating JavaScript code

Vim with Typescript evaluating JavaScript code


  • :godmode: Plain JavaScript and JSDoc
  • 💄 TypeScript is good at types
  • 📜 Types are already part of docs, repeating creates noise
  • 💕 Incentivize documentation writing by giving them static typing powers ⚡
  • 🧠 Thinking about types and code logic are different mental activities. One is zoomed-in, focused on what each piece is, the other, zoomed-out and focused on how the data flows from one transition to another


npm scripts

  • Clean package install
# "setup": "rm -rf ./node_modules && npm install && npm audit fix",
npm run setup
  • Check for package updates (with interactive console)
# "update": "npm-check --update",
npm run update
  • Compile "src" folder into "dist" while also generating ".d.ts" - see tsconfig.json
# "build": "tsc --skipLibCheck",
npm run build
# "lint:md": "markdownlint *.md",
# "lint:js": "eslint --quiet src",
# "lint": "npm run lint:md && npm run lint:js",
npm run lint
# "pretest": "npm run build",
# "test": "riteway 'dist/**/*.test.js' | tap-nirvana",
npm run test
  • Watch changes in "src" folder and re-run tests
# "tdd": "nodemon --ext js,json --watch src --exec 'npm test'"
npm run tdd


  • jsdoc - An API documentation generator for JavaScript
  • better-docs - Beautiful toolbox for JSDoc generated documentation - with 'typescript', 'category' and 'component' plugins
  • documentation.js - The documentation system for modern JavaScript
  • apidoc - Inline Documentation for RESTful web APIs
  • jsdoc-to-markdown - Generate markdown documentation from jsdoc-annotated JavaScript


1. Can I use both JSDocs infered types and TypeScript annotations?

No, TypeScript draws a hard line between functionalities provided in .js and .ts files. TypeScript specific syntax is only available in .ts files, while JSDoc interpretation in .js.

TypeScript not allowing type annotations in .js files

Random tips


See the releases section for details.