This is a quick setup guide that shows you how to bring all the stack up (step 3 and 4 are optional and are just meant to verify that the agents are up and familiarizes you with the tools).
- Install ZooKeeper
First you need ZooKeeper installed. If you do not have a ZooKeeper running on your box then you can either:
download it and install it from the main website
download and install the server and cli from the sibling project on github called linkedin-zookeeper (if you want to build it yourself, follow the instructions)
In any case, make sure that ZooKeeper is up and running. If you installed the cli simply run:
<path_to_cli>/bin/ ls /
which will display
- Bring the glu agent(s) up
cd agent/org.linkedin.glu.agent-server
gradle setup-2-2
This will automatically create a setup by loading all the necessary information in ZooKeeper and creating a startup script: it creates 2 fabrics and 2 agents.
Go back to checkout root
cd ../..
Go to the dist devsetup folder
cd out/build/agent/org.linkedin.glu.agent-server/install/devsetup
and start the 2 agents:
./ start
You can now issue
./ tail
which will automatically tail the log files of both agents
- Try the agent cli (optional)
Go to checkout root (you may want to do this in a different window as the tail command is blocking)
cd agent/org.linkedin.glu.agent-cli
gradle package-install
Go to the installation folder (the previous command will tell you where) and issue:
./bin/ -s https://localhost:13906
which returns (list all mountpoints on agent-1)
./bin/ -s https://localhost:13907
which returns (list all mountpoints on agent-2)
./bin/ -s https://localhost:13906 -m /
which returns (details about the mountPoint '/' on agent-1)
[scriptDefinition:[initParameters:[:], mountPoint:/, scriptFactory:[class:org.linkedin.glu.agent.impl.script.FromClassNameScriptFactory, className:org.linkedin.glu.agent.impl.script.RootScript]], scriptState:[stateMachine:[currentState:installed], script:[rootPath:/]]]
Note that when issuing this command you should see an entry in the log file of the agent (if you continued the tail started in step 2).
- Try the REST api directly (optional)
Go to checkout root
and issue the command which is doing a GET /agent
on agent-2 using the right keys
curl -k https://localhost:13907/agent -E agent/org.linkedin.glu.agent-server/src/zk-config/keys/
{"fullState":{"scriptDefinition":{"initParameters":{},"mountPoint":"/","scriptFactory": {"class":"org.linkedin.glu.agent.impl.script.FromClassNameScriptFactory","className": "org.linkedin.glu.agent.impl.script.RootScript"}},"scriptState":{"stateMachine":{"currentState":"installed"},"script":{"rootPath":"/"}}}}
The passphrase you are promted for is: password
Note how what you get back is a json string
- Start the console
Go to checkout root
cd console/org.linkedin.glu.console-webapp
gradle -i run-app
Note that in order to work you must have grails installed. The -i option is a bit verbose but if you don't gradle is very silent and you don't see the output coming from grails.
[ant:exec] Server running. Browse to http://localhost:8080/console
Note that if you prefer you can run:
gradle lib
grails run-app
This way you run grails command directly. gradle lib is used to populate the lib folder with the right set of dependencies and bootstrap information for the app.
At this stage you are all setup!!!!
Check the document for a quick walkthrough the console.
- Setup configuration
The same way you can configure the build, you can also configure the setup by editing the file
# control the agent setup when running gradle setup from org.linkedin.glu.agent-server
# control the agent setup when running gradle setup-x-y from org.linkedin.glu.agent-server
glu.agent.devsetup.dir=... <---- this is most likely the one you will modify to install somewhere else
Check the file build.gradle
in org.linkedin.glu.agent-server
for details on how those properties
are used.
- Different setups
The command gradle setup-2-2
has several flavors using gradle task rules. It allows to configure and setup your development environment with multiple agents on multiple fabrics quickly and effortlessly: the first number is the number of agents, the second one is the number of fabrics.
- Cleaning up
In order to clean up you can do the following:
Stop all the agents that were started in 2. by issuing
./ stop
(you may need to CTRL-C
the tail command if it is still running)
Under agent/org.linkedin.glu.agent-server
you can use
gradle clean-setup
which cleans up all the data in ZooKeeper and deletes the devsetup folder created in step 2.
You can then shutdown ZooKeeper