- 📄 About
- 🚀 Technologies
- ✨ Features
- 📦 Install
- 🔨 Build
- 🔍 Preview
- 🎨 Theming
- 🌍 Internationalization
- ⭐ Credits
- 🔗 Links
- 📝 License
"Even the best designers produce successful products only if their designs solve the right problems. A wonderful interface to the wrong features will fail." - Jakob Nielsen
📝 Talking about UI (user interface) is talking about how to create a simple, practical and efficient look to ensure that a user can perform tasks without needing an instruction manual. For this we have Nielsen's 10 heuristics, which help us to design an efficient interface with a good experience.
- 🔩 React
- 💡 TypeScript
- ⚡ Vite
- 🌈 Ant Design
- 🎨 Theming
- 📱 Responsive
- 🌍 Internationalization
📝 Install the dependencies and start the project
yarn install
yarn run dev
📝 Build the application for production
yarn run build
📝 Preview the build
yarn run preview
Support for dark
and light
📝 Compile theme
gulp less
Dozens of languages supported in antd
, see i18n for more information.
- 🇧🇷 pt-BR
- 🇵🇹 pt
- 🇺🇸 en
- Vite
- Ant Design
- Ant Design Pro
- Ant Design Icons
- Ant Design Colors
- Ant Design Pro Components
- Github
This project is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.