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Vipps eCommerce API

API version: 2.0

Document version 1.0.10

See also the Vipps eCommerce FAQ

API details: Swagger UI, swagger.yaml, swagger.json.

Table of contents


The Vipps eCommerce API (eCom API) offers functionality for online payments, both using web browsers on websites and in native apps for iOS and Android, using app-switching.


See the eCom API checklist.

Payment types

Vipps eCommerce API offers 2 types of payments

  1. Regular eCommerce payments
  2. Express checkout payments

Regular eCommerce payments

When you initiate a payment it will be reserved until you capture it. Vipps supports both reserve capture and direct capture.

Reserve capture is the default. When you initiate a payment it will be reserved until you capture it.

When direct capture is activated, all payment reservations will instantly be captured. This is intended for situations where the product or service is immediately provided to the customer, e.g. digital services.

According to Norwegian regulations you should not capture a payment until the product or service is provided to the customer. For more information, please see the Consumer Authority's Guidelines for the standard sales conditions for consumer purchases of goods over the internet.

Merchants do not choose between reserve capture and direct capture themselves, the type of capture is configured by Vipps after the additional compliance checks have been completed.

Reserve capture

Reserve capture is the normal flow.

When then end user approves an initiated payment it will be reserved until you capture it.

Direct capture

When direct capture is activated, all payment reservations will instantly be captured.

When doing direct capture Vipps is responsible for the customer receiving the purchased product. Because of this, direct capture requires additional compliance checks, and the following requirements apply:

  • The merchant must have an annual revenue of more than 10 million NOK
  • The merchant must have a Key Account Manager (KAM) in Vipps
  • The merchant must have a partner that is responsible for the Vipps integration

To request direct capture, please contact your KAM.

Desktop browsers and mobile browsers

When a user has selected Vipps for payment, the Vipps landing page detects whether user is using a desktop browser or a mobile browser:

  • In a mobile browser, the landing page detects if the Vipps app is installed, and automatically switches to the Vipps app if it is.
  • In a desktop browser, the landing page prompts the user for the phone number (the number may also be pre-filled). The user enters or confirms the phone number, and the Vipps app prompts for confirmation on the phone.

The Vipps landing page is mandatory, and provides a consistent and recognizable user experience, that helps guide the user through the payment flow. In this way Vipps takes responsibility for helping the user from the browser to the app, and to complete the payment in a familiar way.

Express checkout payments

These are payments related to Vipps Hurtigkasse, where Vipps reduces the typical purchase process to a few simple steps:

  1. The user clicks on the "Vipps Hurtigkasse" button
  2. The user confirms the amount, delivery address and delivery method in the Vipps app
  3. The merchant receives shipping information and user details and shows a confirmation page

Vipps retrieves the shipping methods and shipping price from merchant via the shippingDetails endpoint based on the address the end user selects in the Vipps app.

Vipps complies with GDPR, and requires the user's consent before any information is shared with the merchant. The merchant must provide a URL (consentRemovalPrefix) that Vipps can call to delete the data. The Vipps app gives the Vipps user an overview of "Companies with access", where the user can manage the consents.

API endpoints required by Vipps from the merchant for express checkout

The below endpoints are provided by the merchant and consumed by Vipps during express checkout payments. These endpoints are included in the Swagger file for reference.

Operation Description Endpoint
Remove user consent Used to inform merchant when the Vipps user removes consent to share information. DELETE:/v2/consents/{userId}
Callback : Transaction Update A callback to the merchant for receiving post-payment information. POST:/v2/payments/{orderId}
Get shipping cost and method Used to fetch shipping information POST:/v2/payments/{orderId}/shippingDetails

Flow diagram

Vipps checkout flow chart

Flow diagram details

This table shows the from- and to-state, and the operation returned from "Get order details" (GET:/ecomm/v2/payments/{orderId}/details, [Redoc], [Swagger]).

# From-state To-state Description Operation
0 - Initiate Payment initiation INITIATE
1 Initiate - The merchant has initiated the payment INITIATE
- Reserve The user has accepted the payment and amount has been reserved RESERVE
- Cancel The user cancels the order CANCEL
2 Reserve Capture The merchant captures the payment, and ships CAPTURE
- Cancel The merchant cancels the order VOID
3 Capture -- A final state: Payment fully processed CAPTURE
- Refund The merchant refunds the money to the user REFUND
4 Cancel -- A final state: Payment cancelled -
5 Refund -- A final state: Payment refunded -

Please note that the response from Get payment details GET:/ecomm/v2/payments/{orderId}/details) always contain the entire history of payments for the order, not just the current status. In this truncated example, it shows that the full amount (200.00 NOK) has been captured:

"transactionSummary": {
    "capturedAmount": 20000,
    "remainingAmountToCapture": 0,
    "refundedAmount": 0,
    "remainingAmountToRefund": 0

In this truncated example, it shows that a partial capture of 100.00 NOK, of the total reserved amount of 200.00 NOK, has been captured:

"transactionSummary": {
    "capturedAmount": 10000,
    "remainingAmountToCapture": 10000,
    "refundedAmount": 0,
    "remainingAmountToRefund": 0

API endpoints

This section contains complete HTTP requests and responses for each API endpoint

Operation Description Endpoint
Initiate payment Payment initiation, the first request in the payment flow. This reserves an amount. POST:/ecomm/v2/payments
Capture payment When an amount has been reserved, and the goods are (about to be) shipped, the payment must be captured POST:/ecomm/v2/payments/{orderId}/capture
Cancel payment The merchant may cancel a reserved amount, but not on a captured amount. PUT:/ecomm/v2/payments/{orderId}/cancel
Refund payment The merchant may refund a captured amount. POST:/ecomm/v2/payments/{orderId}/refund
Get order status Deprecated, please use GET:/ecomm/v2/payments/{orderId}/details. GET:/ecomm/v2/payments/{orderId}/status
Get payment details How much of the reserved amount has been captured, etc. GET:/ecomm/v2/payments/{orderId}/details
Access Token Fetch the access token POST:/accesstoken/get

See Complete HTTP requests and responses for each API endpoint and method for more details.


All API calls are authenticated and authorized based on the application access token (JWT bearer token) and a subscription key (Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key), and these headers are required:

Header Name Header Value Description
Authorization Bearer <JWT access token> Type: Authorization token. This is available on
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key Base 64 encoded string The subscription key for the eCom API. This is available on

Access token

The Access Token API provides the JWT bearer token.



client_id: <client_id>
client_secret: <client_secret>
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: <Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key>

All headers are per merchantSerialNumber and can be found on

Header Name Header Value Description
client_id A GUID value Client ID for the merchant
client_secret Base 64 encoded string Client Secret for the merchant
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key Base 64 encoded string Subscription key for the product

For the subscription Vipps-eCommerce-Services-API the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key for a access token request will be the same as for eCommerce requests. While for other subscriptions they will use different keys. See getting started for a guide.


  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": "86398",
  "ext_expires_in": "0",
  "expires_on": "1495271273",
  "not_before": "1495184574",
  "resource": "00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000",
  "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1Ni <snip>"

JWT properties:

Name Description
Bearer It’s a Bearer token. The word Bearer should be added before the token
expires_in Token expiry duration in seconds.
ext_expires_in Extra expiry time. Not used.
expires_on Token expiry time in epoch time format.
not_before Token creation time in epoch time format.
resource For the product for which token has been issued.
access_token The actual access token that needs to be used in Authorization request header.

Please note: The access token is valid for 1 hour in MT and 24 hours in Production. To be sure that you are using correct time please use expires_in or expires_on.

Example of an error response body (formatted for readability):

  "error": "unauthorized_client",
    "AADSTS70001: Application with identifier 'e9b6c99d-2442-4a5d-84a2-\
     c53a807fe0c4' was not found in the directory\
     Trace ID: 3bc2b2a0-d9bb-4c2e-8367- 5633866f1300\r\nCorrelation ID:\
     bb2f4093-70af-446a-a26d-ed8becca1a1a\r\nTimestamp: 2017-05-19 09:21:28Z",
  "error_codes": [ 70001 ],
  "timestamp": "2017-05-19 09:21:28Z",
  "trace_id": "3bc2b2a0-d9bb-4c2e-8367-5633866f1300",
  "correlation_id": "bb2f4093-70af-446a-a26d-ed8becca1a1a"

HTTP response codes

This API returns the following HTTP statuses in the responses:

HTTP status Description
200 OK Request successful.
400 Bad Request Invalid request, see the error for details.
401 Unauthorized Invalid authorization.
403 Forbidden Authentication ok, but credentials lacks authorization.
500 Server Error An internal Vipps problem.

Initiate payment

Initiate payment is used to create a new payment order in Vipps:


Initiate request headers example:

    "Authorization": "Bearer jfewioIJffruJIfewiyYUdweiLMfnewUQiwmdcLnfewjNj <snip>",
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key": "12345678901234567890123456789012"

A request is authorized by the Authorization and Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key included in the HTTP headers.

  • Authorization: The word Bearer followed by the token from a Access Token request.
  • Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: Subscription key for the eCommerce Product.

Initiate request body example:

A minimal example:

    "merchantInfo": {
      "merchantSerialNumber": "123456",
      "fallBack": ""
    "customerInfo": {
    "transaction": {
      "orderId": "order123abc",
      "amount": 20000,
      "transactionText": "One pair of Vipps socks"

An express payment example with more parameters provided:

  "customerInfo": {
    "mobileNumber": 91234567
  "merchantInfo": {
    "authToken": "string",
    "callbackPrefix": "",
    "consentRemovalPrefix": "",
    "fallBack": "",
    "isApp": false,
    "merchantSerialNumber": 123456,
    "shippingDetailsPrefix": "",
    "paymentType": "eComm Express Payment",
    "staticShippingDetails": [
            "isDefault": "N",
            "priority": 1,
            "shippingCost": 30.0,
            "shippingMethod": "Walking",
            "shippingMethodId": "123abc"
            "isDefault": "Y",
            "priority": 2,
            "shippingCost": 30.0,
            "shippingMethod": "Running",
            "shippingMethodId": "321abc"
  "transaction": {
    "amount": 20000,
    "orderId": "order123abc",
    "timeStamp": "2018-12-12T11:18:38.246Z",
    "transactionText": "One pair of Vipps socks"

A payment is uniquely identified by the combination of merchantSerialNumber and orderId:

  • merchantSerialNumber: The merchant's Vipps id.
  • orderId: Must be unique for the merchantSerialNumber.

To initiate an express checkout payment the payment initiation call must include the "paymentType":"eComm Express Payment" parameter. If this parameter is not passed, the payment type will default to regular payment.

To add authentication to the callbacks made by Vipps the merchant may provide an authToken. This token will then be returned as a Authorization header in the callback and shipping details requests made by Vipps for that order.

Once successfully initiated, a response with a redirect URL is returned.

Note: While the minimum length for orderId is 1, we suggest making them longer. Using both numbers and characters of length 6 or more lets us more easily identify the order in our event logs.

Note: We do not send requests to callbackPrefix, shippingDetails or consentsRemovalPrefix for all ports. To be safe use common port numbers such as: 80, 443, 8080.

Initiate response example:

HTTP 202 Accepted

Response body for "isApp":false:

    "orderId": "order123abc",
    "url": " <snip>"

Response body for "isApp":true:

    "orderId": "order123abc",
    "url": "vipps://?token=eyJraWQiOiJqd3RrZXkiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIi <snip>"

The url is slightly simplified, but the format is correct.

The URL depends on whether the initiate request was provided the isApp parameter:

  • For true, the URL is for an deeplink to the Vipps app.
  • For false or not provided, the URL is for the Vipps "landing page".

Note: this URL will timeout after 5 minutes.

Initiate payment flows

Mobile browser initiated payments

The landing page will detect if the Vipps app is installed.

Vipps app installed
  1. The Vipps app is invoked and the landing page is closed.
  2. The Vipps user accepts or rejects the payment request
  3. Once payment process is completed, Vipps app redirects to fallBack
Vipps app not installed
  1. The user is prompted for the mobile number.
  2. Vipps sends a push notification to corresponding Vipps profile, if it exists. The landing page is not closed in this case.
  3. The Vipps user accepts or rejects the payment request.
  4. Once payment process is completed, Vipps app redirects to fallBack

Desktop browser initiated payments

  1. The landing page will be opened in the desktop browser
  2. The landing page will prompt for user’s mobile number
  3. Vipps sends a push notification to corresponding Vipps profile, if it exists. The landing page is not closed in this case
  4. The Vipps user accepts or rejects the payment request
  5. Once payment process is completed, the landing page will redirect to fallBack

App initated payments

Vipps will identify the request coming from merchant's app by the isApp:true parameter. In this case, the Vipps backend will send the URI use by the merchant to invoke the Vipps app. The landing page is not involved in this case.

  1. Merchant initiates the payment with isApp:true parameter.
  2. Vipps sends a deeplink URI as response to initiate payment.
  3. The merchant uses the URI to invoke the Vipps app.
  4. The Vipps user accepts or rejects the payment request.
  5. Once payment process is completed, Vipps app redirects to fallBack

URL Validation

All URLs in Vipps eCommerce API are validated with the Apache Commons UrlValidator.

If isApp is true, the fallBack is not validated with Apache Commons UrlValidator, as the app-switch URL may be something like vipps://, which is not a valid URL.

Here is a simple Java class suitable for testing URLs, using the dummy URL

import org.apache.commons.validator.routines.UrlValidator;

public class UrlValidate {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  UrlValidator urlValidator = new UrlValidator();

  if (urlValidator.isValid("")) {
   System.out.println("URL is valid");
  } else {
   System.out.println("URL is invalid");

Example Get payment details - GET:/ecomm/v2/payments/order123abc/details

    "orderId": "order123abc",
    "transactionLogHistory": [
            "amount": 20000,
            "transactionText": "One pair of Vipps socks",
            "transactionId": "5001420062",
            "timeStamp": "2018-11-14T15:17:30.684Z",
            "operation": "INITIATE",
            "requestId": "",
            "operationSuccess": true


When the user confirms, the payment status changes to RESERVE. The respective amount will be reserved for future capturing.

Example Get payment details - GET:/ecomm/v2/payments/order123abc/details

    "orderId": "order123abc",
    "transactionSummary": {
        "capturedAmount": 0,
        "remainingAmountToCapture": 20000,
        "refundedAmount": 0,
        "remainingAmountToRefund": 0
    "transactionLogHistory": [
            "amount": 20000,
            "transactionText": "One pair of Vipps socks",
            "transactionId": "5001420062",
            "timeStamp": "2018-11-14T15:21:22.126Z",
            "operation": "RESERVE",
            "requestId": "",
            "operationSuccess": true
            "amount": 20000,
            "transactionText": "One pair of Vipps socks",
            "transactionId": "5001420062",
            "timeStamp": "2018-11-14T15:21:04.697Z",
            "operation": "INITIATE",
            "requestId": "",
            "operationSuccess": true


Reservations can be cancelled, and the payment flow aborted, under certain circumstances:

  • When the user cancels (rejects) the initiated payment in the Vipps app.
  • Timeouts: If the user does not confirm, etc.

Partially captured reservations can not be cancelled.

After cancellation, the order gets a new status:

  • If an order is cancelled by the merchant, it gets the status VOID.
  • If an order is cancelled by the user, it gets the status CANCEL.



  "merchantInfo": {
    "merchantSerialNumber": "123456"
  "transaction": {
    "transactionText": "No socks for you!"


    "orderId": "order123abc",
    "transactionInfo": {
        "amount": 20000,
        "transactionText": "No socks for you!",
        "status": "Cancelled",
        "transactionId": "5001420063",
        "timeStamp": "2018-11-14T15:31:10.004Z"
    "transactionSummary": {
        "capturedAmount": 0,
        "remainingAmountToCapture": 0,
        "refundedAmount": 0,
        "remainingAmountToRefund": 0

Example Get payment details - GET:/ecomm/v2/payments/order123abc/details

    "orderId": "order123abc",
    "transactionLogHistory": [
            "amount": 20000,
            "transactionText": "One pair of Vipps socks",
            "transactionId": "5001420061",
            "timeStamp": "2018-11-14T15:31:09.946Z",
            "operation": "VOID",
            "requestId": "",
            "operationSuccess": true
            "amount": 20000,
            "transactionText": "One pair of Vipps socks",
            "transactionId": "5001420061",
            "timeStamp": "2018-11-14T15:30:55.467Z",
            "operation": "RESERVE",
            "requestId": "",
            "operationSuccess": true
            "amount": 20000,
            "transactionText": "One pair of Vipps socks",
            "transactionId": "5001420061",
            "timeStamp": "2018-11-14T15:30:41.002Z",
            "operation": "INITIATE",
            "requestId": "",
            "operationSuccess": true

Example Get payment details - GET:/ecomm/v2/payments/order123abc/details

Example if end user reject the payment request:

    "orderId": "order123abc",
    "transactionInfo": {
        "amount": 2000,
        "status": "CANCEL",
        "transactionId": "5001420067",
        "timeStamp": "2018-11-14T16:18:57.393Z"


Capture payment allows the merchant to capture the reserved amount. The API allows for both a full amount capture and a partial amount capture.

The amount to capture cannot be higher than the reserved amount. According to Norwegian regulations, capture can not be done before the goods have been shipped. The transaction text is mandatory, and is displayed to end user in Vipps.

Partial capture may be used if not the entire order is shipped or for other reasons. Partial capture may be called as many times as required as long as there is a remaining reserved amount to capture.

There is only a need to specify the amount when doing a partial capture. To perform capture of the entire amount amount can be set to null or 0

In a capture request the merchant may also use the X-Request-Idheader. This header is an idempotency header ensuring that if the merchant retries a request with the same X-Request-Id the retried request will not make additional changes.



    "merchantInfo": {
        "merchantSerialNumber": "123456"
    "transaction": {
        "amount": 20000,
        "transactionText":"Socks on the way! Tracking code: abc-tracking-123"


    "orderId": "order123abc",
    "transactionInfo": {
        "amount": 20000,
        "timeStamp": "2018-11-14T15:22:46.736Z",
        "transactionText": "Socks on the way! Tracking code: abc-tracking-123",
        "status": "Captured",
        "transactionId": "5001420058"
    "transactionSummary": {
        "capturedAmount": 20000,
        "remainingAmountToCapture": 0,
        "refundedAmount": 0,
        "remainingAmountToRefund": 20000

Example Get payment details - GET:/ecomm/v2/payments/order123abc/details

    "orderId": "order123abc",
    "transactionSummary": {
        "capturedAmount": 20000,
        "remainingAmountToCapture": 0,
        "refundedAmount": 0,
        "remainingAmountToRefund": 20000
    "transactionLogHistory": [
            "amount": 20000,
            "transactionText": "Socks on the way! Tracking code: abc-tracking-123",
            "transactionId": "5001420058",
            "timeStamp": "2018-11-14T15:22:46.680Z",
            "operation": "CAPTURE",
            "requestId": "1542208966",
            "operationSuccess": true
            "amount": 20000,
            "transactionText": "One pair of Vipps socks",
            "transactionId": "5001420062",
            "timeStamp": "2018-11-14T15:21:22.126Z",
            "operation": "RESERVE",
            "requestId": "",
            "operationSuccess": true
            "amount": 20000,
            "transactionText": "One pair of Vipps socks",
            "transactionId": "5001420062",
            "timeStamp": "2018-11-14T15:21:04.697Z",
            "operation": "INITIATE",
            "requestId": "",
            "operationSuccess": true


The merchant can initiate a refund of the captured amount. The refund can be a partial or full.

Partial refunds are done by specifying an amount which is lower than the captured amount. The refunded amount cannot be larger than the captured amount.

In a capture request the merchant may also use the X-Request-Idheader. This header is an idempotency header ensuring that if the merchant retries a request with the same X-Request-Id the retried request will not make additional changes.



    "merchantInfo": {
        "merchantSerialNumber": "123456"
    "transaction": {
        "amount": 20000,
        "transactionText":"Refund of Vipps socks"


    "orderId": "order123abc",
    "transaction": {
        "amount": 20000,
        "transactionText": "Refund of Vipps socks",
        "status": "Refund",
        "transactionId": "5600727726",
        "timeStamp": "2018-11-14T15:23:02.286"
    "transactionSummary": {
        "capturedAmount": 20000,
        "remainingAmountToCapture": 0,
        "refundedAmount": 20000,
        "remainingAmountToRefund": 0

Example Get payment details - GET:/ecomm/v2/payments/order123abc/details

    "orderId": "order123abc",
    "transactionSummary": {
        "capturedAmount": 20000,
        "remainingAmountToCapture": 0,
        "refundedAmount": 20000,
        "remainingAmountToRefund": 0
    "transactionLogHistory": [
            "amount": 20000,
            "transactionText": "Refund of Vipps socks",
            "transactionId": "5600727726",
            "timeStamp": "2018-11-14T15:23:02.286Z",
            "operation": "REFUND",
            "requestId": "1542208972",
            "operationSuccess": true
            "amount": 20000,
            "transactionText": "One pair of Vipps socks",
            "transactionId": "5001420058",
            "timeStamp": "2018-11-14T15:22:46.680Z",
            "operation": "CAPTURE",
            "requestId": "1542208966",
            "operationSuccess": true
            "amount": 20000,
            "transactionText": "One pair of Vipps socks",
            "transactionId": "5001420062",
            "timeStamp": "2018-11-14T15:21:22.126Z",
            "operation": "RESERVE",
            "requestId": "",
            "operationSuccess": true
            "amount": 20000,
            "transactionText": "One pair of Vipps socks",
            "transactionId": "5001420062",
            "timeStamp": "2018-11-14T15:21:04.697Z",
            "operation": "INITIATE",
            "requestId": "",
            "operationSuccess": true

HTTP response codes

This API returns the following HTTP statuses in the responses:

HTTP status Description
200 OK Request successful
201 Created Request successful, resource created
204 No Content Request successful, but empty result
400 Bad Request Invalid request, see the error for details
401 Unauthorized Invalid credentials
403 Forbidden Authentication ok, but credentials lacks authorization
404 Not Found The resource was not found
409 Conflict Unsuccessful due to conflicting resource
429 Too Many Requests There is currently a limit of max 200 calls per second*
500 Server Error An internal Vipps problem.

HTTP requests that are being stopped in the application gateway will result in an error JSON object, while requests that are produced from the backend will receive an array with a JSON object. Error codes that are produced from the application gateway include 401, 403 and 422.

    "errorGroup": "Payment",
    "errorMessage": "Refused by issuer because of expired card",
    "errorCode": "44"
    "statusCode": 401,
    "message": "Access denied due to invalid subscription key. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription."

Exception handling

Every system, especially those that includes complex integrations and/or participation of many users, is prone to unexpected conditions. Below section explains how Vipps handles different exception and error situations in detail.

Connection timeout

Defining a socket timeout period is the common measure to protect server resources and is expected. However, the time needed to fulfill a service requests depends on several systems, which impose longer timeout period than usually required.

We recommend setting no less than 1 second socket connection timeout and 5 seconds socket read timeout while communicating with Vipps.

A good practice is, if/when the socket read timeout occurs, to call GET:/ecomm/v2/payments/{orderId}/details and check status of last transaction in transaction history prior to executing the service call again.

Callback aborted/interrupted

If the communication is broken during payment process for some reason, and Vipps is not able to execute callback, then callback will not be retried. In other words, if the merchant doesn’t receive any confirmation on payment request call within callback timeframe, merchant should call get payment details service to get the response of payment request.

PSP connection issues

In a case when Vipps experiences communication problems with PSP, service call will respond with 402 HTTP Error. Merchant should make a call to Get Payment Details to check if the transaction request is processed before making service call (with same idempotency key) again.

Error groups

Error groups Description
Authentication Authentication Failure because of wrong credentials provided
Payment Failure while doing a payment authorization
InvalidRequest Request contains invalid parameters
VippsError Internal Vipps application error
user Error raised because of Vipps user (Example: The user is not a Vipps user)
Merchant Errors regarding the merchant

Error codes

Error groups Error Code Error Message Comment
Payment 41 User don’t have a valid card
Payment 42 Refused by issuer bank
Payment 43 Refused by issuer bank because of invalid a amount
Payment 44 Refused by issuer because of expired card
Payment 45 Reservation failed for some unknown reason
Payment 51 Can't cancel already captured order
Payment 52 Cancellation failed
Payment 53 Can’t cancel order which is not reserved yet
Payment 61 Captured amount exceeds the reserved amount ordered
Payment 62 The amount you tried to capture is not reserved
Payment 63 Capture failed for some unknown reason, please use Get Payment Details API to know the exact status
Payment 71 Cant refund more than captured amount
Payment 72 Cant refund for reserved order, please use Cancel API
Payment 73 Can't refund on cancelled order
Payment 93 Captured amount should be same in Idempotent retry
Payment 1501 This person can not pay to companies Used for Vipps users under the age of 15.
InvalidRequest Field name will be the error code Description about what exactly the field error is
VippsError 91 Transaction is not allowed
VippsError 92 Transaction already processed
VippsError 98 Too many concurrent requests
VippsError 99 Description of the internal error
user 81 User not registered with Vipps
user 82 User App version not supported
Merchant 31 Merchant is blocked because of
Merchant 32 Receiving limit of merchant is exceeded
Merchant 33 Number of payment requests has been exceeded
Merchant 34 Unique constraint violation of the order id
Merchant 35 Registered order not found
Merchant 36 Merchant agreement not signed
Merchant 37 Merchant not available, deactivated or blocked
Merchant 21 Reference Order ID is not valid
Merchant 22 Reference Order ID is not in valid state

App integration

Merchants may implement “app-switch” or “deeplinking” to trigger the Vipps app. This may be done in two ways:

  1. From a mobile or desktop browser
  2. From an iOS or Android app

The sections below explain, in detail, how to integrate for browsers and apps.

App-switch between mobile or desktop browsers and the Vipps app

For mobile and desktop browsers, integration is handled by Vipps using the Vipps landing page.

The merchant needs to provide a valid fallBack. When Vipps has completed the operation, the fallbackURL will be opened in the browser. To maintain the session, the merchant can pass along a session identifier through fallbackURL.

App-switch on iOS

  1. The Vipps app on iOS requires a URL scheme in order to support app-switch.
  2. The merchant need to pass the URI Scheme of app into fallbackURL the in Vipps backend API.
  3. The merchant will open the URL received from Vipps backend API.
  4. Once the operation in the Vipps app is completed, Vipps will open the URL specified in fallbackURL.
  5. From the Vipps mobile application appropriate status code will be appended to fallbackURL as a query string, such as merchantApp://result?myAppData&status=301.

Switch from merchant app to the Vipps app

Below is sample code to open iOS Vipps application with deeplinkURL.

NSString *url = deeplinkURL; // Use the deeplinkURL provided in the API response
if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url]]) {
  [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url]]; }
else {
  // No Vipps app installed: Open app store page.
  // Once user installs Vipps, calling app needs to initiate deeplinking again in order to get the callback
  [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString: @""]];

Example of a deeplinkURL: vipps://?token=eyJraWQiOiJqd3RrZXkiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.ey <snip>

Please note: If you have both the official Vipps app from App Store and the test Vipps app from TestFlight installed, the app switch may open either one. There is no way to open one of them specifically, as the URL scheme is the same for both. A workaround is to only have one of the apps installed on the device.

Redirect back to the merchant app from Vipps app

Once the operation in the Vipps app is completed, the Vipps app will open the frontend URL. For app-to-app integration, merchant app needs to be registered for a URL scheme and pass the URL scheme in fallbackURL in the Vipps backend API. The Vipps mobile application will use the URL to launch the merchant application.

For example, if your fallbackURL is merchantApp://result?myAppData, Vipps will append the status like: merchantApp://result?myAppData&status=301.

Registering a 3rd party app with URL scheme and handling custom URL calls

See Apple's documentation: Defining a Custom URL Scheme for Your App

App-switch on Android

Vipps supports two ways to do app-switch:

  • Android intent, using “startActivityForResult”. In order to use this the merchant need to set a fallbackURL as “INTENT”. In this way of communication there is no need to register for URL scheme.

  • URL scheme: The app needs to be registered for URL scheme, and then pass the URL scheme in fallbackURL.

App-switch: Android Intent

In case of Android Intent system, in backend API call(defined later) “INTENT” should be passed in fallbackURL. And below code should be used to launch Vipps application.

try {
  PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager();
  PackageInfo info = pm.getPackageInfo( , PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES);
  if(versionCompare(info.versionName,   ) >= 0) {
    String uri = deeplinkURL; // Use deeplink url provided in API response
    Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
  } else {
    // Notify user to download the latest version of Vipps application.
} catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
  // No Vipps app! Open play store page.
  String url = "";
  Intent storeIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);

Example of a deeplinkURL: vipps://?token=eyJraWQiOiJqd3RrZXkiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.ey <snip>

Redirect back to merchant app

Register the activity in manifest file which will handle result of Vipps response. For Example:


Receiving activity has to override onActivityResult method to handle result sent by Vipps application. For Example:

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
  if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
    if (requestCode == 1) {
      String url = null;
      if (data != null && data.getExtras() != null) {
        Bundle mBundle = data.getExtras();
        if (mBundle.get("data") != null) {
          try {
            url = URLDecoder.decode(mBundle.get("data").toString(), "UTF-8"); Uri parseUri = Uri.parse(url);
            String status = parseUri.getQueryParameter("status");
            //Handle status
          } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

App-switch: Android URL Scheme

try {
  PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager();
  PackageInfo info = pm.getPackageInfo , PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES);
  if (versionCompare(info.versionName,   ) >= 0) {
    String uri = deeplinkURL; // Use deeplink url provided in API response
    Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
  } else {
    // Notify user to download the latest version of Vipps application.
} catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
  // No Vipps app! Open play store page.
  String url = "";
  Intent storeIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);

Example of a deeplinkURL: vipps://?token=eyJraWQiOiJqd3RrZXkiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.ey <snip>

Redirect back to merchant app

Set a filter in the Manifest file: To receive a call back from the Vipps application to an activity, a filter has to be set for that activity. In the example below, MainActivity is the receiving activity and the Vipps app sends a response to the activity. For this activity one can set a custom URL scheme inside the intent filter.

For Example:

<activity android:name=".MainActivity" android:label="@string/app_name" android:launchMode="singleInstance">
    <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
    <data android:scheme="sampleApps" />

Note: The scheme should be same specified in fallbackURL.

The Vipps application will send the result to the merchant app by starting a new activity with the fallbackURL as a URI parameter in the intent. The merchant app can make their receiving activity as a singleInstance to handle the response in same activity.

The receiving activity has to override the onNewIntent method to handle result send by the Vipps app.

protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
  String url = null;
  if (intent != null && intent.getData() != null) {
    try {
      url = URLDecoder.decode(intent.getData().toString(),"UTF-8");
      Uri parseUri = Uri.parse(url);
      String status = parseUri.getQueryParameter("status");
      //Handle status
    } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

Error codes for deeplinking

The following are the identified status codes merchant may receive from Vipps app.

Status Code Description
100 Success
202 User canceling action. Either an expiration or active user Cancel
302 User doesn’t have Vipps profile
303 Login failed (login max attempt reached)
304 Vipps doesn’t support this action, please update Vipps
401 Request timed out or Token has expired
451 The user was selected for fraud validation
999 Failed

The following are the status code ranges which Vipps maintains for future purposes.

Status Code Description
1XX Success
200 - 250 Input Error
250 - 299 User Actions
3XX Authentication / User Profile / Merchant Profile / Configuration related error
400 - 450 Transaction related error
450 - 499 Fraud related error
5XX Reserved for future use
6XX Reserved for future use
7XX Reserved for future use
8XX Reserved for future use
9XX Other

API endpoints required by Vipps from the merchant

The following endpoints are to be implemented by merchants, in order for Vipps to make calls to them. The documentation is included in the Swagger file for reference only - these endpoints are not callable at Vipps.

Vipps callback servers

The callbacks from Vipps are made from the servers described in Vipps request servers.

Please make sure that requests from these servers are allowed through firewalls, etc.

Note: Vipps may change the IP addresses that we make callbacks from. To ensure that you are whitelisting the corrects IP addresses please use these hostnames.

Callback endpoints

The calls are generated by taking a field from the payment initiation request from the merchant in POST:/ecomm/v2/payments/{orderId}, amnd then adding a suffix. See the "Endpoints required by Vipps" section in the Swagger documentation. Note some of these endpoints are only for the express checkout product.

Endpoint Field Description
POST:[callbackPrefix]/v2/payments/{orderId} callbackPrefix Status update sent from Vipps
POST:[shippingDetailsPrefix]/v2/payments/{orderId}/shippingDetails shippingDetailsPrefix Request for getting shipping details. (Express checkout functionality, 10 second timeout)
DELETE:[consentRemovalPrefix]/v2/consents/{userId} consentRemovalPrefix User has removed consent for sharing details. (Express checkout functionality)


Callbacks allow Vipps to send the payment order details to the merchant. During regular eCommerce payment, order and transaction details will be shared. During express checkout payment it will provide user details and shipping details addition to the order and transaction details.

This call will be performed once during a payment process, when the payment is successful, failed, rejected or timed out. If the communication is broken during the process for some reason, and Vipps is not able to execute callback, then callback will not be retried. In other words, if the merchant doesn’t receive any confirmation on payment request call within callback timeframe, merchant should call GET:/ecomm/v2/payments/{orderId}/details to get the status of the payment.

The callback body received from Vipps will depend on whether the payment type is set to "eComm Express Payment" or "eComm Regular Payment".

If authToken was used in the initiate payment request these requests will have a Authorization header. These headers will have the same value as the one provided in authToken.

API details: POST:[callbackPrefix]/v2/payments/{orderId}

Callback URLs must be reachable

Please make sure that the callback URLs are valid:

  • Vipps does not support sending requests to all ports, so to be safe use common port numbers such as: 80, 443, 8080.
  • Vipps does not support callback URLs that return HTTP 301 Redirect or HTTP 302 Permanently Moved. The callback URLs must be directly reachable.

Example Express Checkout Callback

  "merchantSerialNumber": 123456,
  "orderId": "order123abc",
  "shippingDetails": {
    "address": {
      "addressLine1": "Dronning Eufemias gate 42",
      "addressLine2": "Att: Rune Garborg",
      "city": "Oslo",
      "country": "Norway",
      "postCode": "0191"
    "shippingCost": 109.99,
    "shippingMethod": "By cannon"
  "transactionInfo": {
    "amount": 20000,
    "status": "RESERVE",
    "timeStamp": "2018-12-12T11:18:38.246Z",
    "transactionId": "5001420062"
  "userDetails": {
    "bankIdVerified": "Y",
    "dateOfBirth": "12-3-1988",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "firstName": "Ada",
    "lastName": "Lovelace",
    "mobileNumber": "12345678",
    "ssn": "12345678901",
    "userId": "1234567"

Example Regular Checkout Callback

  "merchantSerialNumber": 123456,
  "orderId": "order123abc",
  "transactionInfo": {
    "amount": 20000,
    "status": "RESERVED",
    "timeStamp": "2018-12-12T11:18:38.246Z",
    "transactionId": "5001420062"

Fetch Shipping Cost

This API call allows Vipps to get the shipping cost and method based on the provided address and product details. This is only relevant for express checkout payments where Vipps needs to present shipping cost and method to the Vipps user. This service is to be implemented by merchants.

If authToken was used in the initiate payment request these requests will have a Authorization header. These headers will have the same value as the one provided in authToken.

API details: POST:[shippingDetailsPrefix]/v2/payments/{orderId}/shippingDetails

Note: We do not send requests to all ports so to be safe use common port numbers such as: 80, 443, 8080.

Example Request Shipping Details Callback

    "addressId": 3960,
    "addressLine1": "Dronning Eufemias gate 42",
    "addressLine2": null,
    "country": "Norway",
    "city": "OSLO",
    "postCode": "0191",
    "addressType": "H",

Example Response for Shipping Details Callback

    "addressId": 3960,
    "orderId": "123456abc",
    "shippingDetails": [
            "isDefault": "N",
            "priority": 1,
            "shippingCost": 30.0,
            "shippingMethod": "Walking",
            "shippingMethodId": "123abc"
            "isDefault": "Y",
            "priority": 2,
            "shippingCost": 30.0,
            "shippingMethod": "Running",
            "shippingMethodId": "321abc"

Remove User Consent

This allows Vipps to send an end user's consent removal request to merchant. This endpoint is required for express checkout. When receiving this request, the merchant is obliged to handle the user details as per the GDPR guidelines. The request path will include a userId that Vipps will have provided as part of callback, and also made accessible through GET:/ecomm/v2/payments/{orderId}/details.

API details: DELETE:[consetRemovalPrefix]/v2/consents/{userId}

Note: We do not send requests to all ports so to be safe use common port numbers such as: 80, 443, 8080.

Status and operations

Callbacks and responses from the eCommerce API provide status updates for the current state of the transaction. These will differ for different requests and for different payment types.

Responses from requests

Request Response "Status" or "Operation"
POST:/ecomm/v2/payments Initiate - Merchant initiated the transaction.
POST:/ecomm/v2/payments/{orderId}/capture Captured - Payment Captured when merchant called for capture.
PUT:/ecomm/v2/payments/{orderId}/cancel Cancelled - Payment cancel status when merchant called for cancel.
POST:/ecomm/v2/payments/{orderId}/refund Refund - Payment refunded when merchant called for refund.
GET:/ecomm/v2/payments/{orderId}/details INITIATE - Merchant initiated the transaction. Stage-1.
RESERVE - Payment Reserved by user accepting transaction in App. Stage-3.
SALE - Payment Captured with direct capture. Stage-4.
CAPTURE - Payment Captured when merchant called for capture - Stage-6.
REFUND - Payment refunded when merchant called for refund - Stage-7.
CANCEL - Payment cancel status when user canceled payment in App.
VOID - Payment cancel status when merchant called for cancel.
GET:/ecomm/v2/payments/{orderId}/status This endpoint is deprecated, please use: GET:/ecomm/v2/payments/{orderId}/details
INITIATE - Merchant initiates the transaction. Stage-1, Status - 101.
REGISTER - Vipps registers payment for Reserve. Stage-2, Stage-3, Status - 101.
RESERVE - Payment Reserved by user accepting transaction in App. Stage-3, Status - 101.
SALE - Payment Captured with direct capture. Stage-4, status - 101.
CAPTURE - Payment Captured when merchant called for capture - Stage-6, Status - 101.
REFUND - Payment refunded when merchant called for refund - Stage-7, Status - 101.
CANCEL - Payment cancel status when user canceled payment in App.
VOID - Payment cancel status when merchant calls for cancel API.
FAILED - Payment failed failed because of no coverage, outdated card details or similar. - Status - 102.
REJECTED - No user action in the Vipps app, i.e timeout.


Callback Response "Status" or "Operation"
Callback for regular checkout: [callbackPrefix]/v2/payments/{orderId} RESERVED - When user approved and payment is reserved.
SALE - When user approved and payment type is Direct capture.
RESERVE_FAILED - Reserve failed because of no coverage, outdated card details or similar.
SALE_FAILED - Direct capture failed because of no coverage, outdated card details or similar.
CANCELLED - User rejected the payment.
REJECTED - User didn't act on the payment.
Callback for express checkout: [callbackPrefix]/v2/payments/{orderId} RESERVE - When user approved and payment is reserved. (It is correct that this is different from RESERVED for regular checkout.)
SALE - When user approved and payment type is Direct capture.
CANCELLED - User rejected the payment.
REJECTED - User didn't act on the payment.


We're always happy to help with code or other questions you might have! Please create an issue, a pull request, or contact us.