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TDT4240 Project – Sea Battle

This is an implementation of the classic game Battleship (Sea Battle), written with a client–server architecture (plus some MVC), for the Android platform. It's written as a project at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway, for the course TDT4240 Software Architecture.

The game can be found in Google Play Store! If you want to play on desktop (OS X, Windows, Linux), run this JAR-file.

You can also download the APK file manually here.

Main menu Main game view


Our issue tracker is Trello. Gonna start on something new?

  1. Go to Trello and pick your task. If it's not there, you're gonna have to add it. Assign it to yourself, and move the card to "Doing"
  2. Start a new branch. Name should be "client/" or "server/" + something describing what you're working on.
  3. Do your work. Use commits, write commit messages.
  4. Submit pull request for feature. Move card to review on Trello.
  5. When the feature is reviewed by someone else than yourself, and it's merged into master, you can move the Trello-card to done.

Any questions? Ask!



You will need Intellij IDEA 14, latest Android SDK (install build tools 20.0.0 as well) with an ANDROID_HOME environment variable. Go to Import project in Intellij and select the build.gradle file from the client folder.

More detailed instructions can be found here.


  • libgdx for graphics and networking features.


The application server is written in Node.js and deployed to Heroku.

To run a local version of the server on localhost:5000, run npm install and node app.js.


Warning: this is not a complete spec of the API!

Start/retrieve game

To retrieve a started game or start a game.

POST /api/play/

Req: {username: STRING}

Res: {game: GAME OBJECT} (null if a game doesn't exist)


To get the player whose turn it is at the moment.

The returned JSON includes the last move made by a player, which, if it just became your turn, will be the last move your opponent made. The client needs this value to update the local state of the board. The format of this string is x,y where x and y are integer coordinates for the cell which was last fired upon. At the beginning of the game, before any shots have been fired, the value is -1,-1.

GET /api/turn/:username

Res: {username: STRING, lastMove: STRING}


To fire on the board of the opponent.

POST /api/fire/

Req: {username: STRING, x: INTEGER, y: INTEGER}

Res: {shipWasHit: BOOLEAN, message: "No game was found" OR "Ongoing game" OR "You lost" OR "You won"}



The Game module keeps track of the two players and their boards.

  • player1: String. Username of the first player.
  • player2: String. Username of the second player.
  • next: String. Username of the next player turn.
  • board1: Board. The board which player1 shoots at.
  • board2: Board. The board which player2 shoots at.


The Board module contains a 1D array of 100 Cell objects (10x10).

  • board: Array. 1D Array of the 100 (10x10) Cell objects for this board.


  • isShip: Boolean. True if this Cell represents a part of a ship.
  • isHit: Boolean. True if this Cell has been fired at. Initially false.

Heroku setup

You need the Heroku toolbelt in order to work with Heroku. Follow the instructions on the website. On OS X, you can also install the tools using package managers if you prefer:

brew install heroku-toolbelt
gem install foreman

Once you've cloned this repository, you need to add the Heroku remote before you can deploy. Given that you have the Heroku toolbelt installed, have logged in to Heroku (heroku login) and that your name is on the list of collaborators for this project, simply run:

heroku git:remote -a fathomless-waters-2425

Database setup

A Heroku Postgres database has already been added to the Heroku application; run heroku pg:info from the application directory to see information about the running instance. In order to run a local instance for development, you must install PostgreSQL locally and then run the following:

# Create a Postgres user named 'progark' with no password:
% createuser progark
# Create a databased named 'progark_db' owned by user 'progark':
% createdb -O progark progark_db

And add the following line to your .bashrc or similar:

export DATABASE_URL=postgres://progark:@localhost/progark_db

You connect to a database on Heroku by using a connection URL specified (by Heroku) in the environment variable DATABASE_URL. By setting an appropriate DATABASE_URL locally, we avoid the need differentiate between the development and production database in our code.

Note: The database connection is established by the Sequelize ORM like so:

var sequelize = new Sequelize(process.env.DATABASE_URL);


Heroku expects applications to placed in the root directory of the Git repository. Because we have two separate applications in our repository, located in the client/ and server/ directories respectively, we need to use git subtree to push just the server application to Heroku. When you want to deploy to Heroku, simply run:

git subtree push --prefix server heroku master