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NUS Scraper

This folder contains the scraper which produces our v2 API data from internal NUS APIs.

Note: as this project gets its data from internal NUS APIs, you won't be able to contribute to this project without having the API domain and auth keys. Sadly, at the request of the university, we won't be able to release this information to non-core developers. If you have any ideas to improve the scraper, please create an issue instead.

Getting Started

Node LTS is required. We use Node 12 in production.

Use yarn to install dependencies, then set up env.json with all the necessary keys and API base URL, then run the test script to check the setup is okay.


cp env.example.json env.json
vim env.json  # add your appKey, studentKey and the baseUrl here

yarn dev help
yarn dev test | yarn bunyan

Setting up ElasticSearch

We use ElasticSearch for our module search page. For local development it is not necessary to set this up because the scraper will automatically fall back to storing all data on the file system. To set up the ElasticSearch config, simple specify the elasticConfig key in env.json with the necessary configuration options that will be passed into the ElasticSearch client.

Yarn Commands

For production

  • build - use Babel to compile the code for production
  • scrape - run the scraper. See CLI commands below for a list of commands. Remember to use NODE_ENV=production in production.
  • docs - copy the Swagger docs into the data folder

For development

  • scrape - run the scraper (see below for CLI commands). Note that the scraper has to be compiled through the build command first
  • dev - compile and run the scraper. This is the same as running build and scrape
  • build - compile the scraper using the TypeScript compiler
  • bunyan - pipe output from the scraper through this so they can be read on the CLI. This is an alias of bunyan -L -o short --color - use local timestamp, short output format and color formatting. Run yarn bunyan --help to see all options.
  • test - run all unit and integration tests
    • test:watch - run tests in watch mode, which runs only when code is changed
  • lint - run both linter and type checker
    • lint:code - lint the code through ESLint

CLI commands

Run these through yarn scrape in production or yarn dev in development piped through yarn bunyan for formatting - eg. yarn dev test | yarn bunyan. You can also run yarn dev help to see a list of all commands.

  • test - run some simple API requests to check you have set everything up correctly
  • departments - download department and faculty codes
  • semester [sem] - download module and timetable data for the given semester
  • venue [sem] - collate venue data into the shape needed by the frontend
  • combine - combine the module data for all four semesters together
  • all - run the complete pipeline from start to end

Data Pipeline

  • Get department / faculty codes (GetDepartmentFaculty)
  • Get semester data for all four semesters (GetSemesterData)
    • Get semester modules (GetSemesterModules)
      • Get module timetable for each department (GetModuleTimetable)
    • Get semester exams (GetModuleExams)
  • Collate venues (CollateVenues)
  • Collate modules (CombineModules)

Logging and error handling

Logging is done via Bunyan. When logging things, use the first parameter to hold variables, and make the message the same for all errors of the same type. This allows for easier searching.

The application automatically streams info to logs/info.log and logs/errors.log as well as Sentry (for error and fatal events) and stdout. On production the logs are suffixed by the date and time of the run to make it easier to find the correct log.

Use yarn bunyan, which comes with some presets to make things easier to work with in the CLI.

Error handling is done through Sentry.

v2 Data Changes

This section details the differences between our v1 and v2 APIs.

Module data

All keys are switched from TitleCase to camelCase.

  • Faculty is provided in addition to Department
  • Types is removed - this is not used anywhere in the v3 frontend because it is difficult to keep up to date
  • Workload will now be parsed on the server into a tuple of 5 numbers. A string is only returned if the text is unparsable.
  • ModmavenTree is renamed to PrereqTree, is now optional, and is represented by a recursive tree of type PrereqTree = string | { ['and' | 'or']: PrereqTree[] }
  • LockedModules is renamed to FulfillRequirements
  • History has been renamed SemesterData
  • Aliases is a new optional field that contains module codes for dual-coded modules

Semester data

  • LecturePeriods and TutorialPeriods are removed - these are not provided by the API, and it is a lot of work and space for not a lot of information
  • ExamDate is now a proper ISO8601 date string
  • ExamDuration is a new nullable number field providing the duration of the exam in minutes
  • FacultyDepartment will now be published under yearly data, not semester

Lesson data

  • WeekText is now just Weeks and is a either a sorted array of numbers representing academic week numbers, or a WeekRange object representing lessons that take place outside the normal academic weeks, such as during holidays or recess weeks. This is the structure:

    type WeekRange = {
      // The start and end dates
      start: string;
      end: string;
      // Number of weeks between each lesson. If not specified one week is assumed
      // ie. there are lessons every week
      weekInterval?: number;
      // Week numbers for modules with uneven spacing between lessons. The first
      // occurrence is on week 1
      weeks?: number[];

Venue data

  • Availability now only marks occupied times. Vacant times are simply left out of the object.