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Rodrigo Braz Monteiro edited this page Apr 2, 2018 · 9 revisions


Systems represent the code that modifies the Entities in the ECS World. Upon stepping the world, all systems on the timeline being stepped are executed, in order. For each of those systems, its relevant method (update or render) is called, in accordance to how the system was configured.

Systems are half code generated, half user written.


Each system can have one or more families. A family works somewhat like a query - every entity in the World that matches the component requirements for the family will be included in the family. Systems can then iterate through any of its families, accessing the components requested.

For example, a VelocitySystem might have a single family, called main, which depends on two components: Position (with write access) and Velocity (with read access). Every entity that has a Position component and a Velocity component will be a member of this family. When iterating through this family, the VelocitySystem will be able to read the Velocity component and modify the Position component.

Families are dynamic, and entities can be added or removed to them as they are created, destroyed, or modified.

Some operations (receiving messages and operating on the default "individual" strategy) require a main family. That's simply a family which is called "main".

Declaring Systems

Basic declaration

Systems are declared in YAML files (see ECS Overview). A simple example, declaring the Velocity system we discussed above:

  name: Velocity
    - main:
      - Position: write
      - Velocity: read


Each family (above, only a main family is declared) lists all components it requires, with its name as the key, and its required access as the value. Valid access values are:

  • read: The component reference is const T&
  • write: The component reference is T&
  • optional read: The component reference is Halley::MaybeRef<const T>
  • optional write: The component reference is Halley::MaybeRef<T>

The optional access specifier means that an entity WILL be included in the family even if it doesn't match that requirement. However, MaybeRef might not be set, and the system will be forced to check if the entity contains that specific component.

Additional declarations

Here's some more examples, from Wargroove:

  name: TurnControl
    - units:
      - Unit: write
      - ArmyId: read
      - GridPosition: read
    - game:
      - GameState: write
      - GameTurn: write
    - players:
      - Player: write
      - ArmyId: read
  strategy: global
    - PathfindingService
    - GameService
    - SelectionService
    - InputService
    - ConfigService
    - LuaService
    - FogOfWarService
    - api
    - PlayCutscene: send
    - GrooveCharge: send
  name: SpriteRender
    - sprite:
      - Position: read
      - Sprite: write
    - text:
      - Position: read
      - TextLabel: write
  method: render
  strategy: global
    - PainterService

The additional fields are:


This field defines how the system runs. There are three valid options:

  • individual (default): update or render gets called individually for each entity in the main family.
  • global: update or render only gets called once (with one fewer parameter), and the system should manually iterate through the family
  • parallel: same as individual, but the workload is spread across multiple threads


A list of all services this system will have access to. The system will fail to initialise if the service requested is not added to the World.


Whether this is an update (default) or render system. The appropriate method needs to be implemented in the system implementation, and the system needs to be added to the right timeline.


Access is used to request access to additional features. Valid options are:

  • world: The system will have access to the World instance, so it can create, destroy and query entities.
  • resources: The system will have access to the Resources instance.
  • api: The system will have access to Halley::HalleyAPI (see API Overview).


A list of all messages that this system can send or receive. Note that messages can only be received on the main family. They should be listed as a key:value pair, with the key being the message name, and the value one of send or receive.

Implementing Systems


To implement a system, first create a .cpp file under /repo_root/src/systems. That directory is special, since the build system will automatically add anything there to the build. Ideally, the name of the .cpp should match the name of the header generated by the Importing Assets step (under /repo_root/gen/cpp/systems).

Inside the file, you must define the system. The system must obey the following rules:

  1. It must include the generated header
  2. It must publicly extend the generated SystemNameBase template, passing itself as a parameter (e.g. FooSystem should extend FooSystemBase<FooSystem>)
  3. It must implement the appropriate entry method (see below)
  4. It must implement any message received methods (see below)
  5. It must use the REGISTER_SYSTEM macro, passing its own class name as an argument (e.g. REGISTER_SYSTEM(FooSystem)) at global scope, at the bottom of the file


#include "systems/velocity_system.h"

class VelocitySystem final : public VelocitySystemBase<VelocitySystem> {
	void update(Halley::Time time, MainFamily& e)
		auto& pos = e.position.position;
		const auto& vel = e.velocity.velocity;
		pos += vel * time;


Main method signatures

There are four possible main method signatures, depending on whether the method is update or render, and whether the strategy is global or not (individual or parallel). They are as follows:

Individual/Parallel Update

void update(Halley::Time time, MainFamily& e)

Global Update

void update(Halley::Time time)

Individual/Parallel Render

void render(Halley::RenderContext& rc, MainFamily& e)

Global Render

void render(Halley::RenderContext& rc)

Working with families

You can iterate through a family by simply using the C++11 for-each construct on the family name. For example:

for (auto& e: mainFamily) {
	auto& cam =;
	cam.setPosition((e.position.position +;

You can also find a family element that matches a predicate by using .match or .tryMatch:

const PlayersFamily& curPlayer = playersFamily.match([&] (const PlayersFamily& p) { return == curArmy; });
const PlayersFamily* curPlayer2 = playersFamily.tryMatch([&] (const PlayersFamily& p) { return == curArmy; });


You may optionally declare a magical init method, that will be invoked via static reflection when the system is initialised (which happens before the first time it steps):

void init() {
	// do some init

onEntitiesAdded and onEntitiesRemoved


Sending and Receiving Messages


Accessing services

If you request access to a specific service, you can access it with a generated method in the form getServiceName. For example, if you request access to CombatService, you'll have the following method available:

CombatService& getCombatService() const;

Accessing World, Resources and API

If you request access to the appropriate resource (see Additional Declarations, above), you can also invoke one of these methods from your system:

const Halley::HalleyAPI& getAPI() const;
Halley::World& getWorld() const;
Halley::Resources& getResources() const;
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