Jump start: Lesson 9
Complete each section by hand, then check your answers using irb
x = 5
# what value does x now hold?
z = "Hello"
# what value does z now hold?
a = 5
b = 3.2
c = a + b
# what values does c now hold?
var1 = "lawl"
var2 = "brb"
# what value does var2 now hold?
e = 6 + 3
# what values does e now hold?
f = 3.5
f = f + 2
# what value does f now hold?
poodle = 4
pitbull = 3
# what value does boxer now hold?
h = 5
h = h + h
# what values does h now hold?
j = 1
k = 2
m = 3
n = j + k + m
# what value does n now hold?
p = "moo"
q = "quack"
p = q
# what value does p now hold?
r = "moo"
s = "quack"
t = "woof"
r = t
# what value does r now hold?
u = 5
u = u * 2
u = u * 2
u = u * 2
# what value does u now hold?
v = "b"
z = "a"
# what value does v now hold?
aa = 3234
bb = 2398
cc = 0
dd = (aa + bb) / cc
# what value does d now hold?
yy = 7
zz = yy % 2
# what value does zz now hold?
ee = 12
ff = ee % 4
# what value does ff now hold?
zz = 17
hh = zz % 3
# what value does hh now hold?
Consider the following variable assignments and then fill in the tables
d = 10
e = 5.0
f = 2
g = 11.0
h = 3
i = 1.5
Operation | Result | Data type of result |
d + e |
f + h |
g + h |
d - f |
g - e |
(h + i) - f |
(d - f) + e |
d * f |
g * i |
f * g |
d / f |
d / e |
e / f |
(g * f) / f |
(d / f) * e |
21 / 5 |
14 / 5 | ||
10 % 3 | ||
20 % 2 | ||
4 % 5 | ||
8 % 1 |
Determine the output of slice on your own and then check your answer using irb
# problem 1
my_string = "I love Seattle"
# problem 2
my_string = "I love Seattle"
my_string.slice(2, 4)
# problem 3
my_string = "I love Seattle"
# problem 4
my_string = "Ada"
my_string + " Lovelace"
# problem 5
my_string = "Ada"
my_string << " codes" << " it!"
# problem 6
my_string = "Ada"
my_string.concat(" likes to code").slice(4...9)
# problem 7
my_string = "Hello world"
"Goodbye " + my_string.slice(6, 5) << "!"
# problem 8
my_string = "Hello world!"
my_string.slice(0...5).concat(", goodbye!")
# problem 9
my_string = "Hello world!"
my_string.slice(0) << "i" + "!"
# problem 10
my_string = "I love ruby"
my_string.slice(7, 4).concat(my_string.slice(2...6)) + my_string.slice(0)
# problem 11
my_string = "I love ruby"
"R".concat(my_string.slice(8, 3) + " rocks!")
# problem 12
my_string = "I love ruby"
my_string.slice(2, 4) << my_string.slice(7...11).concat(my_string.slice(2...6))