From e54a78e350415487c6644c88d4ee3bf5f1f07786 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: daveamnesty <>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 15:12:10 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Update data.json

Remove placeholder data for 2023
 data/data.json | 1709 +-----------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 1702 deletions(-)

diff --git a/data/data.json b/data/data.json
index 5f08923..06c444a 100644
--- a/data/data.json
+++ b/data/data.json
@@ -22576,1709 +22576,14 @@
-      "total-executions":"883+",
-      "total-death-sentences":"TBC",
-      "ABOLITIONIST":"112",
-      "RETENTIONIST":"55",
+      "total-executions":"",
+      "total-death-sentences":"",
+      "ABOLITIONIST":"",
+      "RETENTIONIST":"",
-         {
-            "id":"AFG",
-            "name":"AFGHANISTAN",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":"+",
-            "death-penalties":"+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST",
-            "note":{
-               "en":"+ means Amnesty International is confident that there was more than one execution but we could not establish a figure.",
-               "fr":"Le signe « + » signifie qu’Amnesty International est certaine qu’au moins une exécution a eu lieu, mais qu’elle n’a pas pu parvenir à une estimation plus précise",
-               "es":"El signo + significa que Amnistía Internacional tiene la certeza de que se llevó a cabo más de una ejecución, pero no pudo determinar la cifra.",
-               "ar":"إشارة + تعني أن منظمة العفو الدولية متأكدة من  تنفيذ أكثر من حالة اعدام واحدة ولكن لم تتمكن من تحديد عددها ",
-               "zh_Hans":" +号表示国际特赦组织相信超过一人被处决,但无法确立确切数字。",
-               "zh_Hant":"=為國際特赦組織相信,該國有多於一宗處決,但我們不能獲得確實數字",
-               "zh_TW":"+號表示國際特赦組織確信處決數超過1,但無法確認確切數字。",
-               "pt":"O símbolo + significa que a Amnistia Internacional tem a certeza que existiu mais do que uma execução, mas não conseguiu determinar números mais precisos."
-            }
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"RKS",
-            "name":"KOSOVO",
-            "since":"1999 (UNMIK/REG/1999/24)",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"ALB",
-            "name":"ALBANIA",
-            "since":2007,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"DZA",
-            "name":"ALGERIA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":54,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST IN PRACTICE"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"AND",
-            "name":"ANDORRA",
-            "since":1990,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"AGO",
-            "name":"ANGOLA",
-            "since":1992,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"ATG",
-            "name":"ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"ARG",
-            "name":"ARGENTINA",
-            "since":2008,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"ARM",
-            "name":"ARMENIA",
-            "since":2003,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"AUS",
-            "name":"AUSTRALIA",
-            "since":1985,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"AUT",
-            "name":"AUSTRIA",
-            "since":1968,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"AZE",
-            "name":"AZERBAIJAN",
-            "since":1998,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"BHS",
-            "name":"BAHAMAS",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"BHR",
-            "name":"BAHRAIN",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":"2+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"BGD",
-            "name":"BANGLADESH",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":4,
-            "death-penalties":"169+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"BRB",
-            "name":"BARBADOS",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"BLR",
-            "name":"BELARUS",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":1,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"BEL",
-            "name":"BELGIUM",
-            "since":1996,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"BLZ",
-            "name":"BELIZE",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"BEN",
-            "name":"BENIN",
-            "since":2016,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"BTN",
-            "name":"BHUTAN",
-            "since":2004,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"BOL",
-            "name":"BOLIVIA",
-            "since":2009,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"BIH",
-            "name":"BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA",
-            "since":2001,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"BWA",
-            "name":"BOTSWANA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":1,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"BRA",
-            "name":"BRAZIL",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"BRN",
-            "name":"BRUNEI DARUSSALAM",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST IN PRACTICE"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"BGR",
-            "name":"BULGARIA",
-            "since":1998,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"BFA",
-            "name":"BURKINA FASO",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"BDI",
-            "name":"BURUNDI",
-            "since":2009,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"KHM",
-            "name":"CAMBODIA",
-            "since":1989,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"CMR",
-            "name":"CAMEROON",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST IN PRACTICE"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"CAN",
-            "name":"CANADA",
-            "since":1998,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"CPV",
-            "name":"CAPE VERDE",
-            "since":1981,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"CAF",
-            "name":"CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC",
-            "since":2022,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"TCD",
-            "name":"CHAD",
-            "since":2020,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"CHL",
-            "name":"CHILE",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"CHN",
-            "name":"CHINA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":"1,000s",
-            "death-penalties":"1,000s",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST",
-            "note":{
-               "en":"In 2009 Amnesty International stopped publishing our estimated figures on the use of the death penalty in China in a challenge to the country’s secrecy. China continues to classify such figures as a state secret. Our monitoring indicates that China remains the world’s top executioner.",
-               "fr":"En 2009, Amnesty International a cessé de publier des chiffres estimatifs sur l’utilisation de la peine de mort en Chine pour dénoncer le secret qu’entretient le pays à ce propos. La Chine continue de classer ces statistiques secret d’État. Les informations que nous avons recueillies montrent que la Chine demeure le pays où ont lieu le plus grand nombre d’exécutions.",
-               "es":"En 2009, Amnistía Internacional dejó de publicar sus cálculos estimados sobre el uso de la pena de muerte en China a modo de desafío frente al secretismo que aplica el país. China sigue categorizando esas cifras como secreto de Estado. De nuestra actividad de monitoreo se desprende que China sigue siendo el país del mundo donde se llevan a cabo más ejecuciones.",
-               "ar":"عام 2009، توقفت منظمة العفو الدولية عن نشر احصاءاتنا التقديرية بشأن تنفيذ عقوبة الإعدام في الصين، في تحدّ للسرية التي تعتمدها البلاد. لا تزال الصين تعتبر هذه الإحصاءات بمثابة سر حكومي. وبحسب متابعتنا ، لا تزال الصين تحتل الصدارة في عدد احكام الإعدام التي تنفذها.",
-               "zh_Hans":"基于中国在死刑方面秘而不言,国际特赦组织自2009年起即停止公布估算的中国使用死刑数字。中国继续将这类数据列为国家机密。我们的跟踪调查显示中国仍然是世界头号刽子手。",
-               "zh_Hant":"中國繼續將相關數字列為國家機密。我們的監察發現,中國仍是世界上處決最多人的國家。",
-               "zh_TW":"因為中國的保密狀態,2009年國際特赦組織停止發佈預估的中國執行死刑次數。中國繼續將此類數據列為國家機密。我們的監測指出,中國仍為世界上處刑最頻繁的國家。",
-               "pt":"Em 2009, a Amnistia Internacional deixou de publicar números estimados sobre o uso da pena de morte na China, dado os desafios face ao secretismo do país. A China continua a classificar tais números como um segredo de estado. A nossa atividade de monitorização indica que a China continua a ser o país do mundo com maior número de execuções."
-            }
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"COL",
-            "name":"COLOMBIA",
-            "since":1910,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"COM",
-            "name":"COMOROS",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":2,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"COG",
-            "name":"REPUBLIC OF CONGO",
-            "since":2015,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"COK",
-            "name":"COOK ISLANDS",
-            "since":2007,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"CRI",
-            "name":"COSTA RICA",
-            "since":1877,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"CIV",
-            "name":"COTE D'IVOIRE",
-            "since":2000,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"HRV",
-            "name":"CROATIA",
-            "since":1990,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"CUB",
-            "name":"CUBA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"CYP",
-            "name":"CYPRUS",
-            "since":2002,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"CZE",
-            "name":"CZECH REPUBLIC",
-            "since":1990,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"COD",
-            "name":"DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":"76+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"DNK",
-            "name":"DENMARK",
-            "since":1978,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"DJI",
-            "name":"DJIBOUTI",
-            "since":1995,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"DOM",
-            "name":"DOMINICA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"DOM",
-            "name":"DOMINICAN REPUBLIC",
-            "since":1966,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"ECU",
-            "name":"ECUADOR",
-            "since":1906,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"EGY",
-            "name":"EGYPT",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":24,
-            "death-penalties":538,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"SLV",
-            "name":"EL SALVADOR",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"GNQ",
-            "name":"EQUATORIAL GUINEA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"ERI",
-            "name":"ERITREA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST IN PRACTICE"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"EST",
-            "name":"ESTONIA",
-            "since":1998,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"ETH",
-            "name":"ETHIOPIA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":"2+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"FJI",
-            "name":"FIJI",
-            "since":2015,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"FIN",
-            "name":"FINLAND",
-            "since":1972,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"FRA",
-            "name":"FRANCE",
-            "since":1981,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"GAB",
-            "name":"GABON",
-            "since":2010,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"GMB",
-            "name":"GAMBIA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":9,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"GEO",
-            "name":"GEORGIA",
-            "since":1997,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"DEU",
-            "name":"GERMANY",
-            "since":1987,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"GHA",
-            "name":"GHANA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":7,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST IN PRACTICE"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"GRC",
-            "name":"GREECE",
-            "since":2004,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"GRL",
-            "name":"GREENLAND / DENMARK",
-            "since":1978,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"GRD",
-            "name":"GRENADA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST IN PRACTICE"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"GTM",
-            "name":"GUATEMALA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"GIN",
-            "name":"GUINEA",
-            "since":2017,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"GNB",
-            "name":"GUINEA-BISSAU",
-            "since":1993,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"GUY",
-            "name":"GUYANA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":4,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"HTI",
-            "name":"HAITI",
-            "since":1987,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"VAT",
-            "name":"VATICAN CITY",
-            "since":1969,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"HND",
-            "name":"HONDURAS",
-            "since":1956,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"HKG",
-            "name":"HONG KONG",
-            "since":1993,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"HUN",
-            "name":"HUNGARY",
-            "since":1990,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"ISL",
-            "name":"ICELAND",
-            "since":1928,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"IND",
-            "name":"INDIA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":165,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"IDN",
-            "name":"INDONESIA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":"112+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"IRN",
-            "name":"IRAN",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":"576+",
-            "death-penalties":"+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST",
-            "note":{
-               "en":"In 2015 Amnesty International began using the combined figure of officially announced executions and those executions not officially announced but which we confirmed, from credible sources, took place. + means Amnesty International is confident that there was more than one execution but we could not establish a figure.",
-               "fr":"En 2015, Amnesty International a commencé à utiliser le chiffre combiné des exécutions officiellement reconnues et des exécutions qui n’ont pas été annoncées officiellement, mais que l’organisation a pu confirmer auprès de sources crédibles. Le signe « + » signifie qu’Amnesty International est certaine qu’au moins une exécution a eu lieu, mais qu’elle n’a pas pu parvenir à une estimation plus précise",
-               "es":"En julio de 2015, Amnistía Internacional comenzó a utilizar la cifra conjunta de ejecuciones reconocidas oficialmente y ejecuciones no reconocidas oficialmente, pero que confirmamos a través de fuentes fidedignas. El signo + significa que Amnistía Internacional tiene la certeza de que se llevó a cabo más de una ejecución, pero no pudo determinar la cifra.",
-               "ar":"إشارة + تعني أن منظمة العفو الدولية متأكدة من  تنفيذ أكثر من حالة اعدام واحدة ولكن لم تتمكن من تحديد عددها. في عام 2015، بدأت منظمة العفو الدولية استخدام الرقم الإجمالي لعمليات الإعدام المعلن عنها بشكل رسمي،  وتلك غير المعلن عنها رسمياً ، ولكن أكدت لنا مصادر موثوقة انها قد نُفّذت ",
-               "zh_Hans":" +号表示国际特赦组织相信超过一人被处决,但无法确立确切数字。. 自2015年起,国际特赦组织开始使用合拼数据,即结合官方公布之处决数据以及非官方公布但我们从可靠消息来源确认之处决数据。",
-               "zh_Hant":"=為國際特赦組織相信,該國有多於一宗處決,但我們不能獲得確實數字 . 自2015年起,國際特赦組織開始使用合併數據,即合併官方公布之處決及非官方公布但我們從可靠來源證實的處決數據。",
-               "zh_TW":"+號表示國際特赦組織確信處決數超過1,但無法確認確切數字。. 2015年國際特赦組織開始結合官方發布的處決數據,以及官方未宣布,然而經國際特赦組織透過可靠消息來源確認曾發生處決的數據。",
-               "pt":"Em 2015, a Amnistia Internacional começou a usar o número combinado de execuções oficialmente anunciadas e as execuções não anunciadas oficialmente mas que confirmamos que ocorreram através de fontes credíveis e fidedignas. O símbolo + significa que a Amnistia Internacional tem a certeza que existiu mais do que uma execução, mas não conseguiu determinar números mais precisos."
-            }
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"IRQ",
-            "name":"IRAQ",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":"11+",
-            "death-penalties":"41+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"IRL",
-            "name":"IRELAND",
-            "since":1990,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"ISR",
-            "name":"ISRAEL",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"ITA",
-            "name":"ITALY",
-            "since":1994,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"JAM",
-            "name":"JAMAICA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"JPN",
-            "name":"JAPAN",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":1,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"JOR",
-            "name":"JORDAN",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":"4+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"KAZ",
-            "name":"KAZAKHSTAN",
-            "since":2022,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"KEN",
-            "name":"KENYA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":79,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST IN PRACTICE"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"KIR",
-            "name":"KIRIBATI",
-            "since":"NA",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"KWT",
-            "name":"KUWAIT",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":7,
-            "death-penalties":"16+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"KGZ",
-            "name":"KYRGYZSTAN",
-            "since":2007,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"LAO",
-            "name":"LAOS",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":"5+",
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST IN PRACTICE"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"LVA",
-            "name":"LATVIA",
-            "since":2012,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"LBN",
-            "name":"LEBANON",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":"2+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"LSO",
-            "name":"LESOTHO",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"LBR",
-            "name":"LIBERIA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST IN PRACTICE"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"LBY",
-            "name":"LIBYA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":"18+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"LIE",
-            "name":"LIECHTENSTEIN",
-            "since":1987,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"LTU",
-            "name":"LITHUANIA",
-            "since":1998,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"LUX",
-            "name":"LUXEMBOURG",
-            "since":1979,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"MKD",
-            "name":"MACEDONIA",
-            "since":1991,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"MDG",
-            "name":"MADAGASCAR",
-            "since":2015,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"MWI",
-            "name":"MALAWI",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST IN PRACTICE"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"MYS",
-            "name":"MALAYSIA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":"16+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"MDV",
-            "name":"MALDIVES",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":1,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST IN PRACTICE"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"MLI",
-            "name":"MALI",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":"8+",
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST IN PRACTICE"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"MLT",
-            "name":"MALTA",
-            "since":2000,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"MHL",
-            "name":"MARSHALL ISLANDS",
-            "since":"NA",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"MRT",
-            "name":"MAURITANIA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":"5+",
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST IN PRACTICE"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"MUS",
-            "name":"MAURITIUS",
-            "since":1995,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"MEX",
-            "name":"MEXICO",
-            "since":2005,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"FSM",
-            "name":"MICRONESIA",
-            "since":"NA",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"MDA",
-            "name":"MOLDOVA",
-            "since":1995,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"MCO",
-            "name":"MONACO",
-            "since":1962,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"MNG",
-            "name":"MONGOLIA",
-            "since":2017,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"MNE",
-            "name":"MONTENEGRO",
-            "since":2002,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"MAR",
-            "name":"MOROCCO / WESTERN SAHARA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST IN PRACTICE"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"MOZ",
-            "name":"MOZAMBIQUE",
-            "since":1990,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"MMR",
-            "name":"MYANMAR",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":4,
-            "death-penalties":"37+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"NAM",
-            "name":"NAMIBIA",
-            "since":1990,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"NRU",
-            "name":"NAURU",
-            "since":2016,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"NPL",
-            "name":"NEPAL",
-            "since":1997,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"NLD",
-            "name":"NETHERLANDS",
-            "since":1982,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"NZL",
-            "name":"NEW ZEALAND",
-            "since":1989,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"NIC",
-            "name":"NICARAGUA",
-            "since":1979,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"NER",
-            "name":"NIGER",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":"4+",
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST IN PRACTICE"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"NGA",
-            "name":"NIGERIA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":"77+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"NIU",
-            "name":"NIUE",
-            "since":1974,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"PRK",
-            "name":"NORTH KOREA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":"+",
-            "death-penalties":"+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST",
-            "note":{
-               "en":"+ means Amnesty International is confident that there was more than one execution or death sentence but we could not establish a figure.",
-               "fr":"Le signe « + » signifie qu’Amnesty International est certaine qu’au moins une exécution ou condamnation à mort a eu lieu, mais qu’elle n’a pas pu parvenir à une estimation plus précise.",
-               "es":"El signo + significa que Amnistía Internacional tiene la certeza de que se llevó a cabo más de una ejecución o condena a muerte, pero no pudo determinar la cifra.",
-               "ar":"علامة + تعني أن منظمة العفو الدولية تأكدت أن أكثر أكثر من عملية إعدام واحدة قد نُفذت ولكنها لم تتمكن من تحديد العدد.",
-               "zh_Hans":" +号表示国际特赦组织相信超过一人被处决,但无法确立确切数字。",
-               "zh_Hant":"=為國際特赦組織相信,該國有多於一宗處決,但我們不能獲得確實數字",
-               "zh_TW":"+號表示國際特赦組織確信處決數超過1,但無法確認確切數字。",
-               "pt":"O símbolo + significa que a Amnistia Internacional tem a certeza que existiu mais do que uma execução, mas não conseguiu determinar números mais precisos."
-            }
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"NOR",
-            "name":"NORWAY",
-            "since":1979,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"OMN",
-            "name":"OMAN",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"PAK",
-            "name":"PAKISTAN",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":"127+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"PLW",
-            "name":"PALAU",
-            "since":1994,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"PSE",
-            "name":"STATE OF PALESTINE",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":5,
-            "death-penalties":28,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST",
-            "note":{
-               "en":"Death sentences by Hamas authorities in Gaza",
-               "fr":"Condamnations à mort prononcées par les autorités du Hamas à Gaza",
-               "es":"Condenas a muerte por las autoridades de Hamás en Gaza",
-               "ar":"أحكام الإعدام الصادرة عن سلطات حماس في غزة",
-               "zh_Hans":"",
-               "zh_Hant":"",
-               "zh_TW":"",
-               "pt":""
-            }
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"PAN",
-            "name":"PANAMA",
-            "since":1922,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"PNG",
-            "name":"PAPUA NEW GUINEA",
-            "since":2022,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"PRY",
-            "name":"PARAGUAY",
-            "since":1992,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"PER",
-            "name":"PERU",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"PHL",
-            "name":"PHILIPPINES",
-            "since":2006,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"POL",
-            "name":"POLAND",
-            "since":1997,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"PRT",
-            "name":"PORTUGAL",
-            "since":1976,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"PRI",
-            "name":"PUERTO RICO / USA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST",
-            "note":{
-               "en":"Death penalty abolished in the Constitution but remains applicable under US federal law.",
-               "es":"La pena de muerte está abolida en la Constitución, pero se sigue aplicando en virtud de la legislación federal estadounidense.",
-               "fr":"La peine de mort est abolie dans la Constitution mais elle reste applicable au titre de la législation fédérale américaine.",
-               "ar":"ألغيت عقوبة الإعدام في الدستور لكنها لا تزال مطبقة بموجب القانون الفيدرالي الأمريكي",
-               "zh_Hans":"宪法内废除了死刑,但在美国联邦法之下仍然使用",
-               "zh_Hant":"死刑為美國聯邦法律所許可",
-               "zh_TW":"美國聯邦法律之下適用死刑。",
-               "pt":"A pena de morte é aplicada em virtude da legislação federal dos EUA."
-            }
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"QAT",
-            "name":"QATAR",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":"+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"ROU",
-            "name":"ROMANIA",
-            "since":1989,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"RUS",
-            "name":"RUSSIAN FEDERATION",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST IN PRACTICE"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"RWA",
-            "name":"RWANDA",
-            "since":2007,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"KNA",
-            "name":"SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"LCA",
-            "name":"SAINT LUCIA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"VCT",
-            "name":"SAINT VINCENT AND GRENADINES",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"WSM",
-            "name":"SAMOA",
-            "since":2004,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"SMR",
-            "name":"SAN MARINO",
-            "since":1865,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"STP",
-            "name":"SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE",
-            "since":1990,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"SAU",
-            "name":"SAUDI ARABIA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":196,
-            "death-penalties":"12+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"SEN",
-            "name":"SENEGAL",
-            "since":2004,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"SRB",
-            "name":"SERBIA",
-            "since":"2002",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"SYC",
-            "name":"SEYCHELLES",
-            "since":1993,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"SLE",
-            "name":"SIERRA LEONE",
-            "since":2022,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"SGP",
-            "name":"SINGAPORE",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":11,
-            "death-penalties":5,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"SVK",
-            "name":"SLOVAKIA",
-            "since":1990,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"SVN",
-            "name":"SLOVENIA",
-            "since":1989,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"SLB",
-            "name":"SOLOMON ISLANDS",
-            "since":"NA",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"SOM",
-            "name":"SOMALIA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":"6+",
-            "death-penalties":"10+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"ZAF",
-            "name":"SOUTH AFRICA",
-            "since":1997,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"KOR",
-            "name":"SOUTH KOREA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":1,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST IN PRACTICE"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"SSD",
-            "name":"SOUTH SUDAN",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":"5+",
-            "death-penalties":"4+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"ESP",
-            "name":"SPAIN",
-            "since":1995,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"LKA",
-            "name":"SRI LANKA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":"8+",
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST IN PRACTICE"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"SDN",
-            "name":"SUDAN",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":"1+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"SUR",
-            "name":"SURINAME",
-            "since":2015,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"SWZ",
-            "name":"SWAZILAND",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST IN PRACTICE"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"SWE",
-            "name":"SWEDEN",
-            "since":1972,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"CHE",
-            "name":"SWITZERLAND",
-            "since":1992,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"SYR",
-            "name":"SYRIA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":"+",
-            "death-penalties":"+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST",
-            "note":{
-               "en":"+ means Amnesty International is confident that there was more than one death sentence but we could not establish a figure.",
-               "es":"El signo + significa que Amnistía Internacional tiene la certeza de que se llevó a cabo más de una condena a muerte, pero no pudo determinar la cifra.",
-               "fr":"Le signe « + » signifie qu’Amnesty International est certaine qu’au moins une condamnation à mort a eu lieu, mais qu’elle n’a pas pu parvenir à une estimation plus précise.",
-               "ar":"إشارة + تعني أن منظمة العفو الدولية متأكدة من  تنفيذ أكثر من حالة اعدام واحدة ولكن لم تتمكن من تحديد عددها",
-               "zh_Hans":"+号表示国际特赦组织相信超过一人被处决,但无法确立确切数字。",
-               "zh_Hant":"=為國際特赦組織相信,該國有多於一宗處決,但我們不能獲得確實數字",
-               "zh_TW":"+號表示國際特赦組織確信處決數超過1,但無法確認確切數字。",
-               "pt":"O símbolo + significa que a Amnistia Internacional tem a certeza que existiu mais do que uma execução, mas não conseguiu determinar números mais precisos."
-            }
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"TWN",
-            "name":"TAIWAN",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":3,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"TJK",
-            "name":"TAJIKISTAN",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST IN PRACTICE"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"TZA",
-            "name":"TANZANIA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":11,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST IN PRACTICE"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"THA",
-            "name":"THAILAND",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":104,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"TLS",
-            "name":"TIMOR-LESTE",
-            "since":1999,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"TGO",
-            "name":"TOGO",
-            "since":2009,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"TON",
-            "name":"TONGA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST IN PRACTICE"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"TTO",
-            "name":"TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":"5+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"TUN",
-            "name":"TUNISIA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":"26+",
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST IN PRACTICE"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"TUR",
-            "name":"TURKEY",
-            "since":2004,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"TKM",
-            "name":"TURKMENISTAN",
-            "since":1999,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"TUV",
-            "name":"TUVALU",
-            "since":"NA",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"UGA",
-            "name":"UGANDA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"UKR",
-            "name":"UKRAINE",
-            "since":1999,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"ARE",
-            "name":"UNITED ARAB EMIRATES",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":"2+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"GBR",
-            "name":"UNITED KINGDOM",
-            "since":1998,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"USA",
-            "name":"UNITED STATES OF AMERICA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":18,
-            "death-penalties":21,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"URY",
-            "name":"URUGUAY",
-            "since":1907,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"UZB",
-            "name":"UZBEKISTAN",
-            "since":2008,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"VUT",
-            "name":"VANUATU",
-            "since":"NA",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"VEN",
-            "name":"VENEZUELA",
-            "since":1863,
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"ABOLITIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"VNM",
-            "name":"VIET NAM",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":"+",
-            "death-penalties":"102+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST",
-            "note":{
-               "en":"+ means Amnesty International is confident that there was more than one execution but we could not establish a figure.",
-               "fr":"Le signe « + » signifie qu’Amnesty International est certaine qu’au moins une exécution a eu lieu, mais qu’elle n’a pas pu parvenir à une estimation plus précise",
-               "es":"El signo + significa que Amnistía Internacional tiene la certeza de que se llevó a cabo más de una ejecución, pero no pudo determinar la cifra.",
-               "ar":"إشارة + تعني أن منظمة العفو الدولية متأكدة من  تنفيذ أكثر من حالة اعدام واحدة ولكن لم تتمكن من تحديد عددها ",
-               "zh_Hans":" +号表示国际特赦组织相信超过一人被处决,但无法确立确切数字。",
-               "zh_Hant":"=為國際特赦組織相信,該國有多於一宗處決,但我們不能獲得確實數字",
-               "zh_TW":"+號表示國際特赦組織確信處決數超過1,但無法確認確切數字。",
-               "pt":"O símbolo + significa que a Amnistia Internacional tem a certeza que existiu mais do que uma execução, mas não conseguiu determinar números mais precisos."
-            }
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"YEM",
-            "name":"YEMEN",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":"4+",
-            "death-penalties":"78+",
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"ZMB",
-            "name":"ZAMBIA",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":"2+",
-         },
-         {
-            "id":"ZWE",
-            "name":"ZIMBABWE",
-            "since":"",
-            "executions":0,
-            "death-penalties":0,
-            "status":"RETENTIONIST"
-         }