My dotvim mostly for RoR and JS programing. This work is based on astrails/dotvim.
Follow these instructions to install dotvim.
cd ~
git clone
ln -s dotvim .vim
ln -s .vim/vimrc .vimrc
cd ~/.vim
make install
You can put your customized configuration in ~/.vimrc.before and ~/.vimrc.after. ~/.vimrc.before will run before plugins loaded so fill it with confiiguration you want to be set when plugins are loaded. Use ~/.vimrc.after for configurations you want to be set after plugin is loaded. Same applies to ~/.gvimrc.before and ~/.gvimrc.after when running in GUI mode.
- vim (complied with +ruby +lua)
- make and gcc (build-essentials package in Ubuntu)
- ruby
- fonts for air-line (Please visit [])
- for Syntastic
- rubocop
- ruby-lint
- jshint
NOTE: You need to put .tern-project in your project home for Tern.js JavaScript code Completion.
- taglist.vim and ctags
- Code Completion - Almost Done
- Syntax checking
- backup and tmp dir