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File metadata and controls

593 lines (462 loc) · 42.6 KB

Build Status CircleCI

Design Goals

  • library for building stateful, scalable Data APIs on top of streaming foundation
  • can be attached to stream-processing pipelines based around kafka and participate either as a producer/source or consumer/materializer of state
  • fault-tolerance build on top of a distributed-log
  • horizontally scalable and fully asynchronous
  • zero-downtime possible


Cluster Architecture

  • Akka as the principal api and internal communication protocol
  • Zookeeper for distributed coordination and elasticity
  • Kafka as a fault-tolerant storage and integration backbone
  • Akka Http as the main interface with websocket layer
  • RocksDb, MemDb, SimpleMap for state store implementations
  • Avro with central schema registry for all serialization

Basic principles

Affinity is a stream-processor which can be seen as a "micro" world where kafka ecosystem is the "macro". It is designed with linear scalability, fault-tolerance, zero-downtime, consistency and elasticity.

Publish/Subscribe model is extended to record-level granularity with avro univerese reaching from the underlying kafka storage and spark shell that can present kafka topics as RDD of case classes all the way to the javascript implementation that is capable of taking schemas from the central schema registry. With built-in web-socket support on top of Akka Http a large-scale, efficient and fault tolerant APIs serving billions of devices can implemented. This way, for example web-socket clients, which are supported as first-class, can publish and subscribe events to/from an individual key realm within any number of keyspaces using super-efficient delta messages serialized with binary avro encoder.

Internally, as well as externally Affinity is a fully event-driven system. On the outside it offers two interfaces: Stream and Http which are the entry to the system:

  • Stream Interface can be used to simply ingest/process external stream
  • Http Interface can be used to define HTTP methods to access the data inside

Both of the interfaces communicate with the internal system only through akka messages which can be simple ! Tell flows, ? Ask flows or ?? Ack flows - these a strongly typed versions of Ask with retries, provided by the core module all the way to complex internal event chains which may result in zero or more events being fired back to the external systems.

Underneath the Http and Stream Gateway layer there is a common Akka Gateway that represents all of the Keyspaces as simple actors each managing a set of partitions - same Keyspace can be referenced by any number of nodes with a full consistency guaranteed.

Applications typically extend the common Gateway to create traits of functionality around a keyspace and then mixes them into a higher order traits where orchestrated behaviours can be implemented. The final composite logic is attached to either a StreamGateway, HttpGateway or both.

Actors that represent Keyspaces can be referenced in any of the Gateway traits and take care of the routing of the messages which is designed to mimic the default partitioning scheme of apache kafka - this is not necessary for correct functioning of the system as the partitioning scheme is completely embedded within the Affinity universe but it helps to know that an external kafka producer can be used with its default partitioner to create a topic which will be completely compatible with affinity's view of the data - this helps with migrations and other miscellaneous ops.

Keyspace Actor routes all request to Partition Actors which implement the logic over the data partition - each Keyspace is therefore a dynamic Akka Router which maintains a copy of the active Partition Actors using internal instance of Coordinator (see distributed coordination section below).

The algorithm used for partition assignment is a heuristic that attempts to keep in-sync state partitions assigned while preferring new assignments where there is a partially synced state and lastly it considers node utilisation - this logic applies to both leaders and replicas.

Gateways tend to be the orchestration layer while Keyspaces and their Partitions are usually restricted to their scope, however any Actor within the system can hold a reference to any defined Keyspace so for example an individual Partition of one Keyspace may target another Keyspace as a whole - this allows for full event chains rather then

There ws an experimintal piece of code around lightweight transactions that can be wrapped around orchestrated logic which use reversible Instructions to compensate failed operations but this was abandoned as for it to operate consistently distributed locks would have to be used.

Akka Patterns

Standard Akka Patterns

  • ! Tell is a basic Akka fire-and-forget messaging pattern:

  • ? Ask is a standard Akka pattern with timeout that can be imported from akka.patterns.ask

After importing io.amient.affinity.core.ack there are several additional pattens available:

  • ?? Typed Ask is similar to Ask but only messages of type Reply[T] can be sent and the response will be of type T

    • if the message is of type Scatter[T] and target actor is a group all actors in the group will receive and reply T which will be combined by a combinator function
  • ?! Typed Ask with Retry is same as ?? Ack but certain errors are retried up to 3 times using the timeout implicit as a delay between retries

  • message(sender) ! T if message is of type Reply[T], i.e. typed ask, this pattern can be used to respond

  • message(sender) ! Future[T] same as above but here it is combined with pipeTo pattern so the future result reaches the sender when completed

Http Layer

In the Http Gateway, the HTTP Interface is completely async done with Akka Http. HTTP Handlers participate in handling the incoming HTTP Requests by chaining the actor handle: Receive method of the GatewayHttp trait.

Handlers translate requests into Akka Messages which may be routed to a partition or handled directly in the gateway or by orchestrating an internal event flow that must conclude eventuall in fulfilling the response promise.

WebSockets can be attached to Key-Value entities which then receive automatically all changes to that entity and the concept can be also extended to push notification via external delivery system like Google FCM or Apple APN.


Serialization is very important in any distributed data processing system. Affinity builds around Avro and extends the idea of seamless serialization and deserialization at all levels of the entire stack - kafka streams, state stores, akka communication and even spark rdds that are mapped directly on top of the underlying streams use the same serialization mechanism. This mechanism is almost completely transparent and allows the application to work with pure scala case classes rather then generic or generated avro classes. The schemas and the binary formats produced are however fully compatible with generic avro records and the data serialized by affinity can be read by any standard avro client library. When the binary output is written to kafka topics, affinity serializers can register these schemas in a central registry, including the standard kafka avro schema registry made by Confluent with matching binary format so that the deserializer that ships with schema registry can be used to read the data. Therefore the serialization abstraction is fairly complicated and central piece. At its heart is an AvroRecord class which can infer schemas about case classes and convert between binary, json, avro and case class instances. At the moment this is done at runtime by reflection but this will be replaced by a macro based compile-time version while preserving the higher layers that take care of reusability across all system components from akka to kafka, rocksdb and spark, etc. Since the schema inference and is done by reflection during runtime a series of caches is used to give performance character comparable to serializing and deserializing generic avro records but the need for these should disappear with a macro-based approach.

See Avro Module for more details and examples

Distributed coordination


Akka Cluster that comes with Akka is not used, instead a custom cluster management is implemented using a coordinator that allows for dynamic participation by multiple actor systems.

Keyspace has a precisely defined number of partitions but each partition can be served by multiple instances, typically on different nodes. Each Keyspace Actor holds references to all Partition master actors. These references are updated dynamically by the Coordinator object which listens on ZooKeeper namespace where partitions are registered by their Containers.

If multiple Partitions Actors register for the same physical partition, the Coordinator uses distributed logic to choose one of them as master and the others become standby.

If any of the partitions hasn't been registered in the Coordinator the Keyspace goes into a suspended mode which in turn suspends all Gateways that hold reference to it until all partitions are online and registered. When all Keyspaces have all partitions registered as online, all Gateways are Resumed. Suspension and Resumption events affect the input traffic of the Gateway

  • input streams are paused and resumed and http traffic is, depending on configuration, either put on hold for certain time or returns 503 Service Unavialable.

On becoming a Master, the Partition Actor stops consuming (tailing) the the underlying topic, because the master receives all the writes, its in-memory state is consistent and it only publishes to the kafka for future bootstrap and keeping other standby(s) for the partitions up to date.

On becoming a Standby, the Partition Actor resumes consuming the underlying topic and stops receiving until it again becomes a master. Standby is not a read replica at the moment but it could be an option however the applications implemented with the current master-exclusivity tend to be quite simple and still scale well horizontally by the means of partitioning - read-replicas would break the possibility of total consistency when required.


When a partition master is taken down or fails, one of the standby replicas is selected as a new master. There is a gap between the master failing and the standby replica taking over which should be very short if the standby was up to date but may be a few seconds in any case. This means all the actor references in the routing tables of Keyspace actors will change but some of the messages to the original actors may already be in flight and will thus not be delivered. Depending on type of messaging pattern used, the behaviour will be as follows:

keyspace ! message

The above is a tell pattern which is essentially fire and forget. In this situation the message that was routed to the failed master will simply get lost and won't be retried and the sender will not know about the loss.

implicit val timeout = Timeout(1 second)
keyspace ? message 

The above is an ask pattern. If the message is routed to the failed master before the standby replica takes over, the delivery will fail and the sender will get a timeout after 1 second. Redelivery will not be attempted.

implicit val timeout = Timeout(1 second)
keyspace ?! message

The above is an ack pattern which also entails retries in case of timeout. 2 retries are attempted by default. With this pattern the fail-over will be completely transparent if the standby replica takes over within 3 attempts, i.e. 3 seconds, otherwise the sender will get a timeout on the future as in the case of ask pattern.

State Management


All data is stored 1) in the persistent storage in the form of change log, e.g. Kafka compacted topic and 2) in a memstore implementation, e.g. RocksDb. Each physical partition has one exclusive owner - master - for both reads and writes which is then tailed by all standby replicas. A single Storage Partition can have multiple active Affinity Partitions, one of which is always a master and the remainder are standby(s).

Each Affinity Partition, whether master or standby, maintains a checkpoint for a concrete storage layer which says how far is the memstore up to date with the storage log. Upon startup or when a partition becomes a master, the memstore is bootstrapped from the last recorded checkpoint up to the end of the log available in the storage layer. The checkpoints are periodically stored on a local disk giving the system at-least-once guarantee in terms of durability - in terms of end-to-end processing it is also possible to maintain at-least-once guarantee by using the futures returned by write operations.

As mentioned elsewhere, Keyspace (Actor) manages a set of Partitions (also Actors) and each Partition can hold multilple state stores whose partitioning scheme will be aligned with that of the entire overarching Keyspace, however each state can define specific details about how to store the data, what type of memstore to use, what TTL to observe and more.

Each State within a Partition of a Keyspace has a first-class TTL support on a per-key basis and also offers subscribtion at the key level - this is for example used by the WebSocket support described below.

For kafka 0.11 and higher there is an AdminClient that is used to automatically create and re-configure the underlying topics, including the compaction, replication, retention and other aspects derived from the overarching Keyspace properties and individual State properties.

Master takes all reads and writes and records each write in the storage change log while reads come directly from the in-memory data set. After storage has accepted the write, master updates its own in-memory state - this way the level of data loss acceptance can be controlled by simply configuring the appropriate ack level in the underlying storage.

Standby(s) tail the changelog continuously and keep their in-memory state up-to-date. In in the event of master failure, one of the standby(s) is picked to be the new master. This way zero-downtime is possible for both failures as well as upgrades.

As described above, the system currently doesn't have any dynamic partition assignment as the assignment algorithm must not be naive and the system should tend to stay in the assignment if the cost of moving the partition is too high, until a certain thershold of imbalance is reached. The state partitions can already be rebuilt from the changelog whenever they move host while each host maintains last known checkpoint for all partitions it has hosted previously. For the partitions that are currently assigned to a host bootstrap is practically instantaneous while for partitions that have been hosted before but have been later reassigned the bootsrap may be partial. While still some partitions may need to be bootstrapped completely in case of completely new assignment or checkpoint corruption.

Notes on consistency

The State described above applies to Keyspaces - these are represented by a Keyspace actor that routes all messages to all of its Partition actors. Since actors are single-threaded and there is only one master actor per partition the integrity of reads and writes is guaranteed.

Since master takes all reads and writes, the system is always fully consistent but relies solely on partitioning for scaling out. The replicas server only as hot standbys providing high availability.

In cases where eventual read consistency is sufficient, standby(s) could also be used as read replicas but this is currently not implemented.

Sometimes it is necessary to use global state rather than partitioned Keyspace. In this case all actors that hold a reference to a global state see the same data. It is a useful concept, similar to broadcast variables in batch processors and global tables in Kafka Streams. Global stores use single master for writes but all reads are local. That means that reads are not fully linearized but eventually consistent.


Affinity uses HOCON configuration which has a default under core/affinity.conf. This file mostly contains akka defaults and is separate from Akka's reference.conf to avoid collisions. Applications typically have their own configuration layered on top of the default affinity.conf and these may themselves be multilayered - e.g. there is one conf file that describes the application without deployment details and then there are thin deployment-specific conf files for various environments.

Internally Affinity has its own type-safe configuration abstraction that is initialized from the HOCON conf files. These type-safe configuration descriptors handle validation, enforcement of requirements and messaging around invalid settings.


Affinity uses SLF4j and it also redirects all Akka logging to SLF4J. It doesn't provide any binding for compile configuration, that is left to applications. In all examples and for all tests, logback binding is used.

HOCON Configuration Files Structure [STRING] (!)                                                       Identifier which defines the whole system and the namespace of the Coordinators - all nodes in the same system must have the same


    affinity.avro.schema.registry.class [FQN] (!)                                           one of HttpSchemaRegistry, LocalSchemaRegistry or MemorySchemaRegistry from the io.amient.affinity.avro package

Avro (io.amient.affinity.avro.HttpSchemaRegistry)

    affinity.avro.schema.registry.keystore [STRING] (-)                                     optional <key-store-file>:<key-store-password>
    affinity.avro.schema.registry.truststore [STRING] (-)                                   optional <trust-store-file>:<trust-store-password>
    affinity.avro.schema.registry.url [URL] (http://localhost:8081)                         Http Schema Registry connection base URL

Avro (io.amient.affinity.avro.LocalSchemaRegistry)

    affinity.avro.schema.registry.path [FILE-PATH] (!)                                      local file path under which schemas will be stored

Avro (io.amient.affinity.avro.MemorySchemaRegistry) [INT] (-)                                              multiple instances with the same id will share the schemas registered by any of them


    affinity.coordinator.class [FQN] (io.amient.affinity.core.cluster.CoordinatorZk)        implementation of coordinator must extend cluster.Coordinator

Coordinator (io.amient.affinity.core.cluster.CoordinatorZk)

    affinity.coordinator.zookeeper.connect [STRING] (!)                                     Coma-separated list of host:port zookeeper servers [INT] (6000)                          Time-out for establishing connection to zookeeper cluster [INT] (10000)                         Time-out after which any ephemeral nodes will be removed for a lost connection
    affinity.coordinator.zookeeper.root [STRING] (/affinity)                                znode under which coordination data between affinity nodes will be registered

Global State [<ID>] (-)                                                              each global state has an ID and needs to be further configured<ID>.external [TRUE|FALSE] (false)                                      If the state is attached to a data stream which is populated and partitioned by an external process - external state becomes readonly. Number of partitions will be also detected from the underlying storage log.<ID> [LONG] (10000)                                     How long a lock can be held by a single thread before throwing a TimeoutException<ID>.memstore.class [FQN] (!)                                           Implementation of storage.MemStore that will be used for lookups<ID> [FILE-PATH] (-)                                  Local path where data of this MemStore will be kept - this setting will be derived from the if not set<ID>.memstore.key.prefix.size [INT] (-)                                 Number of head bytes, used for optimized range lookups - this setting will be automatically generated for AvroRecord classes which declare Fixed fields<ID> [LONG] (0)                                        Any records with timestamp lower than this value will be immediately dropped<ID>.partitions [INT] (-)                                               Number of partitions (this setting cannot be applied to state stores defined within a Keyspace)<ID>.storage.class [FQN] (-)                                            Implementation of storage.LogStorage which will be used for persistence<ID> [LONG] (5000)                           Frequency at which consumed records will be committed to the log storage backend<ID> [LONG] (30000)                           Number of milliseconds after which a commit is considered failed<ID> [LONG] (0)                                Any records with timestamp lower than this value will be immediately dropped - if not set, this settings will be derived from the owning state, if any.<ID>.storage.sync [TRUE|FALSE] (false)                                  Whether to wait on startup until the known end offsets are reached<ID>.ttl.sec [INT] (-1)                                                 Per-record expiration which will based off event-time if the data class implements EventTime trait<ID> [LONG] (10000)                                    How long can any of the write operation on a global store take before throwing a TimeoutException

Global State Storage(io.amient.affinity.kafka.KafkaLogStorage)<ID>.storage.kafka.bootstrap.servers [STRING] (!)                       kafka connection string used for consumer and/or producer<ID>.storage.kafka.compact [TRUE|FALSE] (false)                         whether the topic compaction should be enforced<ID>.storage.kafka.consumer                                             any settings that the underlying version of kafka consumer client supports<ID> [STRING] (-)                       kafka consumer will be used if it backs an input stream, state stores manage partitions internally<ID>.storage.kafka.partitions [INT] (-)                                 requird number of partitions<ID>.storage.kafka.producer                                             any settings that the underlying version of kafka producer client supports<ID>.storage.kafka.replication.factor [INT] (1)                         replication factor of the kafka topic<ID>.storage.kafka.sasl                                                 kafka connection sasl settings when protocol includes SASL<ID> [STRING] (PLAINTEXT)               kafka connection security protocol, e.g. SASL_SSL, SSL, PLAINTEXT..<ID>.storage.kafka.ssl                                                  kafka connection ssl settings when protocol includes SSL<ID>.storage.kafka.topic [STRING] (!)                                   kafka topic name

Global State Memstore(<ID>.allow.concurrent.writes [TRUE|FALSE] (false)                       allow concurrent writes to a memtable<ID>.allow.mmap.reads [TRUE|FALSE] (false)                              on 64-bit systems memory mapped files can be enabled<ID>.block.size [LONG] (4096)                                           rocks db basic block size<ID>.cache.size.bytes [LONG] (8388608)                                  LRU cache size, if set to 0, cache will be completely turned off<ID>.max.write.buffers [INT] (-)                                        sets the maximum number of memtables, both active and immutable<ID> [INT] (-)                               the minimum number of memtables to be merged before flushing to storage<ID>.optimize.filters.for.hits [TRUE|FALSE] (true)                      saves memory on bloom filters at the cost of higher i/o when the key is not found<ID>.optimize.for.point.lookup [TRUE|FALSE] (true)                      keep this on if you don't need to keep the data sorted and only use Put() and Get()<ID>.write.buffer.size [LONG] (-)                                       sets the size of a single memtable


    affinity.keyspace [<ID>] (-)                                                            
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.class [FQN] (!)                                                  Implementation of of whose instances is the Keyspace composed
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.partitions [INT] (!)                                             Total number of partitions in the Keyspace
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.replication.factor [INT] (1)                                     Desired number of online replicas for this keypsace
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state [<ID>] (-)                                                 Keyspace may have any number of States, each identified by its ID - each state within a Keyspace is co-partitioned identically
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID>.external [TRUE|FALSE] (false)                         If the state is attached to a data stream which is populated and partitioned by an external process - external state becomes readonly. Number of partitions will be also detected from the underlying storage log.
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID> [LONG] (10000)                        How long a lock can be held by a single thread before throwing a TimeoutException
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID>.memstore.class [FQN] (!)                              Implementation of storage.MemStore that will be used for lookups
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID> [FILE-PATH] (-)                     Local path where data of this MemStore will be kept - this setting will be derived from the if not set
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID>.memstore.key.prefix.size [INT] (-)                    Number of head bytes, used for optimized range lookups - this setting will be automatically generated for AvroRecord classes which declare Fixed fields
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID> [LONG] (0)                           Any records with timestamp lower than this value will be immediately dropped
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID>.partitions [INT] (-)                                  Number of partitions (this setting cannot be applied to state stores defined within a Keyspace)
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID>.storage.class [FQN] (-)                               Implementation of storage.LogStorage which will be used for persistence
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID> [LONG] (5000)              Frequency at which consumed records will be committed to the log storage backend
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID> [LONG] (30000)              Number of milliseconds after which a commit is considered failed
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID> [LONG] (0)                   Any records with timestamp lower than this value will be immediately dropped - if not set, this settings will be derived from the owning state, if any.
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID>.storage.sync [TRUE|FALSE] (false)                     Whether to wait on startup until the known end offsets are reached
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID>.ttl.sec [INT] (-1)                                    Per-record expiration which will based off event-time if the data class implements EventTime trait
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID> [LONG] (10000)                       How long can any of the write operation on a global store take before throwing a TimeoutException

Keyspaces Storage(io.amient.affinity.kafka.KafkaLogStorage)

    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID>.storage.kafka.bootstrap.servers [STRING] (!)          kafka connection string used for consumer and/or producer
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID>.storage.kafka.compact [TRUE|FALSE] (false)            whether the topic compaction should be enforced
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID>.storage.kafka.consumer                                any settings that the underlying version of kafka consumer client supports
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID> [STRING] (-)          kafka consumer will be used if it backs an input stream, state stores manage partitions internally
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID>.storage.kafka.partitions [INT] (-)                    requird number of partitions 
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID>.storage.kafka.producer                                any settings that the underlying version of kafka producer client supports
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID>.storage.kafka.replication.factor [INT] (1)            replication factor of the kafka topic
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID>.storage.kafka.sasl                                    kafka connection sasl settings when protocol includes SASL
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID> [STRING] (PLAINTEXT)  kafka connection security protocol, e.g. SASL_SSL, SSL, PLAINTEXT..
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID>.storage.kafka.ssl                                     kafka connection ssl settings when protocol includes SSL
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID>.storage.kafka.topic [STRING] (!)                      kafka topic name

Keyspaces Memstore(

    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID>.allow.concurrent.writes [TRUE|FALSE] (false)          allow concurrent writes to a memtable
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID>.allow.mmap.reads [TRUE|FALSE] (false)                 on 64-bit systems memory mapped files can be enabled
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID>.block.size [LONG] (4096)                              rocks db basic block size
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID>.cache.size.bytes [LONG] (8388608)                     LRU cache size, if set to 0, cache will be completely turned off
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID>.max.write.buffers [INT] (-)                           sets the maximum number of memtables, both active and immutable
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID> [INT] (-)                  the minimum number of memtables to be merged before flushing to storage
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID>.optimize.filters.for.hits [TRUE|FALSE] (true)         saves memory on bloom filters at the cost of higher i/o when the key is not found
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID>.optimize.for.point.lookup [TRUE|FALSE] (true)         keep this on if you don't need to keep the data sorted and only use Put() and Get()
    affinity.keyspace.<ID>.state.<ID>.write.buffer.size [LONG] (-)                          sets the size of a single memtable

Node Context

    affinity.node.container [<ID>] (-)                                                      Array of partitions assigned to this node, <ID> represents the Keyspace, e.g. assigning first four partitions of MyKeySpace: affinity.node.container.MyKeySpace = [0,1,2,3] 
    affinity.node.container.<ID>.[] [INT] (!)                                           [TRUE|FALSE] (false)                                     Determines whether this node auto-balances data its containers; if set tot false the fixed list of container partitions will be used [TRUE|FALSE] (false)                                     If set to true, any unassigned partitions will be deleted from the local storage [FILE-PATH] (-)                                                  Location under which any local state or registers will be kept - this is required if running in a distributed mode or when using persisted kv stores
    affinity.node.gateway.class [FQN] (!)                                                   Entry point class for all external requests, both http and stream inputs
    affinity.node.gateway.listeners                                                         list of listener interface configurations
    affinity.node.gateway.listeners.[].host [STRING] (!)                                    host to which the http interface binds to
    affinity.node.gateway.listeners.[].port [INT] (!)                                       port to which the http interface binds to
    affinity.node.gateway.listeners.[].prefix [STRING] ()                                   http uri prefix for all endpoints on this interface, e.g. '/my-prefix'
    affinity.node.gateway.listeners.[].tls.keystore.file [STRING] (-)                       file which contains the keystore contents, if resource not used
    affinity.node.gateway.listeners.[].tls.keystore.password [STRING] (!)                   password to the keystore file
    affinity.node.gateway.listeners.[].tls.keystore.resource [STRING] (-)                   resource which holds the keystore, if file not used
    affinity.node.gateway.listeners.[].tls.keystore.standard [STRING] (PKCS12)              format of the keystore
    affinity.node.gateway.max.websocket.queue.size [INT] (100)                              number of messages that can be queued for delivery before blocking [<ID>] (-)                                                 External input and output streams to which system is connected, if any<ID>.class [FQN] (-)                                       Implementation of storage.LogStorage which will be used for persistence<ID> [LONG] (5000)                      Frequency at which consumed records will be committed to the log storage backend<ID> [LONG] (30000)                      Number of milliseconds after which a commit is considered failed<ID> [LONG] (0)                           Any records with timestamp lower than this value will be immediately dropped - if not set, this settings will be derived from the owning state, if any.<ID>.sync [TRUE|FALSE] (false)                             Whether to wait on startup until the known end offsets are reached
    affinity.node.gateway.suspended.reject [TRUE|FALSE] (true)                              controls how http requests are treated in suspended state: true - immediately rejected with 503 Service Unavailable; false - enqueued for reprocessing on resumption [LONG] (30000)                                        Maximum time a node can take to shutdown gracefully [LONG] (2147483647)                                    Maximum time a node can take to startup - this number must account for any potential state bootstrap
    affinity.node.suspend.queue.max.size [INT] (1000)                                       Size of the queue when the cluster enters suspended mode

Node Context Stream(io.amient.affinity.kafka.KafkaLogStorage)<ID>.kafka.bootstrap.servers [STRING] (!)                  kafka connection string used for consumer and/or producer<ID>.kafka.compact [TRUE|FALSE] (false)                    whether the topic compaction should be enforced<ID>.kafka.consumer                                        any settings that the underlying version of kafka consumer client supports<ID> [STRING] (-)                  kafka consumer will be used if it backs an input stream, state stores manage partitions internally<ID>.kafka.partitions [INT] (-)                            requird number of partitions<ID>.kafka.producer                                        any settings that the underlying version of kafka producer client supports<ID>.kafka.replication.factor [INT] (1)                    replication factor of the kafka topic<ID>.kafka.sasl                                            kafka connection sasl settings when protocol includes SASL<ID> [STRING] (PLAINTEXT)          kafka connection security protocol, e.g. SASL_SSL, SSL, PLAINTEXT..<ID>.kafka.ssl                                             kafka connection ssl settings when protocol includes SSL<ID>.kafka.topic [STRING] (!)                              kafka topic name

Important Akka Configuration Options [STRING] (-)                                                        Set this to "akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider" when running in a cluster
    akka.http.server.idle-timeout [STRING] (infinite)                                       
    akka.http.server.max-connections [INT] (1000)                                           
    akka.http.server.remote-address-header [STRING] (on)                                    
    akka.http.server.request-timeout [STRING] (30s)                                         
    akka.http.server.server-header [STRING] (-)                                             
    akka.remote.enabled-transports                                                          Set this to ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"] when running in a cluster
    akka.remote.enabled-transports.[] [STRING] (!)                                          
    akka.remote.netty.tcp.hostname [STRING] (-)                                             
    akka.remote.netty.tcp.port [INT] (-)   




The codebase is split into several modules, some of which can and should be used independently of the akka core:

  • api is the internal programming api and utiliities for writing memstore and storage plugins (Java)
  • avro scala case class <--> generic avro conversion with schema registry wrappers (Scala)
  • core is the main scala library with js-avro extension (Scala)
  • examples/.. contain example applications (Scala)
  • kafka/avro-formatter-kafka kafka formatter for console consumer for the avro module (Scala)
  • kafka/avro-serde-kafka kafka produer serializer and consumer deserializer for the avro module (Scala)
  • kafka/storage-kafka module with kafka storage and binary stream implementations
  • kafka/test-util-kafka provides EmbeddedZooKeeper, EmbeddedKafka and EmbeddedCfRegistry for testing
  • rocksdb module with RocksDb implementation of the MemStore (Java)
  • spark uses the underlying stream storage as CompactRDD with all the serde magic
  • ws-client custom web socket with avro support (Java)


Currently the Akka, Akka Http and Akka Streams are held constant while other components can be cross-built: different Kafka, Spark and Scala versions can be created.

Maintained crossbuilds appear as master-<variant> branches and are always up to date with the current master. On a clean working directory you can use zzz script which runs various gradle commands across all master branches.

./zzz test

./zzz install

Current master versions

Scala **2.12.6**
Kafka **2.0.1**
Confluent **5.0.2**
Spark **2.4.0**

The zzz script uses git and gradle to switch between the maintained master branches and different variants of scala, kafka and spark.

Supported Kafka Versions: 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6

JavaScript (affinity.js)

There is affinity_node.js file which contains the source for avro web socket implementation. It is based on a node avsc.js library:

npm install avsc

To generate final affinity.js for borwsers:

npm install -g browserify

When working on this script the browser script affinity.js can be generated then by:

browserify avro/src/main/resources/affinity_node.js -o avro/src/main/resources/affinity.js

When doing a lot of work on the javascript watchify can be used to automatically generate the new affinity.js when the affinity_node.js is modified:

npm install -g watchify
watchify avro/src/main/resources/affinity_node.js -v -o avro/src/main/resources/affinity.js -d