💡 This documentation describes the steps engineers should follow to set up a separate website maintained by Sourcegraph.
For projects like langserver.org or lsif.dev, we prefer to create separate websites from Sourcegraph.com. In these two examples, we provide a list of LSPs or LSIF indexers offered by us or other parties that can be used for Sourcegraph or other static analysis applications. Since the usage isn't strictly tied to Sourcegraph and we are not the sole providers, we publish this information on an independent website.
First step is to request @beyang get a domain and add the site to Sourcegraph's Cloudflare account.
💡 Make sure
redirects tohttps
Once the domain is secured, we need to setup the GitHub page, where the static page will be hosted as: [projectname].github.io
We clone the repository locally, create a branch from master (make sure master is up-to-date!) and add the following files:
[project url]
- index.html
- style-addition.css
When all the content is created, we push
our branch, create a PR and ask for reviews and merge to master.
Examples: Langserver, LSIF
We use terraform to manage our DNS records.
💡 If you don't have terraform installed and install via
brew install terraform
. Ensure that your localterraform
version is the same as theCI
version to avoid file locks.
To update DNS, follow the DNS guide, but push to a non-main
branch and get it reviewed before merging.
💡 Important:
- Make sure to pull the latest version of the infrastructure
before creating your branch.- Check that all of the domain's
A records
are also referenced in the terraform file.
From the infrastructure
repository, with your branch checked out:
$ terraform apply
$ git commit -m 'dns: Updated terraform.tfstate' terraform.tfstate
$ git push origin branch
Get the branch reviewed and merge to main