Version History:
- Revised 2020/131 - Fixed a few places it said green where it meant blue. We will take this into account during grading if it was made green.
- Revised 2020/1/29 - Fixed incomplete color value
- Released 2020/1/14
In this milestone we are:
- Choosing your project for the semester.
- Gathering data to support the creating of initial project requirements
- Performing User and Use analysis for the project
- Stating initial requirements
- Getting a little more HTML practice.
You have a choice between two projects:
- MENU: a stand alone ordering interface for a restaurant, such as those seen locally as places like On Deck Deli, Panera and Jimmy's Pita and Poke.
- GAME: an inventory management interface for a video game, such as those seen in the Borderlands series, Kingdom Hearts series, and many role-playing games.
This choice will carry through all of your project milestones. You will not be able to change projects after this selection.
The artifacts generated should be presented in a single HTML page as described
below. No style information should be in the HTML tags. Do not use HTML tags
like <center>
, <b>
, or <i>
to alter visual appearance. If you use a tag,
it should be appropriate to the content described.
Use the following link to create your github repository for this assignment:
At the time of submissions, your git repository should contain one HTML file
named PM1.html
as well as a CSS file. It should also include any images or
media needed for the report and PM1.html
In the upper right, state which of the two projects you have chosen, with
Project: [KEY]
where [KEY]
Conduct a short interview with two people not in this class regarding their use and interest in the project subject matter (ordering kiosks or games with inventory).
Document the type of interview you chose and what preparation (e.g.,
questions) you developed prior to the interview. These should go under a
subsection header Interview Preparation & Overview
Document each interview by describing the person interviewed and the relevant
answers you received from the interviewee. Each interview report should be
preceeded by a sub-section header Interview #1 - Interview Name
or Interview #2 - Interview Name
. You do not need to include the interviewee's real name.
You can instead go with a short description to differentiate them, for example
Interview #1 - CS Student.
All Interview content should be under the Section Header Interviews
Interview content will be graded based on correctness in describing the type of interview, preparation, appropriateness of questions, and completeness of data gathered: No Answer, Minimally Detailed, Detailed, Thoroughly Detailed.
Conduct two observations of people using the chosen interface for your project. Do not observe people without permission. Do not do anything that will make things difficult for the venue (e.g., restaurant, game club) or get you in trouble. Do not get in the way of paying customers. You may observe an online video rather than in-person. However, do not use marketing or review videos of kiosk systems or games, they should be real people using them in real settings. If a video is used, the link to that video must be included.
Observation data should record the who, what, and where questions discussed in class. They should clearly separate facts from observations. Pay attention to how quickly the user is able to perform the actions and how many mistakes they make. Where do they seem to have difficulty? Describe the interface in question. Use at least one sketched figure or screen shots to help describe what you observe. (You may sketch a figure on paper and take a photo of it.) If you are observing a video, greater detail is expected because the video allows you to pause and replay interactions.
Each observation report should be in a separate sub-section with the title of
the form Observation #? - Description
. Like the interviews, the description
should differentiate the observations. If the observation was done off of a
video, a link to the video should be provided next to a bolded, blue
All Observations content should be under the Section Header Observation
Observation content will be graded on correcteness, appropriateness, and completeness of data gathered: No Answer, Minimally Detailed, Detailed, Thoroughly Detailed.
Develop one abstract user, describing the general population served by the system. Then develop and describe two concrete personas with the main scenario of using the system for ordering a meal.
Right beneath the section heading, declare the abstract user and abstract scenario as shown in the sample.
Each persona should be under its own sub-section header of the form Concrete Persona #? - Description
as shown in the sample.
All Personas & Scenarios content should be under the Section Header Personas & Scenarios
Personas will be graded on appropriateness and thoroughness. The two personas should be substantially different from one another.
Perform hierarchical task analysis for the following task depending on the project you chose:
- MENU: Ordering a meal.
- GAME: Choosing an piece of armor/accessory to equip.
Describe the objects, lists, and flags in the domain of your task analysis. Each list should be titled in bold using the blue described below.
Write all of the tasks and subtasks as a list. In the sample, the task numbers
are specified by hand, not with the ol
functionality. No bullets should be
shown. For each sub-task (including non-leaf sub-tasks), include a plan. The
plans should be below the list for each goal. Each plan should have monospace
text. The title of each node (except the top one) should be a link to its
Actions in the list which are expanded upon as nodes should be a link to that
node in the HTML page. Actions which do not have nodes (e.g., leaf actions)
should be italic. The color should explain why you chose not to decompose the
means it is an atomic user action, limegreen
means it is an
atomic system action.
All Hierarchical Task Analysis content should be under the Section Header
Task Analysis
The content of this will be graded on appropriateness of the actions and decomposition, appropriateness of labeling any action atomic, and thoroughness.
Create two lists, one for functional requirements and one for non-functional requirements. Each list should have at least six items. Order each list by importance--the most important requirements first. In text below the lists, explain the rationale for your ordering.
Both requirements lists should be numbered, with the type of the requirement
bolded at the top. The rationale should be listed below with the word
"Rationale" bolded and in blue. The rationale should cover all the
requirements in the list. Use a sub-section header for both Functional Requirements
and Non-Functional Requirements.
All Requirements content should be under the Section Header Requirements
The content will be graded on the appropriateness of the requirements, the correctness of the categorization of requirements, and the appropriateness and thoroughness of the rationale for the ordering.
Please write your report in the format described below. Include any formatting listed above, auch as the use of monospace in the task analysis.
In your CSS, all rules must follow the indention style:
selector {
property: value;
property: value;
selector {
property: value;
property: value;
Note the selector and its braces appear on separate lines from the properties. Also, there must be a blank line between each rule.
Your CSS file must be no more than 85 lines long.
We will add any browser-specific adjustments, such as -webkit-margin-before: 0;
during grading. It will not count against your 85 lines.
The title should be "FamilyName, PreferredName - PM1" where FamilyName is your family name and PreferredName is what you prefer to be called.
Your report should have static menu on the right that links to each of the five content sections: Interviews, Observations, Personas & Scenarios, Task Analysis, and Requirements. Each link should be preceded by a square containing another in its lower left quadrant.
The page should have a #3F3D42
background and #C5EFF7
Links, headers, image borders, and squares should be #00BFFF
All images should be displayed as figures as follows:
- The image will should appear 450 pixels wide.
- There will be a caption of the form
Fig #: Caption text
. TheFig #:
portion should be bold and#00BFFF
. The rest of the caption should match the rest of the content text. - The image and caption will be contained in a 2 pixel solid
border with 15 pixels between the image/caption and the border. - The entire figure will be centered within the 640 pixels of content.
- Clicking on an image should diplay the full-sized image.
The main text font should be 12 point sans-serif. All paragraphs should be justified. The main content should be 640 pixels wide.
The links in the menu should be
indented 10 pixels. There should be at least 15 pixels of spacing between each
link. They should appear below the statement of which project you chose, which
should be in #00BBFF
There should be a 30 pixel buffer between the menu and the content. There should be at least 35 points of space between each section of the content. Content, starting with Interviews, should start at the top without a large 35 point space.
Section headers should be 20 points and sub-section headers should be 14 point. Both should be bold. There should be 10 points of spacing between each section header and its content. There should be 7 points of spacing betwen each sub-section header and its content. There should be 14 points of spacing between each subsection. There should be 10 points of spacing between each paragraph.
The Task Analysis, Interviews, and any other lists should have 5 pixels of spacing between each item and should be indented 30 pixels for each level of the hierarchy as shown.
Requirements lists should have the default numbered list style.
All links should be the same color as the section headers (both visited and non-visited links) and underlined.
A movie demonstrating the report format is available here: