Implemented enhancements:
- Add verification of specific rows in tables #305
- Add ability to send special keys to element #292
- Add the ability to pass through Saucelabs configuration options #271
- Need to create a findElement() method for Element objects #56
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Fix download directory creation and fetching during chrome setup #301
- Implement visual PDF comparison #300
- Cannot switch back to parent window if child window closes by itself #295
- Table getElementInRowThatContains(int, By) searches table structure incorrectly for element #291
- Log internally created custom steps in results #255
Merged pull requests:
- Adding a mouse hover gherkin command, editing a test to exercise it #307 (pturchinetz)
- add table verification step for getting specific cell data #306 (sampacos)
- Implement pdf compare and fix download manager #302 (sampacos)
- Pre-release 1.0.11-SNAPSHOT on maven central. Updated Changelog and J… #297 (dougnoel)
- add method for switching to parent window #296 (sampacos)
v1.0.10-SNAPSHOT (2022-02-23)
Merged pull requests:
- Pre-release 1.0.10-SNAPSHOT on maven central. Updated Changelog and J… #294 (dougnoel)
- 291 table fixes and 292 add element method for sending special keys #293 (sampacos)
v2.0.0-SNAPSHOT (2022-02-21)
v1.0.9-SNAPSHOT (2022-02-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- Move message creation to exception code #273
- Cleanup Page Object Locations #243
- Refactor PageElement to be Element #202
- PrimeNG has been updated again #175
- Add find(By locator) method to Element objects #125
Closed issues:
- Multiple methods can throw undesirable StaleElementReference exceptions #287
- StaleElementReferenceException getting thrown in sendKeysLoop() #282
- Create iFrame Test Page #263
- Dynamic iFrame Handling #262
- Modify the Page.createElement() method to autodetect the class type so that new Element types can be created without modifying this method #258
- Create MetabolonDropdown #256
- Refactor Exceptions #203
Merged pull requests:
- Revving to version 1.0.9-SNAPSHOT #290 (dougnoel)
- 287 Fix uncaught StaleElementReferenceException and add multiple enhancements #289 (sampacos)
- 282 Fix sendKeysLoop #283 (sampacos)
- Updates logging to show less unnecessary spam. #276 (dougnoel)
- 273 exception messages #274 (dougnoel)
- Added ability to pass any saucelabs option. #272 (dougnoel)
- Fix log4j vulnerability. Updated to 2.16.0 #270 (dougnoel)
- Adding checkboxes #268 (dougnoel)
- 263 create iframe test page #267 (dougnoel)
- Added textbox.html to docs folder to test disabled clicks and enterin… #266 (dougnoel)
- 262 dynamic iframes #265 (dougnoel)
- Adding in iframe tst pages. #264 (dougnoel)
- Adding 2 Metabolon portal dropdowns, with some in-progress table work… #260 (pturchinetz)
- Added imbedded logging steps as an example. #259 (dougnoel)
- Moved all test writing FAQ questions to the sentinel.example project.… #254 (dougnoel)
1.0.7-SNAPSHOT (2021-07-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- Unexpose Selenium #247
- Update timeouts for negative tests #246
- Add unit tests for checkboxes #216
- Create a Selenium Grid Driver #209
- Implement Edge browser driver #206
- Implement Drag and Drop action for PageElements. #201
- Add a total wait time warning. #198
- Implement webdrivermanager #193
- Replace Codebeat with SonarCloud with Github Actions #192
- Increase the speed of PageElement.isDisplayed #186
- Increase the Speed of PageElement.isEnabled #185
- Fix deployment to Maven Central and Update Documentation #178
- Close Driver even when tests error out #158
- Allow multiple element locators #83
- Overload getElement to accept a selector type and selector string #80
- Add Edge as a browser choice for local execution #77
- Monitor Google Web Drivers and automatically release new updates #69
Fixed bugs:
- Errors in CI/CD Pipeline #236
- Default timeout settings doesn't work on elements #220
- Dynamic wait doesn't work on elements #219
- Cucumber Wait step is throwing a Null Pointer Exception #204
Closed issues:
- Review PDFSteps #249
- README is very outdated #221
- Remove all configurations from the test runner #50
Merged pull requests:
- Version 1.0.7 #252 (dougnoel)
- Refactored PageElement to Element. Made toWebElement() private so tha… #250 (dougnoel)
- 243 cleanup page object locations #244 (dougnoel)
- Bump pdfbox from 2.0.16 to 2.0.24 #242 (dependabot[bot])
- Updated version to 1.0.6, updated Javadocs. #241 (dougnoel)
- Bump httpclient from 4.5.10 to 4.5.13 #238 (dependabot[bot])
- Updated jacoco version to latest. #237 (dougnoel)
- 197 add an on hover test step1 #235 (dougnoel)
- Completed # 3049 - When the "elements:" line is missing from the yaml file we should throw a ConfigurationParseException with a message #233 (paglajewel)
- added instructions to navigate from scenario to step def #229 (mdsapon)
- Fixed new window/tab issue and added unit tests #228 (paglajewel)
- Updated, and Javadocs. #226 (dougnoel)
- Added Drag and Drop code to PageElement object. #218 (dougnoel)
- Added Checkbox unit tests and modified language in cucumber steps. #217 (dougnoel)
- 193 implement webdrivermanager #215 (dougnoel)
- Added script to support selenium grid #212 (mdsapon)
- 204 cucumber wait #208 (dougnoel)
- Removing deprecated code. #200 (dougnoel)
- Removed all API functionality to redo it. Fixed PrimeNGDropdown selec… #199 (dougnoel)
- Sonarcloud #194 (dougnoel)
- Create maven.yml #191 (dougnoel)
- Javadoc update #190 (dougnoel)
- Removed deprecated Extent Report config file. #188 (dougnoel)
- 1.0.5 doc update #187 (dougnoel)
1.0.5 (2020-08-06)
Implemented enhancements:
- Move Maximize Window from Page object to Page Manager #157
- Turn waituntil loop into a lambda expression #146
- Deprecate Implicit Waits #145
- Refactor #121
- Deprecate wait_for_load() Cucumber step #97
- Use version 5.x #93
- Add the ability to press keys using a cucumber step #87
- Abilty to use Material-UI Select #84
- Allow a custom path for drivers #82
- Allow choosing to leave browser open on command line/config file #79
- Deprecate "base" in page object yamls and replace with "Default" #72
- Ensure the timeout value is being used for element discovery #71
- Add warn logs when default values are used. #70
- Update all webdrivers #67
- Rename log file to sentinel.log #64
- Clean up Cucumber Steps that require nulls #54
- Combine click scripts #31
- Put Sentinel on Maven Central #30
- Write Unit tests #29
- Auto-detect local operating system #25
- Turn Page Objects into YAML files #23
- Ability to use NGPrime Dropdowns #22
Fixed bugs:
- Saucelabs Driver not working #165
- I wait for x.x seconds is always waiting at least a second #135
- Need to add CLASS enumeration import to Page object #101
- Remove protocol variable from URL navigation #96
- Remove sections from Saucelabs Job Name if values are Null #76
- pageObjectPackages configuration option is spelled incorrectly in error message #75
- Default users cannot be found in page object yml #74
- Table column sort is incorrectly sorting numbers in strings #73
- Optional config value errors are showing up in the console #61
- Sometimes a wait of 0.002 seconds will make the next click go faster #60
Closed issues:
- Create a Changelog #166
- Add stripTrailing() back in #144
- Replace .newInstance() with .getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance() #138
- Refactor getElement() #122
- Cleanup #113
- Reduce Step Definition complexity #110
- cleanup #108
- Ability to use PrimeNG Radio Buttons #103
- Add badges for License and Code Quality #99
- Update documentation for pushing a SNAPSHOT Version #91
- i_am_redirected_to_the_page should validate page load #78
- Document how to: updating sentinel drivers #68
- Get rid of Traprange references in the documentation. #63
Merged pull requests:
- Update to pom.xml to try and get Javadocs working on some versions of… #172 (dougnoel)
- Removed failing test for dropdown text verification for NGPrime. Chan… #171 (dougnoel)
- Update POM version to 1.0.5. #170 (dougnoel)
- 25 auto detect os #168 (dougnoel)
- Auto Generated Changelog. #167 (dougnoel)
- Removed Codacy badge because it wasn't working. #163 (dougnoel)
- Removed orphaned code that was searching the filesystem to no benefit… #162 (dougnoel)
- 23 turn page objects into yaml files #161 (dougnoel)
- Modify pom.xml to use Java 11 oficially. #155 (dougnoel)
- 93 update cucumber #149 (dougnoel)
- 82 custom driver path #148 (dougnoel)
- Added Lambda. #147 (dougnoel)
- 87 press keys #140 (dougnoel)
- Fix linting issues. #137 (dougnoel)
- Fixed #60 where waits were necessary after page loads and some drop d… #136 (dougnoel)
- 72 deprecate base #134 (dougnoel)
- Fixed #72. Supporting both default and base for now. Added unit tests. #132 (dougnoel)
- Renamed StringUtils and updated all the references to it. Fixed a few… #131 (dougnoel)
- 74 default users attempt 2 #130 (dougnoel)
- Added in the ability to leave the browser open using the argument -Dl… #127 (dougnoel)
- Added json output for Cucumber for Jenkins. #126 (dougnoel)
- 121 refactor table #124 (dougnoel)
- Made small naming changes. Holding off on refactoring this. Closing #… #123 (dougnoel)
- 73 table column sort #120 (dougnoel)
- Setup for fixing sort. Need to add more columns to the test table and… #115 (dougnoel)
- 76 nulls in saucelabs jobs #114 (dougnoel)
- Fixed #101. #112 (dougnoel)
- 110 reduce step def complexity #111 (dougnoel)
- Fixed #108 linting errors. #109 (dougnoel)
- 103 prime ng radio button #107 (dougnoel)
- Adding Radio button dummy page for testing. #106 (dougnoel)
- Added Maven central Badge #105 (dougnoel)
- Adding badges. #100 (dougnoel)
- Fixed #54, #96, #97. Minor variable name cleanup. #98 (dougnoel)
- Fixed #75. Corrected the error message. #95 (dougnoel)
- Fixed #60 by adding a 2 millisecond wait before searching for element… #94 (dougnoel)
- Fixed #91. #92 (dougnoel)
- 1.0.4 #86 (dougnoel)
sentinel-1.0.3 (2020-02-28)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow clicking an element in an ngx-datatable #44
- Create config values for name, tags and build for Saucelabs execution #34
- Clean up Exceptions for reading configuration files. #33
- Make Traprange an internal library or remove it #28
- Remove the requirement for a configuration file #27
- Ability to identify a table made from Divs #21
- Need a better error message for a missing page object package list #18
- Need a human readable error for drivers not executable. #17
Fixed bugs:
- Cucumber Extent Reports outputs a bunch of useless info when DEBUG log level is set #38
- Getting an optional config value should not throw an error if the config file doesn't exist. #36
- Downgrade logging level #26
- pom.xml does not include cucumber-junit as compile #15
- Some Cucumber steps are not static methods #14
Closed issues:
- Update Readme to include how to publish the javadocs to github #32
Merged pull requests:
- 30 put sentinel on maven #62 (dougnoel)
- Updating for release. #59 (dougnoel)
- Updating Javadocs in docs folder. #58 (dougnoel)
- Updated Documentation. DRYed up some Table code. #57 (dougnoel)
- Ngx table #53 (dougnoel)
- Ngx table #52 (dougnoel)
- Ngx table #46 (dougnoel)
- Ngx table #43 (dougnoel)
- Updating Table html file for testing. #42 (dougnoel)
- Release 1 0 3 #41 (dougnoel)
- Ngx table #40 (dougnoel)
- Fixed #36 so that missing optional config options no longer log as er… #39 (dougnoel)
- Release 1 0 3 #37 (dougnoel)
- Fixed #18. Also fixed a bug found that was preventing values from bei… #20 (dougnoel)
- Steps are not static #16 (dougnoel)
- Needed to increment the version number. #13 (dougnoel)
- Added maven-assembly-plugin to add jar-with-dependencies to deal with… #12 (dougnoel)
1.0.0 (2020-01-18)
Implemented enhancements:
- Configuration file should allow default values #8
- Add Tunneling capability for Saucelabs #7
- Needing to use minimal waits before a lot of clicks #4
- Renaming packages to comply with Maven standards #3
- Add <dependencyManagement> section and use boms for versioning #1
Merged pull requests:
- Packaging and release #11 (dougnoel)
- Updates to Readme and adding Javadocs for Github reading. #10 (dougnoel)
- Fixes #7 Saucelabs Tunneling and #8 No Default Config file. #9 (dougnoel)
- Fixing issue #4. Fixing minimal waits and config file. Try 2 #6 (dougnoel)
- GH-1: Clean up maven (test fails) #2 (jmax01)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator