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+ATK for Supercollider3 : Read Me
+This is the Supercollider3 version of the Ambisonic Toolkit (ATK).
+It can be used with [Supercollider3](http://supercollider.github.io/) on OSX,
+Linux and Windows, and is distributed via the
+[sc3-plugins](https://github.com/supercollider/sc3-plugins) project.
+The Ambisonic Toolkit (ATK) is intended to bring together a number of
+tools and methods for working with Ambisonic surround sound. The intention
+is for the toolset to be both ergonomic and comprehensive, providing both
+classic and novel algorithms to creatively manipulate and synthesise
+complex Ambisonic soundfields.
+The tools are framed for the user to think in terms of the soundfield
+kernel. By this, it is meant the ATK addresses the holistic problem of
+creatively controlling a complete soundfield, allowing and encouraging
+the composer to think beyond the placement of sounds in a sound-space
+and instead attend to the impression and image of a soundfield. This
+approach takes advantage of the model the Ambisonic technology presents,
+and is viewed to be the idiomatic mode for working with the Ambisonic
+We hope you enjoy the ATK!
+For more information please visit the [Ambisonic Toolkit
+website](http:www.ambisonictoolkit.net/) or send us an
+* ATK for [SuperCollider3](http://supercollider.github.io) requires version 3.5
+or later. Download the latest version
+[here](http://supercollider.github.io/download), or fork the source code at
+Compiled releases are available from the
+releases page.
+Place the downloaded `SC3plugins` folder in your `Extensions` folder. On Mac OS X, this resolves to:
+ ~/Library/Application Support/SuperCollider/Extensions
+You may need to create the `Extensions` folder if it does not already exist.
+On other platforms, you can find where this is by running the following line of code in SuperCollider:
+ (
+ // post the directory in which to move the SC3Plugins folder
+ Platform.userExtensionDir.postln;
+ )
+ (
+ // alternatively, SC can open it for you
+ // (assuming it already exists! - you may need to create /Extensions)
+ Platform.userExtensionDir.openOS;
+ )
+Additionally, the SuperCollider3 version of the ATK has a number of
+dependencies. Please install the following:
+* Install the [MathLib Quark](https://github.com/supercollider-quarks/MathLib)
+most simply by running `Quarks.gui` in the SuperCollider IDE. Further install
+options and information on Quarks can be found in SuperCollider's Help system.
+See [Using Quarks](http://doc.sccode.org/Guides/UsingQuarks.html) and also the
+[supercollider-quarks](https://github.com/supercollider-quarks/quarks) GitHub page.
+* Download and install [ATK Kernels](http://www.ambisonictoolkit.net/download/kernels/).
+* Download and install [ATK Sound File Example Recordings](http://www.ambisonictoolkit.net/download/recordings/).
NOTE: The ATK requires SuperCollider3 version 3.5 or later. Download the latest version here, or fork the source code at GitHub.
+### Source code
+You can build ATK for SuperCollider from the [sc3-plugins](https://github.com/supercollider/sc3-plugins) source-code.
+If you are using Ambisonic Toolkit with Reaper as well,
+the convolution kernels are installed in the same place and have
+the exact same content. We do not expect this to cause any conflicts.
+If you want to take a look at the installed files and do not see the
+Library folder in Finder, please press the ALT button while clicking
+the "Go" menu in Finder. The Library folder will show up as an
+additional option.
+Need Some Sound Files to Play Around With?
+You can find a collection of sound files here. (Download as part of installation):
+* [http://www.ambisonictoolkit.net/download/recordings/](http://www.ambisonictoolkit.net/download/recordings/)
+Additional sound files can be grabbed from these fine sources:
+* [http://ambisonia.com/](http://ambisonia.com/).
+* [http://www.freesound.org/browse/tags/B-format/](http://www.freesound.org/browse/tags/B-format/).
+* [http://www.surround-library.com/](http://www.surround-library.com/) (commercial library ambisonic sound effects).
+* [http://www.spheric-collection.com/](http://www.spheric-collection.com/) (commercial library ambisonic sound effects).
+And most of the catalogue of Nimbus Records are UHJ recordings:
+* [http://www.wyastone.co.uk/](http://www.wyastone.co.uk/).
+Feedback and Bug Reports
+Known issues are logged at [GitHub](https://github.com/ambisonictoolkit/atk-sc3/issues).
+If you experience problems or have questions pertaining to the ATK for Reaper plugins, please create an issue in the [ATK-Reaper issue tracker](https://github.com/ambisonictoolkit/atk-sc3/issues).
+If you use the plugins for some project, please [let us know](mailto:info[at]ambisonictoolkit.net). We [plan on](https://github.com/ambisonictoolkit/ambisonictoolkit.github.io/issues/9) adding a gallery of example artistic and creative projects that make use of the Ambisonic Toolkit.
+List of Changes
+Copyright the ATK Community, Joseph Anderson, and Joshua Parmenter, 2011, 2016.
+* J Anderson : [[e-mail]](mailto:j.anderson[at]ambisonictoolkit.net)
+* J Parmenter : [[e-mail]](mailto:j.parmenter[at]ambisonictoolkit.net)
+The development of the ATK for SuperCollider3 is
+supported by [DXARTS, Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media](https://dxarts.washington.edu/).
+The filter kernels distributed with the Ambisonic Toolkit are licensed
+under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported [(CC BY-SA 3.0)](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) License and
+are copyright the Ambisonic Toolkit Community and Joseph Anderson,
+Third Party Notices
+Diametric Decoder Theorem (DDT) decoding
+Support for Gerzon's Diametric Decoder Theorem (DDT) decoding algorithm
+is derived from Aaron Heller's Octave code available at:
+Benjamin, et al., "Localization in Horizontal-Only Ambisonic Systems"
+Preprint from AES-121, 10/2006, San Francisco
+Implementation in the SuperCollider3 version of the ATK is by [Joseph
+Irregular array decoding
+Irregular array decoding coefficients (5.0) are kindly provided by
+Bruce Wiggins: http://www.brucewiggins.co.uk/
+B. Wiggins, "An Investigation into the Real-time Manipulation and
+Control of Three-dimensional Sound Fields," PhD Thesis, University of
+Derby, Derby, 2004.
+CIPIC HRTF Database (University of California)
+V. R. Algazi, R. O. Duda, D. M. Thompson, and C. Avendano, "The CIPIC
+HRTF Database," in Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE ASSP Workshop on
+Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, NY,
+"The CIPIC HRTF Database - CIPIC International Laboratory." [Online].
+Available: .
+[Accessed: 07-Jul-2011].
+**CIPIC Notices:**
+Copyright (c) 2001 The Regents of the University of California. All
+Rights Reserved
+Further, the Regents of the University of California reserve the right
+to revise this software and/or documentation and to make changes from
+time to time in the content hereof without obligation of the Regents of
+the University of California to notify any person of such revision or
+Use of Materials
+The Regents of the University of California hereby grant users
+permission to reproduce and/or use materials available therein for any
+purpose- educational, research or commercial. However, each reproduction
+of any part of the materials must include the copyright notice, if it is
+present. In addition, as a courtesy, if these materials are used in
+published research, this use should be acknowledged in the publication.
+If these materials are used in the development of commercial products,
+the Regents of the University of California request that written
+acknowledgment of such use be sent to:
+CIPIC- Center for Image Processing and Integrated Computing University
+of California 1 Shields Avenue Davis, CA 95616-8553
+Listen HRTF Database (IRCAM)
+"LISTEN HRTF DATABASE." [Online]. Available:
+. [Accessed:
+**IRCAM Notices:**
+Copyright (c) 2002 IRCAM (Institut de Recherche et Coordination
+Acoustique/Musique). All Rights Reserved
+Use of Materials
+The Listen database is public and available for any use. We would
+however appreciate an acknowledgment of the database somewhere in the
+description of your work (e.g. paper) or in your development.
+Olivier Warusfel, Room Acoustics Team, IRCAM 1, place Igor Stravinsky
+75004 PARIS, France
diff --git a/source/ATK/sc/README b/source/ATK/sc/README
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index a1363d9..0000000
--- a/source/ATK/sc/README
+++ /dev/null
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-This is the Supercollider3 version of the Ambisonic Toolkit (ATK).
- Copyright the ATK Community,
- Joseph Anderson, and Josh Parmenter, 2011
- J Anderson j.anderson[at]ambisonictoolkit.net
- J Parmenter j.parmenter[at]ambisonictoolkit.net
-The Ambisonic Toolkit (ATK) is intended to bring together a number of
-tools and methods for working with Ambisonic surround sound. The intention
-is for the toolset to be both ergonomic and comprehensive, providing both
-classic and novel algorithms to creatively manipulate and synthesise
-complex Ambisonic soundfields.
-The tools are framed for the user to think in terms of the soundfield
-kernel. By this, it is meant the ATK addresses the holistic problem of
-creatively controlling a complete soundfield, allowing and encouraging
-the composer to think beyond the placement of sounds in a sound-space
-and instead attend to the impression and image of a soundfield. This
-approach takes advantage of the model the Ambisonic technology presents,
-and is viewed to be the idiomatic mode for working with the Ambisonic
-We hope you enjoy the ATK!
-For more information visit http:ambisonictoolkit.net/ or
-email info[at]ambisonictoolkit.net
-The filter kernels distributed with the Ambisonic Toolkit are licensed
-under a reative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License and
-are copyright the Ambisonic Toolkit Community and Joseph Anderson, 2011.
- Third Party Notices
-Support for Gerzon's Diametric Decoder Theorem (DDT) decoding algorithm
-is derived from Aaron Heller's Octave code available at:
-Benjamin, et al., "Localization in Horizontal-Only Ambisonic Systems"
-Preprint from AES-121, 10/2006, San Francisco
-Implementation in the SuperCollider3 version of the ATK is by
-Joseph Anderson
-Irregular array decoding coefficients (5.0, 7.0) are kindly provided by
-Bruce Wiggins: http:www.brucewiggins.co.uk/
-B. Wiggins, "An Investigation into the Real-time Manipulation and Control
-of Three-dimensional Sound Fields," PhD Thesis, University of Derby,
-Derby, 2004.
-CIPIC HRTF Database (University of California)
-V. R. Algazi, R. O. Duda, D. M. Thompson, and C. Avendano, "The CIPIC
-HRTF Database," in Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE ASSP Workshop on
-Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, NY,
-"The CIPIC HRTF Database - CIPIC International Laboratory." [Online].
-Available: http://interface.cipic.ucdavis.edu/sound/hrtf.html.
-[Accessed: 07-Jul-2011].
- -------------------------------------------------------
-CIPIC Notices:
-Copyright (c) 2001 The Regents of the University of California.
-All Rights Reserved
-Further, the Regents of the University of California reserve the right
-to revise this software and/or documentation and to make changes from
-time to time in the content hereof without obligation of the Regents of
-the University of California to notify any person of such revision or
-Use of Materials
-The Regents of the University of California hereby grant users permission
-to reproduce and/or use materials available therein for any purpose-
-educational, research or commercial. However, each reproduction of any
-part of the materials must include the copyright notice, if it is present.
-In addition, as a courtesy, if these materials are used in published
-research, this use should be acknowledged in the publication. If these
-materials are used in the development of commercial products, the Regents
-of the University of California request that written acknowledgment of
-such use be sent to:
-CIPIC- Center for Image Processing and Integrated Computing University of
-1 Shields Avenue
-Davis, CA 95616-8553
-Listen HRTF Database (IRCAM)
-Available: http://recherche.ircam.fr/equipes/salles/listen/.
-[Accessed: 07-Jul-2011].
- -------------------------------------------------------
-IRCAM Notices:
-Copyright (c) 2002 IRCAM (Institut de Recherche et Coordination
-Acoustique/Musique). All Rights Reserved
-Use of Materials
-The Listen database is public and available for any use. We would however
-appreciate an acknowledgment of the database somewhere in the description
-of your work (e.g. paper) or in your development.
-Olivier Warusfel,
-Room Acoustics Team, IRCAM
-1, place Igor Stravinsky
-75004 PARIS, France
diff --git a/source/ATK/sc/README_RECORDINGS b/source/ATK/sc/README_RECORDINGS
deleted file mode 100644
index 061e1f8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-This is the Supercollider3 version of the Ambisonic Toolkit (ATK).
- Copyright the ATK Community,
- Joseph Anderson, and Josh Parmenter, 2011
- J Anderson j.anderson[at]ambisonictoolkit.net
- J Parmenter j.parmenter[at]ambisonictoolkit.net
-The Ambisonic Toolkit (ATK) is intended to bring together a number of
-tools and methods for working with Ambisonic surround sound. The intention
-is for the toolset to be both ergonomic and comprehensive, providing both
-classic and novel algorithms to creatively manipulate and synthesise
-complex Ambisonic soundfields.
-The tools are framed for the user to think in terms of the soundfield
-kernel. By this, it is meant the ATK addresses the holistic problem of
-creatively controlling a complete soundfield, allowing and encouraging
-the composer to think beyond the placement of sounds in a sound-space
-and instead attend to the impression and image of a soundfield. This
-approach takes advantage of the model the Ambisonic technology presents,
-and is viewed to be the idiomatic mode for working with the Ambisonic
-We hope you enjoy the ATK!
-For more information visit http:ambisonictoolkit.net/ or
-email info[at]ambisonictoolkit.net
- Third Party Notices
-The SuperCollider3 version of the Ambisonic Toolkit optionally includes
-a number of 30 second extracts from published and unpublished recordings.
-Copyright remains with the cited authors and owners.
-Ambisonic A-format recordings:
-David Cross, "Tenor saxophone improvisations," [unpublished recording]
-Niall Thomas, "Rob Mackay: flute improvisations," [unpublished recording]
-Ambisonic B-format recordings:
-Joseph Anderson, "Nearfield source," [unpublished recording]
-Joseph Anderson, "Pacific Slope," Epiphanie Sequence, Sargasso SCD28056
-D. Courville, "Comparative Surround Recording," Ambisonic Studio |
-Comparative Surround Recording, 2007. [Online]. Available:
-[Accessed: 26-Jul-2011].
-P. Hodges, "Purcell - Passacaglia (King Arthur)," Sound of Space:
-ambisonic surround sound. [Online]. Available:
-http://soundofspace.com/ambisonic_files/52 [Accessed: 03-Nov-2011].
-Tim Howle, "Calling Tunes," 20 Odd Years, FMR FMRCD316-0711
-J. Leonard, "A couple of Chinook helicopters," Sound of Space:
-ambisonic surround sound, 20-Mar-2008. [Online]. Available:
-http://soundofspace.com/ambisonic_files/47. [Accessed: 03-Nov-2011].
-J. Leonard, “Fireworks,” Sound of Space: ambisonic surround sound,
-25-Aug-2009. [Online]. Available:
-http://soundofspace.com/ambisonic_files/37. [Accessed: 03-Nov-2011].
-J. Leonard, "The Orfeo Trio & TetraMic," Sound of Space:
-ambisonic surround sound. [Online]. Available:
-http://soundofspace.com/ambisonic_files/41 [Accessed: 03-Nov-2011].
-Juan Pampin, "On Space," Les Percussions de Strasbourg 50th Anniversary Edition, Classics Jazz France 480 6512
-Multichannel recordings
-Robert Mackay, "Augustine's Message," [unpublished recording]
-Scott Wilson, "Bse," [unpublished recording]
-John Young, "Allting Runt Omkring," [unpublished recording]
-Stereophonic recordings
-Aurora Surgit, "Lux aeterna," Ego sum Resurrectio, NAXOS 8.557672
-Aurora Surgit, "Dies irae," Ego sum Resurrectio, NAXOS 8.557672
-The City Waites, "The Downfall of Dancing," Penny Merriments,
-NAXOS 8.557672
-The City Waites, "An Old Song on the Spanish Armada," Penny Merriments,
-NAXOS 8.557672
-Ambisonic UHJ stereophonic recordings
-Christ Church Cathedral Choir, "Palestrina: O Bone Jesu, exaudi me,"
-Ambisonic Sampler, NI 1417
-The Gulbenkian Orchestra, "Waldteufel: The Skaters' Waltz,"
-Ambisonic Sampler, NI 1417
-C. Lobato, J. del Gastor, & P. del Gastor, "Alegrias,"
-Ambisonic Sampler, NI 1417
-The Wallace Collection, "Gabrieli: Canzon Duodecimi Toni a 10 (No 2),"
-Ambisonic Sampler, NI 1417
-ZoomH2 quadraphonic recordings
-Joseph Anderson, "Pickering Steam Fair: Engine," [unpublished recording]
-Joseph Anderson, "Pickering Steam Fair: Waltz," [unpublished recording]
-Joseph Anderson, "St Peter & St Paul," [unpublished recording]
-Joseph Anderson, "Stape Silver Band: March," [unpublished recording]
-D. Courville, "Comparative Surround Recording," Ambisonic Studio |
-Comparative Surround Recording, 2007. [Online]. Available:
-[Accessed: 26-Jul-2011].