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executable file
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File metadata and controls

executable file
90 lines (56 loc) · 4.05 KB

Parking Lot

An auto generate - car ticketing program. The project is an automated ticketing system that allows customers to use parking lot without human intervention. As cars request to park in the parking lot, a search is made to find the closest slot and allot that slot to the car. The project also lets one know in which slot a car is parked, the overall status of the parking lot, registration number of cars that are of one color.The project is designed specifically to handle such queries with ease.

Getting Started

The following instructions will give detailed list of steps to execute the program on your machine. The given project takes two forms of input and based on the input given by the user, the program is either interactive or reads from a given file. Refer to Running section, to know how to run the project. Refer Project Structure Section to know how the project has been designed


To run the project on your local machine, you need to download the Zip folder or clone the project with the following command.

git clone

The following command will create a folder with following stucture in the directory where you cloned/unzipped the folder







The source code of the project lies in com.parkingLot folder. The file input.txt is used to give input to the program.
You can modify the contents of this file or replace this file to run test cases you wish to test.(Make sure your input file is present in the root directory)
The shell script file parking_lot is the file that will be used to run the project. It contains commands to take input from user, compile, build, test and run the project.


To run the Parking Lot Project,following should be present in the system


Steps to install Maven for Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common

sudo apt-add-repository universe

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install maven

Java OpenSdk

Steps to install

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install default-jre

sudo apt-get install default-jdk

To check the above two are successfully installed, run the following commands

mvn -version

java -version


To run the project. Go inside ParkingLot folder. Command to go inside the folder - cd ParkingLot. After navigating to this folder. Run either of the below command

For file as input parameters

command to run - ./parking_lot

For interactive mode

command to run - ./parking_lot

This command will execute the shell script. It will compile, build, test and run the code.


The parking_lot shell script runs the test by the command mvn test. These tests cover the functionality of the project.
Testng is used to write the test cases.These test cases run on all the functions, asserting the given and expected output.

Project Structure

The given project has mainclass called This file is responsible of taking input from user and then calling the appropriate functions.
Apart from, the is the file where test cases are written.These test cases are run using testng.xml. The project contains a java file named The file acts as a model for Car, with color, slot and registration number as data members.
I kept slot as a data member since each car will be assoicated with a slot number.

The utility class called has all the functions implemented in it. These functions are called by on basis of input passed by the user.
I have made a seperate java file called . This file basically maintains a hashmap with key as color and value as list of car objects.
Though I could have got slot numbers/ registration numbers that belong to a particular color even without a ColorToCardictionary but, the searching time will be very high. So here a seperate class called ColorToCarDictionary which will add and remove and list ids of a particular color.This makes querying easy.