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Amadeus Android (Kotlin) SDK

Build and Deploy Discord

Amadeus has a rich set of APIs for the travel industry. For more details, check out the Amadeus for Developers Portal.

⚠️ Important message ⚠️

❗ This SDK is maintained by the developer community only. The Amadeus for Developers team doesn't support or maintain it. ❗


This library requires Java version 1.8 and Kotlin version 1.3.70 minimum.

You can install the SDK via Maven or Gradle.




implementation 'com.amadeus:amadeus-android:1.3.1'

Getting Started

To make your first API call, you will need to register for an Amadeus Developer Account and set up your first application.

// Being in an Activity/Fragment/ViewModel or any file you want

import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.SupervisorJob
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import android.util.Log;

val job = SupervisorJob()
val scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main + job)

val amadeus = Amadeus.Builder(context)

scope.launch {
  when (val checkinLinks = amadeus.referenceData.urls.checkinLinks.get(airlineCode = "LH")) {
    is ApiResult.Success -> {
      Log.d("Result", "${}")
    is ApiResult.Error -> {
      // Handle your error

As you can see, we don't throw Exceptions (except for some specific cases) in the API, but we provide a ApiResult.Error object with all the information you need to know. Coroutines and exceptions are not good friends, so with this abstraction, you can handle every use case you want in a safe way.


The client can be initialized using a dedicated builder:

val amadeus = Amadeus.Builder(context)

Alternatively, it can be initialized without any parameters if the string resources R.string.amadeus_client_id and R.string.amadeus_client_secret are present.

Amadeus amadeus = Amadeus.Builder(context).build();

Warning: Do not commit your credentials on GitHub.

We recommend to add the credentials by including them in your app gradle file using one of these methods:

// Credentials from system env. variables, placed in App BuildConfig
dev {
    // Your build config...

    //Amadeus credentials
    if (System.getenv('amadeus.api.key') != null) {
        buildConfigField "String", "AMADEUS_CLIENT_ID", System.getenv('amadeus.api.key')
    } else {
        buildConfigField "String", "AMADEUS_CLIENT_ID", ""
    if (System.getenv('amadeus.api.secret') != null) { // Same as above
        buildConfigField "String", "AMADEUS_CLIENT_SECRET", System.getenv('amadeus.api.secret')
    } else {
        buildConfigField "String", "AMADEUS_CLIENT_SECRET", ""

// Credentials from user-level files, placed in App Strings
// /!\ This method is suitable to use Builder without credentials parameters. /!\
dev {
    // Your build config...

    //Amadeus credentials
    if (project.hasProperty("amadeus.api.key")) {
      resValue "string", "amadeus_client_id", property("amadeus.api.key")
    if (project.hasProperty("amadeus.api.secret")) {
        resValue "string", "amadeus_client_secret", property("amadeus.api.secret")

Note: These are just examples, you can mix and match these approaches.

Your credentials can be found on the Amadeus dashboard.

By default, the SDK environment is set to test environment. To switch to a production (pay-as-you-go) environment, please switch the hostname as follows:

val amadeus = Amadeus.Builder(context)


Amadeus has a large set of APIs, and our documentation is here to get you started today. Head over to our API documentation for in-depth information about every API.

Making API calls

This library conveniently maps every API path to a similar path. You have 2 ways to call the API:

The first one is by passing the mandatory parameters (in the right order) only. For example, GET /v2/reference-data/urls/checkin-links?airlineCode=BA would be:


The second way is to call the API by passing the name of the parameter before the value:

amadeus.referenceData.urls.checkinLinks.get(airlineCode = "BA")

Similarly, to select a resource by ID, you can pass in the ID to the singular path.

For example, GET /v2/shopping/hotel-offers/XXX would be:"XXX").get()

You can make any arbitrary API call as well directly with the .get, .post or .delete method. You will get a raw string version of the JSON response.

val stringResult = amadeus.get("")

You can then cast it into the corresponding object:

val type = Types.newParameterizedType(
val resultType = Types.newParameterizedTypeWithOwner(
val adapter = moshi.adapter<Success<List<AirTraffic>>>(resultType)
val airTraffic = adapter.fromJson(stringResult)


If an API endpoint supports pagination, the other pages are available under the .next, .previous, .last and .first methods.

val result = amadeus.referenceData.locations.pointsOfInterest.get(
            latitude = 41.397158,
            longitude = 2.160873,
            radius = 2

// Fetches the next page
val next =

If a page is not available, the method will return null.

Logging & Debugging

To enable more verbose logging, you can set the appropriate level on your logger. The easiest way would be to enable debugging via a parameter on initialization. You can chose between:

  • NONE: No logs.
  • BASIC: Logs request and response lines.
  • HEADERS: Logs request and response lines and their respective headers.
  • BODY: Logs request and response lines and their respective headers and bodies (if present).
val amadeus = Amadeus.Builder(context)

List of supported endpoints

// Flight Inspiration Search
val flightDestinations = = "MAD")

// Flight Cheapest Date Search
val flightDates = = "MAD", destination = "MUC")

// Flight Offer Search v2 GET
val flightOffersSearches =
                            originLocationCode = "SYD",
                            destinationLocationCode = "BKK",
                            departureDate = "2021-03-01",
                            returnDate = "2021-03-08",
                            adults = 2,
                            max = 3)

// Flight Offer Search v2 POST
// body can be a String version of your JSON or the body object
val flightOffersSearches =

// Flight Offers Price
val pricing =

// Flight Create Orders
// You can find how to define a complete working example
// here:
val order =
                    flightPrice =,
                    travelers = listOf(traveler)

// Flight Order Management
// Retrieve booking
// The flightOrderID comes from the Flight Create Orders (in test environment it's temporary)
val flightOffer =

// Flight Order Management
// Cancel booking

// Flight Choice Prediction
// Note that the example calls 2 APIs: Flight Offers Search & Flight Choice Prediction v2
val flightOffersSearches =
                            originLocationCode = "SYD",
                            destinationLocationCode = "BKK",
                            departureDate = "2021-03-01",
                            adults = 1,
                            max = 3)

// Using a JSonObject
TODO: Not implemented yet

// Using a String
TODO: Not implemented yet

// Flight Check-in Links
val checkinLinks = amadeus.referenceData.urls.checkinLinks.get(airlineCode = "LH")

// Airline Code LookUp
val airlines = amadeus.referenceData.airlines.get(airlineCodes = "BA")

// Airport & City Search (autocomplete)
// Find all the cities and airports starting by the keyword 'LON'
val locations = amadeus.referenceData.locations.get(
                  subType = listOf(Location.SubTypeEnum.AIRPORT.value, Location.SubTypeEnum.CITY.value),
                  keyword = "LON")

// Get a specific city or airport based on its id
val location = amadeus.referenceData.location("ALHR").get()

// Airport Nearest Relevant (for London)
val locations = amadeus.referenceData.locations.airports.get(
                  latitude = 40.416775,
                  longitude = -3.703790)

// Flight Most Booked Destinations
val airTraffics =
                    originCityCode = "MAD",
                    period = "2017-05")

// Flight Most Traveled Destinations
val airTraffics =
                    originCityCode = "MAD",
                    period = "2017-05")

// Flight Busiest Traveling Period
val busiestPeriods =
                      cityCode = "MAD",
                      period = "2017",
                      direction = "ARRIVING")

// Hotel Search API
// Get list of hotels by city code
val offers = = "PAR")
// Get list of offers for a specific hotel
val offers = = "BGLONBGB")
// Confirm the availability of a specific offer
val offer = ?: "").get()

// Hotel Booking
val hotelBooking =;

// Hotel Ratings / Sentiments
val hotelSentiments = amadeus.ereputation.hotelSentiments.get(listOf("TELONMFS","ADNYCCTB","XXXYYY01"))

// Points of Interest
// What are the popular places in Barcelona (based a geo location and a radius)
val pointsOfInterest = amadeus.referenceData.locations.pointsOfInterest.get(
                        latitude = 41.397158,
                        longitude = 2.160873)

// What are the popular places in Barcelona? (based on a square)
val pointsOfInterest = amadeus.referenceData.locations.pointsOfInterest.bySquare.get(
                        north = 41.397158,
                        west = 2.160873,
                        south = 41.394582,
                        east = 2.177181)

// Returns a single Point of Interest from a given id
val pointOfInterest = amadeus.referenceData.locations.pointsOfInterest("9CB40CB5D0").get()

// Tours & Activities
// What are the popular activities in Madrid (based a geo location and a radius)
val activities =
                    latitude = 41.397158,
                    longitude = 2.160873,
                    radius = 2)

// What are the popular activities in Barcelona? (based on a square)
val activities =
                    north = 41.397158,
                    west = 2.160873,
                    south = 41.394582,
                    east = 2.177181)

// Returns a single activity from a given id
val activity ="23642").get()

// Safe Place
// How safe is Barcelona? (based a geo location and a radius)
val safetyScores =
                     latitude = 41.397158,
                     longitude = 2.160873,
                     radius = 2)

// How safe is Barcelona? (based on a square)
val safetyScores =
                      north = 41.397158,
                      west = 2.160873,
                      south = 41.394582,
                      east = 2.177181)

// What is the safety information of a location based on it's Id?
val safetyScore ="Q930402753").get()

// Airport On-Time Performance
// What's the likelihood flights from this airport will leave on time?
val airportOnTime = amadeus.airport.predictions.onTime.get(
                      airportCode = "BOS",
                      date = "2021-12-01")

// Flight Delay Prediction
// What's the likelihood of a given flight to be delayed?
val flightDelay =
                    originLocationCode = "NCE",
                    destinationLocationCode = "IST",
                    departureDate = "2020-08-01",
                    departureTime = "18:20:00",
                    arrivalDate = "2020-08-01",
                    arrivalTime = "22:15:00",
                    aircraftCode = "321",
                    carrierCode = "TK",
                    flightNumber = "1816",
                    duration = "PT31H10M")

// Trip Purpose Prediction
val tripPurpose =
                    originLocationCode = "NYC",
                    destinationLocationCode = "MAD",
                    departureDate = "2021-12-01",
                    returnDate = "2021-12-12",
                    searchDate = "2021-05-20")

// SeatMap Display
// What is the the seat map of a given flight?
val seatMaps = = "eJzTd9f3NjIJdzUGAAp%2fAiY=")

// What is the the seat map of a given flight?
// The body can be a String version of your JSON or a Object
val flightOffers = amadeus.get("")
val seatMaps =

// On-Demand Flight Status
// Retrieve status of a given flight
val flightStatus =
         carrierCode = "IB",
         flightNumber = "532",
         scheduleDepartureDate = "2021-03-23")

// Travel Recommendations
val recommendedLocations = amadeus.referenceData.recommendedLocations.get(
                            cityCodes = "PAR",
                            travelerCountryCode = "FR")

// Flight Price Analysis
val priceMetrics =
                originIataCode = "MAD",
                destinationIataCode = "CDG",
                departureDate = "2021-03-21"

Development & Contributing

Want to contribute? Read our Contributors Guide for guidance on installing and running this code in a development environment.


This library is released under the MIT License.


You can find us on StackOverflow or join our developer community on Discord.