Thoses are the lokinet packages I've build for my starfive risc-v board.
I've follow the guide of necro-nemesis for the build. (
When you'll clone the oxen-mq (git clone --recursive and the lokinet github repo ( don't forget to switch (git switch fedora/33)to fedora 33 branch (and fedora 34 for lokinet, it will work) and to re run "git submodule update init --recursive" If you don't you'll miss packages when you'll try to build oxen-mq and lokinet
You'll also need to install resolvconf (sudo dnf install -y resolvconf)
You'll have to modify the following file in the necro-nemesis repo "./Lokinet-RPM-package/SPECS/lokinet.spec" and remove the line 56 and the line 57 (it's for x86_64 CPU, lokinet won't build if you don't)